Smart home after 7pm Green 0.3
VAT INCLUSIVEElectricity / Gas
AREA / Standing Charge
pence per day / Unit Rate
pence per KWh / Standing Charge
pence per day / Unit Rate
pence per KWh
East England / 14.651 / 12.17 / 13.500 / 2.88
East Midlands / 13.003 / 12.12 / 13.500 / 2.84
London / 14.000 / 11.60 / 13.500 / 3.04
North Wales / Cheshire / 14.095 / 13.00 / 13.500 / 2.94
West Midlands / 13.822 / 12.31 / 13.500 / 2.93
North East England / 14.861 / 12.37 / 13.500 / 2.89
North West England / 13.013 / 12.18 / 13.500 / 2.96
North Scotland / 18.295 / 13.16 / 13.500 / 2.90
South Scotland / 15.134 / 12.11 / 13.500 / 2.90
South East England / 14.462 / 12.66 / 13.500 / 2.88
Southern England / 12.919 / 12.43 / 13.500 / 3.08
South Wales / 14.389 / 12.80 / 13.500 / 2.94
South West England / 14.620 / 13.38 / 13.500 / 3.08
Yorkshire / 15.092 / 11.83 / 13.500 / 2.88
If you are unsure of what area you live in please visit to find out.
Tariff Information:
All USIO tariffs are smart so we will need to install a smart meter in your home, but do not worry the costs of doing so are already included in your tariff. No more need to send us your meter readings!
UK based customer support team
Payment by Monthly Direct Debit
Switching to USIO is switching to a great, competitive tariff, with a plan that suits your everyday energy needs. With a smart meter installed as standard we put you first. Over time, we will learn about your lifestyle and will inform you if we believe we can save you more.
7pm Feature:
Electricity is at its most expensive during the 4pm-7pm period of the day. With USIO if you are typically not at home during this period of the day, then we believe that you should benefit from lower prices.
At USIO we are all about being Green. So with this tariff,100% of electricity supplied will backed by a Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin