Car Delivery Collection and Billing ReferencePage 1
Car Delivery Collection and Billing Reference
AFE #003330
Functional Description
File Name:AFE 003330 Car Del Col and Billing Ref - Functional Description (v6).doc
Author: Kevin Wall, Cheryl Flaherty and Tim Patak
Owner/Sponsor: Ian Rispin
Issue: Version 6
Last Updated: Saturday, October 06, 2018
Name / DepartmentCattani, Carolyn / Product Delivery
Chengrian, Marianne / Development
Classey, David
Denis, Stephen
Goodrham, Paul
Gordon, Kate / Product Delivery
Haight, Sandy / ATL Testing
Harrison, Graham
Kidd, Robert / Subscriber Marketing
Loesch, Mike / Development
Needoff, Barry / Project Manager (EMEA)
O’hearn-Brennan, Sue / Product Innovation
Patak, Tim / Product Delivery
Ries, Sandra / Car Sales
Rispin, Ian / Hospitality
Rodriguez, Beatrice
Rowland, Cindy / Product Innovation
Thomas, Nick / Enterprise Services
Townsie, Michael / Links/Middleware
Wall, Kevin / Product Delivery
Wilkinson, Caroline
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1.0 Car Delivery Collection and Billing Reference: Project Overview
1.2Product Overview
1.3Technical Overview
1.5Constraints and Risks
2.0Requirements Breakdown
A.Car Segment Sell Request
B.Car Segment Sell Response
C.Car Rules Display
D.Car Segment Modify
E.Car Segment Cancel
F.Car Policy Display
I.Core System Migrations
K.Web Services
5.0References & Related Documentation
6.0Product Impact Checklist
8.0Outstanding Items
9.0Screen Display Examples
9.1Viewpoint Car Sell Dialog – “Special” Filetab Supports Delivery Collection
9.2Viewpoint Car Sell Dialog – “Customer” File Tab Supports Billing Reference
9.3Focalpoint IA Rules Response – Containing New Surcharge Labels
9.4Focalpoint Non-IA Rules Display – Containing New Delivery Collection Alert
9.5Focalpoint IA Rules Display – Containing New Delivery Collection Alert
9.6Viewpoint – PNR Display – Current Display
9.6Viewpoint – PNR Display – Current Display
9.6Viewpoint – Itinerary Print – Current Display
9.7Viewtrip – Itinerary Display – Currrent Display
9.8Viewtrip – Electronic Expense Receipt – Current Display
9.9ITIN – Current and Proposed Changes to System Defaults
1.0 Car Delivery Collection and Billing Reference: Project Overview
Car Delivery Collection
Galileo’s existing car rental application, CarMaster, is lacking in a key competitive area: Delivery and Collection. Car Delivery Collection involves delivering the vehicle to a business location or a home address and collecting the vehicle from a corporate or home address.
Delivery Collection rentals primarily affect the UK marketplace as it is frequently part of the standard corporate rate package. Between 30-55 percent of corporate bookings in the UK include a Delivery and/or Collection arrangement.
Galileo markets have supported Delivery Collection via non-standardized work-arounds that vary by vendor. The lack of consistency frustrates subscribers and as a result many Delivery Collection rentals are not booked electronically through CarMaster. Competitor GDS, Amadeus and Sabre, offer standardized functionality to support Delivery Collection, which make the process simpler and less prone to error than current work-arounds.
Without this enhancement, CarMaster’s competitive position willremain weak and risk further loss of car rental bookings and associated air segments to other channels, e.g. the Internet or phone.
Billing Reference
Car suppliers have arrangements with corporations to invoice the corporation for payment of the car rental based upon a billing reference number. Car suppliers create a unique billing reference number for rental agreement contracts between themselves and the corporation. Each car reservation for that corporation must include the unique billing reference number for that car supplier as part of the sell request. The car supplier picks up the billing reference number from the sell request and applies it to the invoice sent to the corporation for payment of the rental.
Car suppliers and corporations in EMEA are accustomed to this type of invoice management/account reconciliation as it is used with other GDSs. To continue the success of these processes in place with other GDSs, car suppliers have asked Galileo to create a new, optional field for the receipt of billing reference information.
1.2Product Overview
This project will establish a standardized process for supporting CarMaster Delivery Collection and Billing Reference through the use of new agent-input fields, necessary for transmitting related information to car suppliers in the link sell transaction. Additionally, new fields will be added to the car supplier segment-sell response for the return of delivery collection fees if/when available and applicable.
Agent-entered DeliveryCollection and Billing Reference detail, and supplier-generated Delivery Collection fees, will be stored in the PNR/BF.
Implementation of these enhancements will:
- Be dependent upon supplier participation in Inside Link Sell; no changes will be made to the CarMaster maintenance database system to support enhancements.
- Require development effort by car suppliers and Galileo International.
- Occur on a car supplier basis, similar to Inside Shopper implementations.
As a result of detailed requirement discussion with several of our car suppliers, TBD>has been targeted as our initial launch partner.
Implementation of the enhancements noted above support the following corporate strategies:Grow Global Leisure Online Capabilities and Maintain Profit in Core Business.
1.3Technical Overview
The car segment will accept and store new optional fields within the extended BAS section of the PNR/BF. The new car segment fields are defined as follows:
a) /DEL – 60 characters, non-delimited freeform text, deliver to address.
b) /COL – 60 characters, non-delimited freeform text, collection from address.
c) /DCC – 11 characters, non-delimited freeform text, delivery collection charge.
d) /BR – 25 characters, non-delimited freeform text, billing reference
e) /HP – 25 characters, freeform for customer’s home phone number (optional field)
f) /BP - 25 characters, freeform for customer’s business phone number (optional field)
g) /MP - 25 characters, freeform for customer’s mobile/cell phone number (optional field)
The following assumptions are being made with respect to this project:
- Functionality will be implemented on both cores (Apollo and Galileo).
- Creation of BAS Extension capabilities in both Apollo and Galileo must exist in order to implement this effort.
- This enhancement will apply to Apollo and Galileo Terminal Emulation and Structured Data desktop applications including: Focalpoint, Viewpoint, and The Browser.
- As no general release of Viewpoint is currently being prepared, the release of this functionality in Viewpoint is dependent upon an EMEA-sponsored PIR to fund this work in a post 4.0 Viewpoint release, sometime in late 2004/early 2005.
- We will continue to support old versions of structured data.
- Car suppliers have confirmed that the base rate shown in a regular availability response will be the same rate confirmed for a delivery collection is requested. A delivery collection request does not change the base rate or type returned in the response. Thus there is no requirement to support Delivery Collection for CAL/CAA Inside Availability; there is no need for new availability search qualifiers.
- There is no need to support Delivery and Collection through changes to the CarMaster® database or the Car Index (CAI) display.
- New fields will be supported in active car segment types only.
- These fields will not be supported in Global Access and Global MIR.
- These fields will be made available to United and may appear in a UA bookings/PNR.
- We will have a qualified car supplier launch partner that will be able to successfully meet the requirements for participation.
- There is no requirement to support Delivery Collection or Billing Reference within the car vendor CVMCF format.
- CarMaster, not TPF itin packages, will perform any rules or edits on new fields, where described within this document.
- The phone fields will be optional and used dependant upon the car companies procedures.
1.5Constraints and Risks
The following are identified constraints and risks specific to this project:
- Mid/Back Office systems will need to be advised and make changes to process new fields.
- I&I system DYO defaults will need to be updated.
- All Travel Agents DYO layouts will need to be updated.
- If we do not have a qualified carsupplier to participate, the project will not move forward.
- Initially, participating car suppliers may not be able to identify fees associated with delivery and collection. As a result, CAV may not disclose these charges that could affect the Approximate Total, which customers expect to pay at the conclusion of their rental. Additionally, in order for Galileo to fully implement this project it may be necessary to release functionality that has not been fully tested with a car supplier(i.e. the supplier’s acceptance and return of a DCC field).
2.0Requirements Breakdown
Note: Requirements specific to recommended handling in Viewpoint are broken out within shaded boxes.
A.Car Segment Sell Request
Description / Overall Priority (H,M,L)These requirements provide the means for users to submit a request a delivery and collection rental. / H
Ref. / Priority / Description
A1. / Provide for the use of three new optional input fields within active car segment sell requests, to support identification of Delivery Collection and Billing Reference detail. These fields are available for terminal emulation and structured data.
A1.1. / For Deliver To address:
- Field identifier: /DEL-
A1.2. / For Collect From address:
- Field identifier: /COL-
A1.3 / For Phone Field related to the Delivery/Collection: These fields will be passed through on the sell, but not to the Itinerary or MIR.
- Field identifier: /HP for Home Phone
- Field identifier: /BP for Business Phone
- Field identifier: /MP for Mobile/Cell Phone
A1.4. / For Billing Reference:
- Field identifier: /BR-
A1.5. / No interdependency exists between these fields. A user may opt to include either any combination (i.e. any one, two or all three fields) in their request.
A1.6. / Fields will not be supported within passive car segments. Any attempt to include will result in an error response displayed back to the user:
- Response for failed Delivery Collection request:
- Response for failed Billing Reference request:
A1.7. / DEL and COL fields will each support a maximum of 60 input characters, not counting the field identifier.
A1.7.1. / The car company will advise what information will be required in each field. It is a 60 character freeform text area.
A1.8 / The BR field will support a maximum of 25 input characters, not counting the field identifier.
A1.9. / The same freeform character set will be supported for DEL, COL, and BR as currently supported for the SI field.
- CarMaster will not perform any edits against field content to ensure either the inclusion or specific placement of any field delimiter.
- Car supplier participants have confirmed freeform data is acceptable and desired; they will not require use of specific address-field delimiters.
A2. / Delivery Collection and Billing Reference will be supported within Type A (Inside Link) and Type B (Teletype) sell requests / responses.
A2.1. / For the Type A message sent to / from CarMaster, input field identifiers will be translated into a two-character CarMaster Inside Link message standard:
- DEL-will be translated to DE
- COL-will be translated to CO
- DCC- will be translated to DF
- BR-will be translated to BR
- HP – will be translated to HP
- BP – will be translated to BP
- MP – will be translated to MP
A3. / Galileo will control whether or not Delivery Collection and Billing Reference fields are accepted in the user input and sent to a particular car supplier, through use of the existing CarMaster GAC Table.
A3.1 / A new table control will identify acceptance of both DEL and COL fields.
A3.2 / Another new table control will identify acceptance of the BR field.
A3.3. / Attempts to include any Delivery Collection field in the sell request, for a supplier that does not currently support Delivery Collection, will result in an new error response issued from CarMaster. The error will prevent execution of the sell request:
A3.3. / Similarly, attempts to include a Billing Reference field in the sell request, for a supplier that does not support Billing Reference, will result in an new error response issued from CarMaster and prevent execution of the sell request:
A3.4. / Delivery Collection fields will be sent only to participants that have confirmed they are prepared to receive these from Galileo, as indicated through updates to the GAC Table.
A3.5. / Participants will be required to accept both Delivery Collection fields. The GAC Table control will not allow for selective acceptance of only one field or the other.
A4. / Delivery Collection and Billing Reference fields will be supported within Direct Sell and Reference Sell against car availability displays.
A4.1. / For Focalpoint, a direct sell containing both DEL and COLand the optional phone fields, might look similar to the following. (Fields are underscored and bolded for clarification purposes only.
A4.2. / For Focalpoint, a reference sell containing BR, DEL, and the optional phone fields, only might look similar to the following example.
(Content shownunderscored and bolded for clarification purposes only.)
>01A1/DEL-17 AVE DE ROUEN VERNON 27200 FR/G-AX378200000000000EXP
A1 / For the Viewpoint Car Direct Sell and the normal Car Sell request dialog screens, threenew Delivery Collection input fields will be accessible from the SPECIAL file tab.
Delivery Address – 60 characters max
Collection Address – 60 characters max
Billing Reference Code – 25 characters
(optional) Phone fields – 25 characters each (home, business and mobile/cell)
The Car Direct Sell request dialog is accessed from the Car menu bar and the Car toolbar (‘direct sell’ and ‘modify’) and from context-sensitive menus (‘new car segment’ / ‘direct sell’ / ‘modify’).
Refer to:Screen Display Examples
9.1Viewpoint Car Sell Dialog – “Special” Filetab Supports Delivery Collection
The new fields will appear immediately below “Special Service” and above “Special Equipment”.
A1.2. / Fields will be positioned under a new “Car Delivery and Collection” heading, similar to the “Special Equipment” heading seen today.
A1.3. / Viewpoint will edit to ensure that a combined total of no more than 60 characters have been entered into “Deliver Car To” fields, i.e the combined maximum number of characters allowed for the first, second and third input fields described under vp.A1.4 below. A similar edit will be applied to “Collect Car From” field, i.e. the fourth, fifth, and sixth input fields described under vp.A1.5. The 60-character maximums enforced here will allow for inclusion of the postal coded delimiter, described under vp.A1.4.1 and vp.A1.5.1.
A1.4. / The first input field will be labeled “Deliver Car To: Address:”.
- Whenever the user positions their cursor within this input field, help text (appearing in at the bottom of the Viewpoint window) will change to read as follows:
”Enter customer address where car is to be delivered.”
A1.5. / The input field labeled “Collect Car From: Address:”.
- Whenever the user positions their cursor within this input field, help text (appearing in at the bottom of the Viewpoint window) will change to read as follows:
Enter customer addresswhere car is to be collected.
vp.A1.6 /
- The input field labeled “Phone Contacts” this input field, help text (appearing in at the bottom of the Viewpoint window) will change to read as follows:
Enter customer phone contacts.
- Whenever the user positions their cursor within this
A1.7. / A new “hint”, referring the user to the Car Delivery and collection policy keyword, will be included here, again similar to current handling for "Special Equipment". Hint will also alert user to the maximum field length limitation for both the Delivery and Collection fields, as described under vp.A1.3 above.
vpA1.8 / A new online Help for Delivery and Collection addresses.
A2. / For the Viewpoint Car Direct Sell and the normal Car Sell request dialog screens, a new Billing Reference input field will be accessible from the CUSTOMER file tab.
The Car Direct Sell request dialog is accessed from the Car menu bar and the Car toolbar (‘direct sell’ and ‘modify’) and from context-sensitive menus (‘new car segment’ / ‘direct sell’ / ‘modify’).
Refer to:Screen Display Examples
9.2Viewpoint Car Sell Dialog – “Customer” File Tab Supports Billing Reference
vp.A2.1. / The new field will appear immediately below the current credit card “Guarantee” field.
vp.A2.2. / The field will be labeled “Billing Reference #:”.
- Whenever the user positions their cursor within the input field, help text (appearing in at the bottom of the Viewpoint window) will change to read as follows:
”Enter car billing reference number.” - Data entered into this field will be reflected in the Viewpoint “List of Selected Sell Options”, where it will be preceded by the label “Billing Ref No:”, and mapped to the car segment /BR- field.
vA2.3. / A new “hint” will be included for Billing Reference, positioned below existing hint text.
vpA2.4 / Online help for Billing Reference freeform text.
A5. / A reference sell made against an Inside Availability rate, and appended with COL,DEL, and/or BR field data, will continue to be marked as an “absolute sell” request, based upon rules in place today. If other qualifiers are included with the reference sell, or if the sell is made against a stale IA display, the request could then lose the “absolute sell” designation.
B.Car Segment Sell Response
Description / Overall Priority (H,M,L)These requirements provide the means for car suppliers to confirm a delivery and collection request. / H
Ref. / Priority / Description
B1. / Within the car segment sell response, the car supplier will be able to echo back user-enteredDEL, COLand/or BR fieldcontent, as they do with other optional fields today.