The purpose of this assignment is to focus on research and critical thinking skills. As ninth graders, it is important that each of you learn the crucial steps involved in doing research for a thesis paper. As you continue through the grades you will build upon the skills you learn in this class, finally producing a thesis paper. This spring, we will be concentrating on taking a thesis, researching its validity and producing an outline proving or disproving that thesis. The end product will not be a paper and therefore, the emphasis will be on the methods of research, gathering and sorting evidence and producing a workable outline.
Your assignment over the next three weeks will be to choose from the thesis statements below, carry out research on that thesis and produce note cards outlining your arguments. You will meet with me to be sure your research is thorough and you will then produce a final outline for a would-be paper proving your thesis.
The Enlightenment
The French Revolution
Thesis Statements to Choose From (Choose your top two):
- Louis the XIV should be held responsible for the French Revolution.
- The Peace of Westphalia allowed modern Europe to take shape.
- Had Louis XVI been like Louis XIV, the French Revolution never would have happened.
- Cardinal Richelieu was actually France’s first absolute ruler.
- The Enlightenment caused the French Revolution.
- Women were a decisive force in the French Revolution.
- The original goals of the French Revolution were lost sight of in the struggle.
- Although the peasants were suffering, the French Revolution was actually a middle class movement.
- The Enlightenment gave birth to the concept of modern European feminism.
- The awakening of nationalism during the French Revolution was both positive and negative for France.
- Liberalism owed much to the Enlightenment and the French Revolution of the 18th century.
- Napoleon was a child of the Revolution.
- Napoleon was a traitor to the Revolution.
Once you have selected your thesis, you will be graded on the successful completion of the following steps involved in this research process:
-Research that particular area of history
-Through that research develop arguments to prove (support) that thesis.
-Organize your evidence and arguments on note cards (using Noodle Tools).
-Continue to research to find a large body of valid evidence to support your arguments.
-Produce an introductory paragraph andstandard format outline, including parenthetical citations.
-Produce an MLA-formatted Works Cited page based on the research sources you consulted-you must use at leastthree scholarly sources.
- Works Cited should be started with 5 sources
CONTENT OF OUTLINE (95 points – see attached rubric):
- Introduction paragraph
- Clearly stated thesis in introduction
- At least three stated, fully developed arguments that show DIRECT relationship to thesis statement and evidence.
- Two to three pieces of supportive evidence for each argument, with citations
- Clear evidence of overall knowledge of subject matter- must be present
- Proper use of sources and works cited page in MLA format
- Proper outline format
-1 inch margins
-12 point Times New Roman font
-Parenthetical documentation
-Complete Sentences
- Grammar, syntax, spelling
- Organization
TOTAL-100 Points
Selection of thesis statement (pick your top 2)…………………….Friday, June 5
Supporting Arguments and Work Cited………beginning of class, Friday, June 12
Final Outline…………………………………………..………Friday, June 19
Wednesday, June 10
Thursday, June 11
Friday, June 12
WCI.I Thesis Paper Outline Evaluation
Introductory Paragraph and Expanded Thesis
10Introduction provides context, includes the thesis statement, and effective, sequential preview points.
8Introduction provides some context, includes the thesis statement, and preview points.
6Introduction includes thesis statement and attempts to preview major points.
2Introduction is not completely written out and only contains thesis.
25Each main argument argues a point supporting the position or refutes an opposing view. Each argument is supported by multiple sources.
20Most arguments argue a point supporting the position or refuting the opposition. Most are supported by multiple sources.
18Some arguments are more factual reporting than debatable support for the position; may have limited supportive evidence.
15Arguments are not debatable, but rather factual; content reports, does not defend a thesis.
Supporting Evidence
30 Supporting ideas are clearly expressed and sufficiently supported with details and evidence.
25Supporting ideas are generally clearly expressed, but more supporting detail is needed to be persuasive.
20Some supporting ideas are clearly expressed, while others are unclear. More supporting evidence is needed.
15The outline contains too few supporting points or detail too minimal to fulfill the requirements of the paper.
5The outline indicates a high level of organization and integration of information from multiple sources.
3The outline is adequately organized, but information from multiple sources needs to be better combined, or ideas need to be rearranged to create a better flow of ideas.
2Little effort is evident in the organization of the outline.
10 Thorough research has been conducted that will adequately support the thesis.
8A moderate amount of research has been conducted, and the paper can be written with minimal further research.
6The research conducted only partially supports the thesis.
4The research conducted is inadequate to support the thesis.
0 There is no evidence in the outline that research has been conducted.
Works Cited
10The works cited page includes sources of sufficient number and quality, contains all required citation information, and has few or no formatting errors.
7The works cited page includes sources nearly adequate in number and quality, but may be missing some citation information, or contain several formatting errors.
5The works cited page contains sources that are insufficient in number and/or quality, important citation information is missing, and/or formatting errors are extensive.
0No works cited page was submitted.
5The outline follows the format provided and contains no obvious spelling errors.
3The outline does not follow the format provided OR contains several obvious spelling errors.
0The outline does not follow the format provided AND contains numerous obvious spelling errors.
TOTAL SCORE: ______/95