Welcome to Miss Lawson’s

9th Grade English Language Arts Class

Phone Number: 912-728-7511



Classroom Policies and Procedures

Daily Warm-Up: Every day when you enter class there will be an assignment posted. It might be grammar study, a journal topic, a puzzle, etc. Begin working on the assignment after picking up your binder and sitting down. I will collect the warm-ups every Friday, and it is worth a class work grade. Your lowest grade for warm-ups will be dropped each nine weeks. If you are absent, you have two choices: get the assignment from someone else in the class or free-write at least three sentences and write “absent” in large letters. Something must be written in order to receive the points, and these points could make or break your nine weeks grade.

Grade Notifications: Infinite Campus is an Internet program that grants you access to your grades at any time throughout the course by means of a Parent Portal. Please rely on Parent Portal to monitor your academic progress. Parent Portal login information is available through the school’s data clerk in the front office.There is also an option to download the Parent Portal app on your smartphone as an easier way to keep up with grades.

Late/Absent Work: If you are ever absent, it is your responsibility to check the calendar at the front of the room to see what you missed. Please adhere to the SEHS Late and Missed Work Policy.

Passes: Out of class passes will be limited to three every nine weeks to encourage students to utilize their time between classes. Students will be required to have a pass issued by the teacher to exit the classroom, and passes are not allowed to be used in the first or last ten minutes of class.

Grading: Nine weeks’ grades are determined by a percentage break down of:

The state End-of-Course test (Georgia Milestones) will account for 20% of your final grade this year.

Cell Phones:Cell phones will be strictly prohibited in class unless students are told otherwise. If technology is needed in the classroom, I will provide it. Cell phones should be off and in backpacks/purses. While cell phones can be a valuable addition to the learning experience of a student, they often prove to be more of a distraction than a convenience.

Food and Drink: Water will be allowed in the classroom. Other than pre-arranged and teacher notified exceptions, all other food (including candy) and/or drink will not be permitted in the classroom.

Parent Signature:
