Republic of Latvia
Regulation No 109
Adopted 2 March 2004
Regulations regarding State Fees for Issuance of a Hunter’s Certificate, a Hunter’s Seasonal Card and Hunting Permit, for Issuance of a Permit for a Foreign Hunter to Hunt in the Territory of Latvia and for Issuance of a Permit to Export Hunting Trophies from Latvia, as well as Procedures for the Export of Hunting Trophies
(Minutes No. 9, Paragraph 18)
Issued pursuant to
Section 23 of Hunting Law
1. These Regulations prescribe:
1.1. the rates, preferential relief and payment procedures of State fees for the issuance of a hunter’s certificate, hunter’s seasonal card and hunting permit, for the issuance of a permit for a foreign hunter to hunt in the territory of Latvia and for the issuance of a permit to export hunting trophies from Latvia (hereinafter – State fee); and
1.2. the procedures according to which hunting trophies shall be exported from Latvia.
2. The rates of State fees are the following:
2.1. for the issuance of a hunter’s certificate – one lat;
2.2. for the issuance of a hunter’s seasonal card – three lats;
2.3. for the issuance of a hunting permit to hunt elk, red deer, wild boar, roe deer, capercaille or black grouse (notwithstanding the age or gender of the animal specified in the permit) – one lat;
2.4. for the issuance of a permit for a foreign hunter to hunt in the territory of Latvia:
2.4.1. if the term of validity of the permit is one day – 10 lats;
2.4.2. if the term of validity of the permit is up to 10 days - 25 lats;
2.4.3. if the permit is valid during the entire open hunting season – 70 lats;
2.5. for a permit to export hunting trophies from Latvia:
2.5.1. for the export of a hunting trophy from a round-horned elk (horns with a skull or frontal bone), if the horn spread of the trophy is more than 120 centimetres, or for the export of a hunting trophy from a flat-horned elk (horns with a skull or frontal bone), if the horns of the trophy have 20 or more prongs - 100 lats;
2.5.2. for the export of a hunting trophy from a red deer (horns with a skull or frontal bone), if the trophy is heavier than 10 kilograms – 100 lats;
2.5.3. for the export of a hunting trophy from a roe (horns with a skull or frontal bone), if the trophy is heavier than 0,6 kilograms or for the export of a hunting trophy from wolf or lynx (skin and skull) – 50 lats; and
2.5.4. for the export of any other hunting trophy (except the skins of foxes, racoon dogs, American minks, pine martens, stone martens, polecats and beavers) – 10 lats.
3. Preferential relief shall be applied to the State fee for the issuance of a hunter’s seasonal card to recipients of a retirement or service pension as well as to full-time students of State-accredited higher educational institutions and the rate of such a State fee shall be set at – one lat;
4. In order to attest affiliation to the status referred to in Paragraph 3 of these Regulations, a person, before receiving a hunter’s seasonal card, shall present the document that certifies the relevant status.
5. A hunter’s certificate, hunter’s seasonal card, hunting permit, permit for a foreign hunter to hunt in the territory of Latvia or permission to export hunting trophies from the territory of Latvia shall be issued after the presentation of the document for payment of the State fee.
6. The State fee shall be paid into the State basic budget.
7. Permission of the State Forest Service (Annex) is required in order to export hunting trophies of game animal species from Latvia, .
8. In order to receive the permission referred to in Paragraph 7 of these Regulations, the owner of the hunting trophies or his or her authorised representative (the presentation of authorisation is required) shall hand in a submission to the State Regional Forest Office of the State Forest Service where the hunting trophies were obtained. The place of the hunting down of game animals shall be indicated in the submission as well as the following information:
8.1. the owner of the hunting trophies (name, surname, address, personal identification document and the number thereof);
8.2. documentation of the hunt (the number of the hunter’s certificate, number of the hunting permit (if the trophies were obtained from limited game animals), the number of the permit for a foreign hunter to hunt in the territory of Latvia and the number of the hunter’s seasonal card, the issuer of the relevant document and the date of issue); and
8.3. the species name of the game animal from which the trophy was obtained and the type of the trophy.
9. In addition to the information defined in Paragraph 8 of these Regulations, in accordance with the type of the hunting trophy, the following information shall be indicated in the submission:
9.1. horns with a skull or frontal bone – the number of prongs on each horn, the length of the horn and the circumference in centimetres, the colour of the horn, for a hunting trophy from a round-horned elk – the horn spread, for a hunting trophy from a red deer or roe – the weight;
9.2. tusks – their length, width and circumference in centimetres;
9.3. the skull – the length and width thereof in centimetres; and
9.4. the furskin – the length, width thereof and the spread of the forefoot in centimetres.
10. The State Regional Forest Office of the State Forest Service shall review the submission and issue a permit for the export of hunting trophies from the territory of Latvia or notify regarding a refusal to issue such a permit within the time period prescribed in regulatory enactments regulating the administrative procedure.
11. Export procedures for hunting trophies, in addition to these Regulations, are regulated by regulatory enactments regarding trade in wild animals.
12. Where completing a permit for the export of a hunting trophy from Latvia, the relevant State Regional Forest Office of the State Forest Service shall indicate in the description of the hunting trophy the information referred to in Paragraph 9 of these Regulations pursuant to the type of trophy.
Prime Minister E. Repše
Minister for Agriculture M. Roze
Cabinet Regulation No. 109
2 March 2004
Permission to Export Hunting Trophy/Trophies from Latvia
Issued on the basis of / a submission;(name, surname of the applicant, date of receipt of the submission)
State Forest Service / State Regional Forest Office permits
to export from Latvia
(name and surname of the owner of the hunting trophy , personal identification document and its number)
hunting trophy/trophies (delete as appropriate)
(Latvian and Latin name of the animal species)
Game animals hunted down in / forest district
of ______State Regional Forest Office.
Information regarding hunting documents:
1. Hunter’s certificate(number, issuer and the date of issue)
2. Hunting permit for a foreign hunter to hunt in the territory of Latvia
(number, issuer and the date of issue)
3. Hunting permit
(number, issuer and the date of issue – shall be completed if the trophy was obtained from limited game animals)
4. Hunter’s seasonal card
(number, issuer and the date of issue)
The type of hunting trophy and description:
Head forester
(signature and full name)
Place for a seal
Minister for Agriculture M. Roze
Translation © 2007 Tulkošanas un terminoloģijas centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre)1