MINUTES of Regular Meeting of the Governing Board of the Peach Springs Unified School District

Wednesday, January 11, 2017 at 6:00 pm

Peach Springs Unified School District #8- Governing Board of Education

403 Diamond Creek Road (Elementary School)

Peach Springs, Arizona 86434

Pursuant to A.R.S. $ 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Governing Board and the Public that the board will hold a meeting open to the public on Wednesday, January 11, 2017 at 6:00 p.m., in the Governing Board meeting room, Peach Springs Unified School District No.8, 403 Diamond Creek Road (Peach Springs Elementary School), in Peach Springs, Arizona. Information regarding agenda items, with the exception of materials relating to Executive Sessions, may be reviewed in the District Administrative Offices located at 403 Diamond Creek Road, Peach Springs, Arizona.
The Governing Board of the Peach Springs Unified School District #8 may vote to meet in executive session intermittently throughout the meeting pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03, to review and discuss certain matters which are marked by an asterisk(*). Additionally, the Board may vote to go into Executive Session on any matter listed on the agenda, pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03 (A) (3), for discussion or legal advice from the Board’s attorney, which may occur via person or telephone. Any Executive Session discussions will not be open to the public. However, all Board decisions will be made in the open public meeting.
If any disabled person needs any type of accommodation, please notify administration at (928) 769-9034 prior to the time scheduled for the meeting. All members of the public wishing to address the Board are required to sign the attendance sign-in sheet and complete a Public Comment form. Board members of the Peach Springs Unified School District may attend either in person or, when necessary, by telephone, video conferencing, or internet conferencing.


I.  CALL TO ORDER- 6:00 pm



IV.  ROLL CALL- Roger Mueller- I, Emma Tapija-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Addie Crozier- I

V.  APPROVAL OF AGENDA Michelle Zephier made motion to approve agenda and Roger Mueller second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-I (by phone conference and she was able to attend until 6:30 pm), Roger Mueller-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Addie Crozier- I

Vote: 5, 0, 0

VI.  CALL TO THE PUBLIC (This is the time that the public may comment. Members of the Board may not discuss items that are not on the agenda. Therefore, action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter of scheduling the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date.) - NA

VII.  Approval of Governing Board Meeting Minutes:

VIII.  December 19, 2016- Michelle Zephier made motion to approve December 19, 2016 governing board minutes and Roger Mueller second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-I, Roger Mueller-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Addie Crozier- I

Vote: 5, 0, 0


1.  Discussion and Possible Action to obtain new board member signatures for the county superintendent’s office for Raelene Havatone, Emma Tapija, and Addie Crozier and to provide Certificate of Appointment letters (no action needed besides obtaining signatures for county)

2.  Discussion and Possible Action to retroactively approve board policies that were board approved in prior board packets by not clearly stated in detailed in prior board meeting minutes on August 4, 2016 (Policy updates PAs 552-566 although in board packet approved did not list all listing PAs in packets) and September 14, 2016 (Policy updates PAs 536-547, 548-551) for the Arizona School Board Policies Website (see attached listing of prior board approved details although began list; didn’t include clearly in minutes).

Two new board members were not board members in prior meetings therefore they are excusing themselves from the voting process in IX.2 item.

Roger Mueller made motion to retroactively approve board policies that were board approved in prior board packets by not clearly stated in detailed in prior board meeting minutes on August 4, 2016 (Policy updates PAs 552-566 although in board packet approved did not list all listing PAs in packets) and September 14, 2016 (Policy updates PAs 536-547, 548-551) for the Arizona School Board Policies Website and Michelle Zephier second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-I, Roger Mueller-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Raelene Havatone- Not voting as she was not board members last year, Addie Crozier- Not voting as she was not board members last year

Vote: 3, 2, 0


1.  Discussion and possible action for board to vote on this board’s roles for President, Vice President, secretary, and members for appointed positions as superintendent will report and provide informed notice to county superintendent before second Saturday in January 2017.

Michelle Zephier was the first board member to recommend Emma Tapija as board president and others agreed. Emma stayed on the phone conference until she was losing connection around 6:30 pm after action was made on board positions.

Roger Mueller confirmed Michelle Zephier’s recommendation to have Emma Tapija serve as board president, Raelene Havatone as vice-president, keep Jaime as secretary and Michelle Zephier second motion for board roles.

Motion: Emma Tapija-I, Roger Mueller-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Addie Crozier- I

Vote: 5, 0, 0 (6:30 pm)

2.  Discussion and review of January 2017 Calendar of events, December updated academic data for K-8 grade levels, and Integrated Support Team (IST) packets that were provided to the Arizona Department of Education

Information only presented by superintendent, no action needed

3.  Discussion and review of new policy for DKC expense authorization/ reimbursement to add per diem rate for travel reimbursements for meals

Raelene Havatone made motion to approve new policy for DKC expense authorization/reimbursement to allow per diem rate for travel reimbursements (such as meals) and Michelle Zephier second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-absent, Roger Mueller-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Addie Crozier- I

Vote: 4, 0, 0

4.  Discussion and possible revision draft of Indian Education Policies and Procedures

Raelene verbalized to Michelle Zephier that she would like to see PAC committee forms at the school and Jaime Cole stated that she agreed. Jaime Cole then explained that it is the responsibility of superintendent to attend to day to day operations of the school, not board president but she agreed as that is one of the school goals. We had meeting before for the PAC with no parents attending the meeting but we encourage parents supporting other parents to attend our monthly parent activities and meetings. Jaime Cole, superintendent explained that this recommendation would be a draft and that she would send email copy to tribal departments for feedback along with allowing parents/guardians/community members an opportunity to provide feedback before presenting to the school board for final approval for School Year 2017-2018 as stated in Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

Michelle Zephier made motion to approve draft of Indiana Education Policies and Procedures for the School Year 2017-2018 as stated in ESSA and Addie Crozier second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-absent, Roger Mueller-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Addie Crozier- I

Vote: 4, 0, 0


1.  Discussion and possible action to approve and Expense Vouchers 1713 and payroll 2017, 2317

Michelle Zephier made motion to approve expense vouchers 1713 and payroll 2017, 2317 and Addie Crozier second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-absent, Roger Mueller-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Addie Crozier- I

Vote: 4, 0, 0

2.  Discussion and possible action to approve business manager to attend 2017 Rick Risk Management Summit on Friday, February 10th, 2017 at Desert Willow Conference Center for TRUST hosted conference.

A question was asked from board member on who would attend and Jaime Cole clarified that the business manager is Jeren Smallcanyon. She also explained that the school can receive TRUST insurance benefits of discounts by sending someone from the district to attend training session.

Michelle Zephier made motion to approve expense vouchers 1713 and payroll 2017, 2317 and Addie Crozier second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-absent, Roger Mueller-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Addie Crozier- I

Vote: 4, 0, 0

3.  Discussion and notice of career fair for U of A February 13th, 2017 from 3pm -6 pm

No action needed as recruitment fair travel was already prior board approved, but just notice of Superintendent and school representative attending recruitment fair for next year teacher positions.

4.  Discussion and possible action to approve superintendent and business manager to attend Policy Services for school personnel for 1 day in March 2, 2017

Michelle Zephier made motion to approve superintendent and business manager attending Policy services for school personnel for 1 day on March 2, 2017 and Roger Mueller second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-absent, Roger Mueller-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Addie Crozier- I

Vote: 4, 0, 0

5.  Discussion and possible action to approve school board and administrative ASBA training and set date for policy review and training at rate of $100 per hour work study session to review Arizona’s Open Meeting Law and Review of Board “B Section” Policies

Jaime Cole asked if board would prefer Saturday retreat with ASBA, ASBA $100 training in Flagstaff or both especially for new board members. A discussion occurred that board would like a future training session with ASBA in a location outside of Peach Springs and superintendent would work on setting date that works for all in the future and some board members would also like to the attend the Flagstaff, Arizona’s Open Meeting Law and Review of Board “B Section” Policies as Michelle Zephier, Raelene Havatone, and Emma Tapija was going to need to check her schedule as she was not at the meeting. Addie Crozier and Roger Mueller were unavailable after checking their schedules.

Michelle Zephier made position to approve ASBA board member training in Flagstaff on Friday, February 3rd, 2017 and to research possible future dates for board training with ASBA on a future date and Roger Mueller second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-absent, Roger Mueller-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Addie Crozier- I

Vote: 4, 0, 0

6.  Discussion and possible action to approve superintendent ETC training on synergy 10 and state AZ EDs state required reporting February 1-3, 2017 in Laughlin, NV for $135 per person to attend.

Michelle Zephier made position to approve Jaime Cole to attend ETC training February 1-3, 2-17 in Laughlin, NV for $135 and Roger Mueller second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-absent, Roger Mueller-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Addie Crozier- I

Vote: 4, 0, 0



Upcoming Board Meeting to be held at the Governing Board Meeting Room (in the Peach Springs Elementary School) located at 403 Diamond Creek Road, Peach Springs, AZ:

a.  Regular Governing Board Meeting – Wednesday, February 8, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.


Roger Mueller made motion to adjourn and Addie Crozier second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-absent, Roger Mueller-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Raelene Havatone-I, Addie Crozier- I

Vote: 4, 0, 0