Interactive Read Aloud
3rd Nine Weeks - 1st Row
2-1.1 Analyze the details that support the expression of the main idea in a given literary text.
2-2.1 Analyze the central idea and supporting evidence in an informational text during classroom discussions.
2-1.1 Recognize the basic elements that make up a cultural region in the United States, including language, customs, and economic activities.
2-1.2 Compare the historic traditions, customs, and cultures of various regions in the United States, including how traditions are passed between and among generations.
Book: The Keeping Quilt by: Patricia Polacco
Book Introduction: Our book today, The Keeping Quilt, will help us learn about a group of immigrants known as Russian-Jews. (Show picture on title page.) Our book is also interesting because it tells the story of how this group kept some of their traditions over four generations, beginning with the little girl (the only character with color in the illustration) and ending with when our writer, Patricia Polacco has her own little girl.
Day 1 Questions:
Interactive Read Aloud Questions / Correlation to Standard / Testing as a Genre ItemAs we begin our story, listen to the details the author includes about the first Russian immigrants who arrived in America.
Read “When my great grandmother Anna…” to the end of “And so it was…”
What details did you learn about the first Russian immigrants who arrived in America?
Turn and Talk / 2-1.1 Analyze the details that support the expression of the main idea in a given literary text.
Over the next pages Anna is growing up and we learn about some of the religious traditions they brought with them. This will help us understand some of the traditions of the Jewish religion.
Read “On Friday nights…” to the end of “Under the wedding huppa…”
What part of your discussion would be a detail for this main idea: Some of their home wedding traditions are different from American wedding traditions? Turn and Talk / 2-1.1 Analyze the details that support the expression of the main idea in a given literary text.
Now we’ll read about how things were when Anna’s daughter Carle was born and grew up in America.
Read “When my Grandma Carle…” to the end of “Again the quit became…”
Let’s look back at the pages when this group first arrived in America, where we saw Anna under the Wedding Huppa, and where Carle is under the wedding huppa. (3 Pages)
Does it look as if they are taking on many American customs over the years or keeping their home customs?
Turn and Talk
Day 2 Questions:
Interactive Read Aloud Questions / Correlation to Standard / Testing as a Genre ItemAs we read today, Carle has a baby and this new baby will grow up in America making it the second generation for this family in America. So much time has passed, Anna is getting very old. As I read the next four pages look at the illustrations and listen to the text to see what things are similar to your life growing up in America?
Read “Carle and George move…” to the end of “When Mary Ellen left…” Turn and Talk / 2-1.2 Compare the historic traditions, customs, and cultures of various regions in the United States, including how traditions are passed between and among generations. / Which of the following is the main idea for the details listed in the box below?
a. Wearing a Babushka makes your head hot.
b. Stories and objects remind people of their ancestors.
c. Having a family quilt makes you go to sleep.
d. Lots of different people
have birthday cakes.
Test Strategy: Be sure you answer the test question. Sometimes all choices are sensible, but only one answer matches the question. Don’t go to your own life or personal thoughts to soon.
Read “When she became a bride...” to the end of “Twenty years ago…”
Why might the story, The Keeping Quilt, have been one Patricia Polacco chose to write and publish?
Turn and Talk / 2-1.1 Analyze a given literary text to make, revise, and confirm predictions.
Let’s look back over the story to see how the quilt was used over the generations. When you see the quilt in use give me a thumbs up and tell me what it is being used for. (Chart)
As we look at these uses does it add to our thinking of why Patricia Polacco wanted the story written down?
If I were to add this title to our chart: Some things are important enough to write down, could I keep all of these details we have written down or would some have to changed? / 2-1.1 Analyze the details that support the expression of the main idea in a given literary text. / 2-1.1 Analyze the details that support the expression of the main idea in a given literary text.