Checklist for Master Professional

Member in good standingSection 1- Application & resume

P-1 rating for 10 yearsSection 2- Research, publications,

and communications

Scrapbook submitted by May 1

Section 3- Service to the tennis industry

80 hours specialty courses

Section 4- Ranking (your own or student)

Verification /documentation

Section 5-Participation and


450 total points needed

Section 6- Specialty courses (80 hours)

Section 1 Application and resume0 points

Section 2 Research, publications, and communications Minimum points 75/ Maximum 150 (your points)

Author of a published tennis related book50-100 points ______

Written thesis or dissertation25-50 points______

Research/ scientific papers, published in journals15-20 points each______

Articles in Tennis, Addvantage or other national publications25 points each (50 points max)______

Articles for USPTA divisional publications5 points each (25 points max)______

Articles for newspaper and other publications5 points each (25 max)______

Articles for other professional organizations5 points each (25 max)______

Published tips in national publications10 points each (30 max)______

Published tips in other publications5 points each (25 max)______

Published drills in national publications5 points each (15 max)______

Published drill in other publications2 points each (10 max)______

Television tips5 points each (15 max)______

Television tennis program10 points each (20 max)______

Radio tips5 points each (10 max)______

Production of video tape0-50 points______

Production of audio tape0-25 points______

Developed a personal USPTA web page5 points______

Developed a USPTA camp/club web site3 points______

TOTAL ______

Section 3 Service to the tennis industry, USPTA/USTA Minimun points 100 / Maximum 150 (your points)

USPTA national officer40 points______

USPTA divisional officer10 points/year (30 max)______

Divisional president50 max20 points (1 time basis)______

USPTA district or state officer5 points/per year (10 max)______

District president10 points (1time basis)______

Chair of USPTA national committee20 points (40 max)______

Chair of USPTA divisional committee or convention10 points/per year (30 max)______

Director of USPTAAcademy or schools15 points each (30 max)______

Staff of USPTAAcademy or schools10 points each (20 max)______

Speaker at USPTA World Conference15 points per convention (45 max)______

Speaker at USPTA divisional or USTA sectional or

state workshop5 points/event (15 max)______

Speaker at USPTA divisional convention5 points each (30 max)______

Speaker at USTA Tennis Teachers Conference15 points/convention (45 max)______

Conduct a Developmental Coaches workshop5 points (15 max)______

Speaker at USPTA state or district edu. workshop2 points (10 max)______

Speaker at USPTA divisional seminar contest3 points (winner)______

Speaker at USPTA divisional seminar contest1 point (participant)______

Speaker at USPTA divisional seminar contest5 points (national winner)______


district, sectional, regional or national conference5 points/conference (25 max)______

USPTA tester5 points each year (20 max)______

Successful sponsor of new USPTA member2 points each (20 max)______

Director or referee of USPTA or USTA national tourney10 points each (20 max)______

Director or referee of USPTA or USTA sectional

or divisional tournament5 points each event (15 max)______

Director or referee of major or international event15 points each (30 max)______

Participated in national or regional clinic for manufacturer5 points each (10 max)______

Exhibitions or tournaments for charity5 points each (10 max)______

Designing tennis equipment10 points each (30 points)______

Tennis related volunteer work or community service5 points / year (30 max)

MINIMUN 15 points required______

USTA sectional officer5 points / year (20 max)______

USTA national officer30 points (1 time only)______

USTA state or district officer2 point / year (10 max)______

USTA national committee chair10 points / year (20 max)______

Member of USPTA or USTA national committee5 points /committee (15 max)______

Chair of USPTA Division Leaders training workshop15 points______

Commentary for tennis broadcasts5 points (10 max)______

USTA NTRP verifier (state)1 point(10 max)______

USTA NTRP verifier (sectional)2 points(10 max)______

USTA NTRP verifier (national)3 points(10 max)______

Tennis Across America, multicultural clinic2 points (10 max)______

Player retention program2 points (10 max)______

USA Tennis 1-2-3, Little Tennis, Lessons for Life

USPTA Junior Circuit1 point (10 max)______

TOTAL ______

Section 4 Ranking: your own or your students Minimum points 75 / Maximum 150 (your points)

Personal ranking

National ranking (singles or doubles) 50 points (score only once)______

Sectional ranking (singles or doubles) 50 max20 points (score only once)______

USPTA International (singles or doubles)20 points (score only once)______

USPTA Divisional (singles or doubles)10 points (score only once)______

Played on divisional team at USPTA International

Team championships5 points / year (15 max)______

Student’s ranking

National ranking (singles only)50 points per student once______

Sectional ranking (singles only)15 points per student once______

College coach with winning record5 points / year (25 max)______

Coach of college team conference winner10 points/championship (30 max)______

High school coach with winning record2 points / year (10 max)______

High school team conference winner5 points each (25 max)______

High school or college coach with state or national

ranking10 points / year (30 max)______


Section 5 – Participation and self-improvement Minimum points 100/ Maximum 150 (your points)

Attend USPTA World Conference 10 points each (30 max)______

Attend USPTA divisional convention 50 points min. 10 points each (40 max)______

Attend USPTA divisional meetings5 points each (20 max)______

Attend USPTA district meetings1 point each (5 max)______


Attend Tennis Teachers Courses SM15 points______

Developmental Coach Training5 points______


1/2 day courses2.5 points each______

1 day courses5 points______

2 day courses10 points______

College degree (undergraduate)20 points______

College degree (graduate)20 points______

College degree (doctorate)20 points______

USPTA Specialist degree10 points______

Attend Dale Carnegie course (full)10 points______

Become certified to administer CPR5 points______

Complete first aid course5 points______

Attend National Racquet Sports Organization

business management course 10 points______

Certified USTA referee, chair or line umpire10 points (each year)______

Attend Vic Braden Academy10 points / course (20 max)______

Attend ITA/IHRSA/CMAA/NRPA convention5 points each (10 max)______

Attend USTA Tennis Teachers Conference10 points / year (30 max)______

Attend USTA weekend workshops5 points each (10 max)______

Membership in allied organizations:


NASSS, CMAA, NRPA, State HS Tennis Coaches Assoc.2 points each (10 max)______

NationalHigh School Tennis Coaches Association

Member of advisory staff of major manufacturers5 points each (10 max)______

Academic coursework in related professional field5 points / course (15 max)______

USTA Level I Sport Science certification3 points (3 max)______

USTA Level II Sports Science certification3 points (3 max)______


Section 6 – Specialty courses 80 hours of specialty courses required