Ryan White Part ARFP# RW0801



Request for Proposal (RFP)

RFP# RW0804


FY 2010-2011







Mecklenburg County1

Minority AIDS InitiativeRFP# RW0804


Section...... Page

A.Request for Proposal (RFP) Schedule ...... 1

B.Overview (including Provider Requirements)...... 2

C.Eligible Services...... 5

D.Submission Requirements and General Terms...... 7

E.Proposal Evaluation...... 9

F. Disqualification Criteria ...... 10

G.Contract Awards Procedure...... 10

H.Contents of Application Package...... 11

I.Agency Questionnaire...... 12

J.Agency Documentation Checklist...... 13

K.Exhibits...... 14

L.Attachments ……………………………………………………………………………… 29


Minority AIDS InitiativeRFP# RW0804

  1. Request for ProposalSchedule

Friday, April 23, 2010 / Request For Proposals (RFP) advertised and posted at
Friday, May 7, 2010 / Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference will be held to answer questions from those planning to submit proposals at:
10:00 A.M. – 11:30 A.M.
Hal Marshall Annex Conference Room
618 North College Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
Monday, May 17, 2010 / Deadline for submitting proposalsto:
Mecklenburg County Health Department
Attn: Luis A. Cruz
618 N. College Street, Charlotte, NC28202
Applications submitted after 10:00 a.m. will not be accepted.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010 / Disqualified applicants notified.
Friday, May 28, 2010 / Award notifications sent to recipients and posted at

Note: Any changes to this schedule will be posted at .

B.Overview (including Provider Requirements)


MecklenburgCounty, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereafter referred to as COUNTY, is the grantee recipient of Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) funds as part of the HIV/AIDS Program in the Public Health Service ACT Title XXVI. The Ryan White Program provides HIV-related health and support services within the service areas detailed below. This RFP is 100% federally funded under the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA).

The CharlotteTransitional Grant Area, hereafter referred to as TGA,is comprised of the following North Carolina counties: Mecklenburg, Gaston, Cabarrus, Union, Anson and York County, South Carolina. The Mecklenburg County Health Department, hereafter referred to as DEPARTMENT, is responsible for administering the MAIProgram for the COUNTY.

2.Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the MAI program is to deliver needed services to HIV infected members of communities of color. The program will provide for medical services, medications, medical case management, substance abuse treatment, housing assistance, emergency financial assistance (utilities only) and psychosocial support. The purpose of the MAI Program is to augment the health care systems currently bearing the burden of HIV-related care. The purpose of funds awarded under this RFP is to enhance available HIV-related health and support services by funding providers to increase these services. The COUNTY is issuing this RFP in order to select the applicantsbest qualified to deliver needed services to eligible individuals with HIV disease and families/caregivers within the six county area.

3.Organizations/Agencies Eligible to Apply

Organizations/Agencies meeting the following criteria are eligible to apply for funding under this RFP. For-profit agencies are eligible only in the absence of qualified nonprofit agencies able and willing to provide quality services.

  1. Public or nonprofit private entities include hospitals, community-based organizations, hospices, ambulatory care facilities, community health centers, migrant health centers, and homeless health centers.
  2. Private entities must be incorporated, or be authorized to do business in North or South Carolina, and have local offices, representatives and phone numbers.
  3. Organization/Agency must deliver services to residents of one or more of the following North Carolina counties: Mecklenburg, Gaston,Cabarrus,Union, Anson, and York County, SC.
  4. Organization/Agency must perform one or more of the eligible services listed in this RFP.
  5. Organization/Agency proposing Medicaid reimbursable services must show proof of being a Medicaid provider at the time of application.
  1. Client Eligibility

Only clients who belong to an ethnic or racial minority group qualify for services under MAI.Client eligibility for services under this RFP and resulting HIV-Services Agreements shall be determined using the following criteria:

  1. Person with confirmed HIV infection
  2. Person with confirmed AIDS diagnosis
  3. Affected family member and/or caregiver of an HIV/AIDS infected personin limited situations
  4. Persons having an income below 300% offederal poverty level
  5. Persons having no other funding source for service received, i.e. Medicaid, private insurance

PROVIDERS contracted under this RFP must obtain and keep on file written documentation of seropositivity of HIV infected clients.PROVIDERS contracted under this RFP shall assume the financial risk for providing services to individuals not testing HIV positive; providing services to individuals who the PROVIDER has not documented as HIV positive; or providing services to individuals who have no HIV-positive family member. PROVIDERS shall also assume the financial risk for delivering services for which other sources of funding could reasonably have been anticipated or determined.Ryan White funding is the payor of last resort.

Funds awarded under this RFP may only be used for services to affected individuals as outlined in HRSA policies (

  1. Provider Requirements

All service providers, hereafter referred to as PROVIDER(S) recommended for funding under this RFP shall be required to comply with terms and conditions of the contract between the COUNTY and the PROVIDER. At a minimum, PROVIDERS will be required to comply with the following contract terms:

  1. PROVIDERS of Case Management services will be required to participate in Case Management trainings sponsored by COUNTY or COUNTY designee.
  2. PROVIDERS must obtain proof of ambulatory/outpatient medical care annually on all clients served.
  3. PROVIDERS and staff must possess all required North Carolina or South Carolina licenses, where applicable, as well as appropriate County licenses, and shall comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations applicable to the services for which it is contracting.
  4. PROVIDERS must send at least one representative to every PROVIDER meeting that is scheduled by the DEPARTMENT.
  5. PROVIDERS must be prepared to submit upon request within 24 hrs an audit or audited financial statements by an independent certified public accountant for prior fiscal yearthat demonstrates financial responsibility tobe determined by the COUNTY FinanceDepartment and as directed by federal law.
  6. Prior to contract award, PROVIDERS will be required to submit a breakdown of administrative fees according to Attachments II. Costs cannot exceed 10%.
  7. PROVIDERS must have Equal Opportunity Plan. (See Attachment I MecklenburgCounty Equal Opportunity Clause)
  8. PROVIDERS must have PC resources with the following minimum requirements: Hardware -128 MB RAM, 166mhz processor, 250mb of hard drive space, and display resolution 800X600. Software -Windows® 98 and up, Microsoft Access Components (MDAC) 2.6, and Microsoft .NET Framework. If PROVIDERS need to purchase PC hardware to complete the requirements of this contract, you must indicate this on Exhibit I of the Application Package.
  9. PROVIDER will report clinical and administrative activity to the DEPARTMENT on hard copy or direct entry on a monthly basis into CAREWare data management system as specified by the county in the contract. See for information on the CAREWare software.
  10. PROVIDERS agree to make all client and financial records available for on-site audits by the DEPARTMENT.
  11. PROVIDERS must have a Memorandum of Understanding with all points of entry.
  12. PROVIDERS agree to comply with any and all requests for information to ensure completion of federal and state reports and grant applications.
  13. PROVIDERS shall be required to comply with all current and subsequent HRSA policies at
  14. PROVIDERS must comply with HIPAA security rules.
  15. PROVIDERS must access the DEPARTMENT website at to view this RFP, submit questions and clarifications, view answers to questions, view schedule updates, and view award information. To submit questions, click the “Feedback” link. To be notified when new Ryan White Grant information is posted, sign up by clicking the “Notify Me” icon.


Service category definitions and unit of service definitions are included in Eligible Services, page 5. Other terms are defined as follows:

  1. ALLOCATION: The total dollar amount that may be expended for a specific service category.
  2. BOCC: Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners.
  3. CLIENT: An individual determined eligible as described in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009.
  4. CONTRACT PERIOD MAI: March 1, 2010 – February 28, 2011
  5. COUNTY: Mecklenburg County.
  6. DEPARTMENT: Mecklenburg County Health Department.
  7. HRSA: Health Resources and Services Administration, the division of the Department of Health and Human Services responsible for the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009.
  8. PAYOR: Funding Source.
  9. PROPOSAL: An agency’s plan/response for providing a proposed service.
  10. PROVIDER: Service provider.
  11. TGA: Transitional Grant Areathat includes North Carolina counties of Mecklenburg, Gaston, Cabarrus, Union, and Anson, as well as York County, South Carolina.


Funds for this project are made available through The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009.

8. Restrictions

  1. Cash payments to clients by PROVIDERS are prohibited.
  2. Funds under this grant program shall be used only as a last resort for services not covered by other funding sources or programs, and cannot be used to replace local, state or federal funding for HIV health and support services.
  3. There shall be no advanced funding.

C.Eligible Services

1.Core Medical Services

a.Ambulatory/Outpatient Medical Care
MedicalCare Professional diagnostic and therapeutic services rendered by a physician, physician’s assistant, clinical nurse specialist or nurse practitioner in an outpatient, community based and/or office-based setting. This includes diagnostic testing, early intervention and risk assessment, preventive care and screening, practitioner examination, medical history taking, diagnosis and treatment of common physical and mental conditions, prescribing and managing medication therapy, care of minor injuries, education and counseling on health and nutritional issues, continuing care and management of chronic conditions, and referral to and provision of specialty care. Care for the treatment of HIV infection should be consistent with Public Health Service guidelines.

b.Medical Case Management

A range of client-centered services that link clients with health care, psychosocial and other services to insure timely, coordinated access to medically appropriate levels of health and support services, continuity of care, on-going assessment of the client’s and other family members’ needs and personal support systems, and case management services that prevent unnecessary hospitalization or that expedite discharge, as medically appropriate, from inpatient facilities. Key activities include: initial comprehensive assessment of the client’s needs and personal support systems; development of a comprehensive, individualized service plan; coordination of the services required to implement the plan; client monitoring to assess the efficacy of the plan; and periodic re-evaluation and revision of the plan as necessary over the life of the client. May include client-specific advocacy and/or review of utilization of services. A billable unit maybe charged for 5 minutes or more of client contact.

2. Support Services

  1. Substance Abuse Services-Residential

Provision of medical or other treatment and/or counseling to address substance abuse problems (i.e. alcohol and/or legal and illegal drugs) in a residential setting, rendered by a physician or under the supervision of a physician. This must include a licensed Substance Abuse counselor. The program at a minimum should entail a structured routine drug testing program conducted by a qualified professional, logged relapse/failure rates with an additional plan for a more intense structure treatment regimen to re-gain sobriety.

  1. Housing Assistance

The provision of short-term assistance to support emergency, temporary or transitional housing to enable an individual or family to gain or maintain medical care. Housing-related referral services include assessment, search, placement, advocacy, and the fees associated with them. Eligible housing can include both housing that does not provide direct medical or supportive services and housing that provides some type of medical or supportive services such as residential mental health services, foster care, or assisted living residential services. Provisions must include:

1) Cannot charge client more than 10% of their personal income,

2) Must submit a copy of leasing agreement between provider and property owner,

3) All terminations must include Ryan White Contract Coordinator exit interview and

4) Supporting documents must be submitted (log, sign receipts, etc).

If routine drug testing is conducted it must be assessed by a qualified Professional/Laboratory.

5) The Maximum amount to be paid is per day$27.50

  1. Emergency Financial Assistance

Provision of short-term payments to agencies to assist with emergency expenses related to housing; specifically, water, gas, and electricity. The utility bill or lease must include the client’s name and only the client portion will be paid.

  1. Psychosocial Support

Individual and/or group counseling services other than mental health counseling, which is provided to clients, affected family and/or caregivers by non-licensed counselors. May include psychosocial providers, peer counseling/support group services, care giver support/bereavement counseling, drop-in counseling, benefits counseling, and/or education.

D.Submission Requirements and General Terms

1. MecklenburgCounty will conduct onebidder’sconference concerning this RFP at the following place and time:

Hal Marshall Annex

618 North Tryon Street

Charlotte, NC 28202

2.PROVIDERS seeking a contract under this RFP are required to submit proposals as follows:

  1. One (1) original proposaland 2 copiesin a sealed envelope with the PROVIDER’S name. The envelope must be marked:SEALED RESPONSE FOR RYAN WHITE GRANT.The original signature of the PROVIDER’S authorized official must appear on the original application package.

In order to be considered, applications must be received before the deadline of 5:00 p.m., , at the following location:

Mecklenburg County Health Department

618 N. College Street

Charlotte, NC 28202

Attn: Luis A. Cruz

b.In addition, an electronic copy of the applicationmay be submittedat .

c.Applications must include all items listed on the Agency Documentation Checklist shown in the Application Package and be type written on the forms provided.

d.Applicationswill not be accepted after the deadline.PROVIDERS may not withdraw or modify a response after the deadline.

3. The PROVIDER agrees to execute a contract with the COUNTY if the PROVIDER is

awarded a contract.

4.Due to funding,the COUNTY may at its sole discretion negotiate with the PROVIDER regarding the funding, services, units of services and any other requirements deemed necessary by the COUNTY.However, all other terms included in this RFP are not subject to negotiations. The COUNTY may at its sole discretion add additional terms and requirements to the termsin this RFP based on new or additional requirements from the HRSA.

5.Failure to negotiate in good faith or to perform after the contract is awarded may result in debarment from future contracts with the COUNTY.

6.Any request for interpretation must be submitted through the DEPARTMENT website at All questions will be answered on the website for view by all PROVIDERS.

7.No successful PROVIDER may make any assignment of duties, in whole or in part, to any third party under the resulting contractual agreement between the parties without the prior written authorization of the DEPARTMENT.

8.The cost of preparing a response to this RFP shall be borne entirely by the PROVIDER.

9.The COUNTY hereby notifies all PROVIDERS that: Disadvantaged Minority Business Enterprises (DMBE's) and Disadvantaged Women Business Enterprises (DWBE's) will be afforded a full opportunity to participate in any award made by the COUNTY pursuant to this RFP and will not be subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, age, handicap, marital status, or national origin. The COUNTY prohibits any person involved in Mecklenburg County contracting and procurement activities to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, handicap, or marital status.

10.All requirements, terms, and attachments contained in this RFP document are incorporated into any resulting contract with the COUNTY by this reference.

11.The award of this proposal and continuation of resulting contract will be contingent upon the availability of funds to the COUNTY.

12.The COUNTY reserves the right to reject any or all proposals; to re-advertise this RFP, in whole or in part; to postpone or cancel this process; to waive irregularities in the RFP process; and to change or modify the proposal schedule at any time.

13.Where proposals have erasuresor corrections, the PROVIDER must initial each erasure or correction in ink. In case of unit price contracts, if an error is committed in the extension of an item, the unit price as shown in the Pricing Schedule will govern.

14.Agenciescannot subcontract for services with other providers who currently have a contract with Ryan White Part A.

E.Proposal Evaluation

The COUNTY will determine eligibility of proposals according to the Organizations/Agencies Eligible to Apply and the Disqualification Criteria. The COUNTY will notify those PROVIDERS who do not meet the mandatory eligibility requirements.

Evaluation of the proposals accepted in response to this RFP will be conducted by the Ryan White Program Administration.The Ryan White Program reserves the sole right to request additional information and clarification of any information submitted. Additional persons may be asked to participate in the RFP Evaluation Team process on an advisory basis. TheRFP Evaluation Team will make recommendations of the PROVIDERS selected to deliver services, and recommend special conditions under which funding will be granted, if appropriate.

Final allocation decisions will be made by the DEPARTMENT.

The COUNTY reserves the right to:

  • Award a contract to more than one PROVIDER.
  • Conduct pre-award discussions with any PROVIDERS who submit proposalsdetermined to be reasonably acceptable to receive an award.
  • Investigate the qualifications of PROVIDERS as it deems appropriate.
