COIL2018 Assessment Action Lab#2.bCourtesy Gazelle International
CT CLICKs – virtual exchange
Articulating Collaborative Learning International Experiences on Your Resumé
Key Phrases to Keep in Mind as a CLICKs Student
Your CLICKs collaboration can set you apart from others as you apply for a job or advance your career. Consider the following phrases to help you articulate your CLICKs experiences on your resumé.
▶ Increased cultural capabilities
●Overcamecultural differences to promote cultural deeper understanding
●Gained a greater appreciation for diverse ways of approaching problems
●Learned about basic surface culture (e.g., food, popular culture, style, etc.) and mid-level functions of culture (e.g., language, humor, norms, symbols)
●Advanced an attitude of openness and curiosity, overcame simplistic stereotypes
●Developed a better understanding of foreign cultures within their own unique contexts
▶ Developed intercultural communication skills
●Advanced communication skills through interaction with Mexican or French college students
●Improvised with nonverbal / verbal cues to overcome language and communication barriers
●Cultivated patience and understanding with non-native English (French, Spanish) speakers
●Expanded my second language abilities, tested them in real team project tasks
▶ Expanded flexibility and openness to risk-taking
●Adapted to unanticipated situations and created new plans in response to unexpected events due to periodic mishaps and unexpected events
●Eagerly joined fully in professor’s first-ever CLICKs project for the course (or newly established CLICKs program at my college)
●Engaged in innovative learning opportunity between U.S. and Mexican or French partners
▶ Exercised responsibility in project planning
●Developed solutions withteammates to maximize project effectiveness
●Developed negotiation skills with international team members
●Collaborated with overseas peers to stay on task and deliver a quality project on time
●Managed international time difference to maximize efficiency in group project
▶ Improved technology and social media skills
●Developed global Netiquette skills
●Developed professional approach to using social media for a graded team project
●Increased proficiency in social media and online platforms for use in course-based project that was assessed as part of my overall course grade
We would like to acknowledge Hope Windle, SUNY-Ulster, her SUNY-COIL colleagues and overseas partners for creating this basic tool for students engaged in Virtual Exchange. To learn about CT CLICKs in the International Education Initiative of the CT Community Colleges please contact:Nancy Ruther, Principal, Gazelle International.