
Vietnam Study Guide for Unit Three (American Intervention 1965 Through 1968) Exam 10-11

What ya needs ta know…

·  Acronyms

o  ARVN or Republican soldiers

o  NVA or Vietminh

o  NLF or VC or Charlie or Vietcong

o  DMZ

·  Entry of ‘official’ American troops

o  LBJ’s attempts to avoid further confrontation after 1964 election

o  Pleiku and the American response

General Westmoreland as commanding general

o  Ia Drang

§  Why did U.S. think they could succeed where the French had failed

§  Conventional battle

§  What was the Vietminh final assessment as a result of this battle? In other words, what policy did they decide to follow in the ‘American’ War

·  1965 – 1968

o  In what sense was the U.S. war effort limited? Why these limits?

o  Height of American troop strength? (# and year it reached this number)

o  U.S. Strategy

§  War of Attrition

·  Why was this strategy questionable?

·  Crossover Point

·  Body Count

§  Three-Prongs

·  Free-fire zones

§  Why was bombing of North Vietnam relatively ineffective?

§  In what sense did McNamara personify the U.S. strategy? Who was he?

§  War of Attrition versus Hearts and Minds

·  Why incompatible?

·  Agent Orange

·  Mere Gook Rule

·  Guilded Basket poem

·  Search and Avoid

·  Fragging

o  In what sense was the U.S. public lied to about U.S. success in Vietnam during these years?

§  What programs was LBJ forced to sacrifice to the hungry war-beast of Vietnam?

o  LBJ’s efforts to tighten the screws on the Vietminh/Vietcong

§  Phoenix Program

·  Khe Sanh and the Tet Offensive

o  Khe Sanh

§  When, where, what, why, so?

o  Tet Offensive

§  When, where, what, why?

§  Hue, American Embassy in Saigon, Ho Chi Minh’s goal?

§  How could one argue that the Tet Offensive was a win and a loss for each side? In the long run, who won the Tet Offensive?

·  1968

o  Importance of Walter Kronkite

o  Reasons LBJ didn’t run for reelection (there are several)

§  Eugene McCarthy

§  Robert Kennedy

§  Hubert Humphrey

·  Which were pro-anti war?

§  Why was LBJ’s decision such a shock?

o  Chaos of ‘68

§  Civil Rights

·  Orangeburg Massacre

·  Olympic Black Power Protest

·  Black Panthers

·  Black American’s Double Burden

§  Assassinations

·  MLK and RFK

·  Impact?

§  Anti War Protests

·  Columbia

o  Reasons college campuses were hotbeds of protest?

·  Catonsville Nine

§  Democratic National Convention in Chicago

·  Reason it would be a surefire flash point?

·  Mayor Daley adds to the problem. How?

·  Cointelpro

·  Chaos ends democratic chances in the ’68 election

·  Humphrey nominated

o  Nixon

§  What platform did he run on?

§  How did he address the Vietnam ‘quagmire’?