Operations / Subject
Abuse and Neglect Reporting- Including suspected/confirmed Resident-Resident abuse / Date of Issue:
11/07; 09/11; 12/27/11
Revised 03/15/15


It is the policy of Senior Lifestyle to ensure that all reporting of abuse and neglect is handled in

accordance with state rules and regulations. This policy will insure that proper reporting procedures are followed when a case of abuse, neglect, or exploitation is reported. All cases of confirmed or suspected cases of resident abuse will be immediately reported to the corporate office via Significant Event Call Line and Incident Reporting policies and procedures.

Abuse — Physical abuse or psychological abuse

Physical Abuse — Intentionally inflicting or allowing injury on a vulnerable adult by an act or failure to act. Physical abuse includes, but is not limited to, slapping, hitting, kicking, biting, choking, pinching, burning, actual or attempted sexual battery, use of medication outside the standards of reasonable medical practice for the purpose of controlling behavior and unreasonable confinement. Physical abuse also includes the use of a restrictive or physically intrusive procedure to control behavior for the purpose of punishment except that a therapeutic procedure prescribed by a licensed physician or other qualified professional or that is part of a written plan of care by a licensed physician or other qualified professional is not considered physical abuse. Physical abuse does not include altercations or acts of assault between vulnerable adults.

Psychological Abuse — Deliberately subjecting a vulnerable adult to threats or harassment or other forms of intimidating behavior causing fear, humiliation, degradation, agitation, confusion, or other forms of serious emotional distress.

Neglect — The failure or omission of a caregiver to provide the care, goods, or services necessary to maintain the health or safety of a vulnerable adult including, but not limited to, food, clothing, medicine, shelter, supervision, and medical services. Neglect may be repeated conduct or a single incident, which has produced or can be proven to result in serious physical or psychological harm or substantial risk of death.

Exploitation — Causing or requiring a vulnerable adult to engage in activity or labor which is improper, illegal or against the reasonable and rational wishes of the vulnerable adult.

The act of alleged abuse, neglect or exploitation must be reported within the first 24-hours or the next business day, either written or orally, to the local Long Term Care Ombudsman ProgramOffice and the appropriate state office which will investigate reports of alleged abuse, neglect andexploitation. It is recommended by the Long Term Care Ombudsman Program that statements be taken from residents, caregivers or witnesses.

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1.Immediately notify the Executive Director of the issue and/or incident.

2.Notification to the Significant Event Line immediately upon learning of issue/concern. The Risk team will establish a group call which may include: ED, BOM/HR, Regional HR, RDO, RDCO, VPO, VPCS, Corporate Director of Risk Management, and others as needed.

3.Following a conversation with your Regional HR person the employee (if involving employee) will be suspended pending the investigation.

The investigation of any act of abuse, neglect or exploitation should include the following:

Notification of the incident to the Executive Director, including the date and time the notification occurred.

The date the investigation of the incident began.

Record of statements or interviews of all involved. May include: residents, staff and family members etc.

Any documentation pertaining to the incident such as MARs, etc.

If an injury was sustained due to the incident and the examination report of the resident.

Documentation of any follow-up examinations.

Documentation of steps taken to protect a resident from further harm.

Action plan and correctives action taken, such as notification of the Long Term Care Ombudsman, State licensure authorities and other agencies.

Report suspected and/or confirmed case of resident abuse, neglect or financial exploitation to the corporate office by calling the Significant Event Call Line for your region and submitting an incident report.

(State and Federal specific regulations will apply)

Manual Revision

January 2013


1. A referral to Social Services will be made to help counsel both residents involved and make appropriate recommendations or initiate necessary interventions and services.

2.The attending physician of both residents must be notified of the incident, and an order for a psychological or psychiatric evaluation and treatment will be requested as appropriate for both residents involved.

3.The family member/ responsible party of both residents must be notified.

4.Both residents should be monitored closely for an appropriate length of time necessary to determine if the abusive resident presents a risk of causing/ inflicting further harm or abuse.

5.If necessary, steps will be taken to discharge the abusive resident to a different care setting.


The Abuse Policies and Procedures of this community are developed to promote a safe living environment for all residents. Residents must not be subjected to abuse, neglect, or mistreatment by anyone, including, but not limited to facility or agency staff, other residents, family members or other visitors. Prevention of abuse/ neglect requires the involvement of all staff to monitor, observe, intervene, and report any behaviors/ situations that may lead to conflict or neglect.

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