Book of Ruth
Chapter Three
Ruth has become a godly woman being sheltered under the wings of the Almighty. Naomi’s heart has begun to fill with faith and hope as she exalts the sovereignty of God. All of the darkness of chapter 1 is gone. "The Almighty has dealt bitterly with me" (1:20) has given way to "His kindness has not forsaken the living or the dead" (2:20).
Naomi had begun to see God at work in her life again.
The theme of Chapter 3 is ______and Strategic Righteousness.
Naomi and Ruth accept their circumstances and work through their difficulties and look beyond their problems to see God as the ______of their strength and blessing.
The question Chapter 3 answers is, “What does a godly man of integrity and, a God-fearing young woman do when they fall in ______? And how does the wisdom of someone older help guide them in the right direction?
The answer lies in______that leads to a strategic righteousness.
Byobedience and righteousnessI mean a love for God and a zeal for doing what is good and right—a zeal for doing what is appropriate; a zeal that takes into account the ______of God for your life.
BystrategicI mean that there is intention, purpose, and ______.
Strategic righteousness takes the ______and dreams of how to make things right.
Hope helps us dream. Hope helps us think up ways to do well. Hope helps us pursue our ventures with ______and integrity.
Read Ruth 3:1-5
- Obedient Servants plan for the future.
Naomi is well-aware that she is getting older and will not always be able to ______Ruth in the land of Israel.
She has already seen how sovereignly God has led Ruth to glean in the fields of Boaz and ______his interest in Ruth.
Naomi’s hopes for Ruthbegin to focus upon Boaz, who just might be willing to act as a "kinsman-______" for Naomi’s family (verses 1-9).
Naomi suggests to her daughter-in-law that they come up with a strategic and yet righteous______of action.
Ruth ______does as Naomi told her.
Ruth boldly asks Boaz for a pledge from him to ______her.
Ruth’s actions were completely in accord with the law ofLevitical marriage, which required the ______of the widow in seeking out the marriage.(Deuteronomy 25:5-10)
Naomi recognizes the situation and begins to plan ahead for Ruth’s future.Ruth is ______to carry out the plan.
- Obedient Servants do not Manipulate Circumstances
Boaz says, “Now don’t worry about a thing, my daughter. I will do what is necessary, for everyone in town knows you are a ______woman.” Boaz felt honored by Ruth’s request because she was a woman of noble character.
Boaz realizes that Ruth is a Proverbs ______woman!
Ruth now has to ______until the matter was settled with the other relative.
Boaz doesn’t try to manipulate the circumstances; nor does Ruth or Naomi.They simply put their ______in the Lord, follow the plan and obey God’s word.
______servants don’t need to manipulate the circumstances.
- Obedient Servants have faith in those they serve.
Obedient servants have faith in those they ______.
Naomi shares with Ruth her plan to make Boaz ______of his responsibility as a kinsman redeemer.
Naomi sends Ruth to the threshing floor where Boaz and his workers are winnowing the wheat. She tells Ruth to wait until after supper is over and everyone else has turned in for the night. Then she was to go to Boaz and claim him for her ______.
Ruth ______Boaz that he is the redeemer for Naomi, and she asks that he spread his cloak over her. Ruth reminds Boaz of his obligation to the dead, but she does so in a way that will not ______him in front of others.
It will be up to Boaz to bring things to a conclusion. Obedient servants must be able to have faith in those they______. It is that confidence that encourages them to follow the plan without manipulating the circumstances.
There are times when you have to take the ______and take a risk to insure the future.
You are never too poor or too bad or too unworthy to come to Christ and ask for His ______. Even if you’ve just come from Moab, God will still accept you and help you.
You may feel like your completely different from everyone else and still Jesus will be your kinsman ______.
When you ask Jesus to get involved in your world, He will give you wisdom and guidance, and your ______in Him will just keep growing.
Take the risk and make your claim on Christ as your kinsman redeemer. Be obedient and follow God’s plan for your life; stake your claim on the promises of God’s word and learn to wait patiently until you experience God’s blessing. (Proverbs 3:5,6)