GEYA Executive Board Meeting Minutes

April 9th, 2014

Board Members Attending: Chip Ashenfelter, Larry Greenberg, Jim Emig, Greg Amicon, Jenn Wagner, Steve Meyer, Gray Lambe, Tom Graybill, Rob Welsch, Paul Ricken(joined in progress)

Board Members Not in Attendance: Tom Kent.

The meeting was called to order by Board Vice- President Tom Graybill at8:06 pm.

The board meeting member minutes from the March 2014 meeting were distributed for review. After review and changes a motion to approve the minutes was made by Tom Graybill with previous edits made. The motion was approved unanimously.

Soccer Report–(Given by Chip Ashenfelter).

•720 currently registered players for the Spring 2014 season with a couple more in progress

•HIGH 5 buddy Program has 29 Players and Buddies registered

•Pre-K and K program has approximately 85 registered kids, will be held on Thurs am and Afternoons.

•360 Soccer Program (Skills clinic –7 weeks on Friday nights) has 90 players signed up.

•Rough start to the season due to weather and impact to the fields. Most of the fields are still saturated and this has delayed the start of practices and games.

•Sponsorships are doing well, a little ahead of this time a year ago.

Baseball Report–(Given by Rob Welsch)

•Registration for 5-12 year old players is at 406, plus 71 at the Age 13-18 level.

•Slow start to the season due to the bad weather and the fields being closed due to saturation.

•Casino Night to be held 5/3/2014. Sign-ups are open on the web, but off to a slow start.

•All AEDs are installed at the fields and ready to go.

•A new Batting Cage net For Hickory Park 3 has been ordered. The base material for the Batting Cage needs to figured out (Padded Square/turf/gravel fill). Greg Amicon from Legion will take the lead on this.

•Sponsorships are going well. Approximately $24,500 in with several more on the way.However, we are still in need of 2 Scoreboard Sponsors/Hall of Fame Sponsors, one for HP 1 and 1 for HP 2. These are at the $2500 sponsorship level.

American Legion Report–(Given by Greg Amicon)

•37 kids registered in the Legion Program currently; there will be another registration day next week.

•There are 3 teams (Prep, Sandlot, Jr.)

•Prep - U13, Sandlot - U14, Prep - U15.

•Discussion was had regarding the newest division Sandlot and the Legion rules on not “Double Rostering”players and the impact this would have on the Legion program.

•Progress has been made on the Legion Website with the hope that registration capability will be available in the Fall.

•Uniforms have been ordered- Glenmoore Brigade is the new name.

•Online Store –Legion is piloting an“online store”with Kelly Sports.

•Fence for Field 3 –Gregg Amicon did go out and get three bids to place a permanent outfield fence/Warning Track on Field 3 and a warning track on Field 2 The bids were compared for price, quality and included features/add-ons. A thorough discussion of the options, including adding a warning track to the new fence area ensured.

•VOTE: After a thorough discussion of the Fence options, a Motion was made by Jim Emig and seconded by Paul Ricken, and Unanimously approved to authorize :

The expenditure amount to complete the fence/warning track project on Hickory Park Field 3 and the warning track on Field 2. Additionally, the board commented that a concerted effort should be undertaken to secure new sponsorship funding and contributions from UUT to supplement the Association’s investment in the improvement.

Financial Report –(Given by Jim Emig)

•Jim reported we continue to be in solid shape

•Jim requested that Legion, Baseball and Soccer review the financials and budget to ensure the content and presentation are consistent with their needs.

Old Business


New Business

•Chip Ashenfelter brought up a concern on the changing start times of the Board Meeting. Chip feels this is frustrating when the start time is moved. A discussion was held reviewing that the start times were only moved once for an impending snow storm and during the April, May and June meetings where we have always moved the start times back to 8:00 pm due to games not being done till that time. To resolve, the Board agreed to “reclarify” the current start times as 7:30 for all meetings except those during the Spring Season of April, May, June –where due to game conflicts, we will push back the start time to 8:00pm. This will be added to the Website.

•A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Paul Ricken at 9:41PM and seconded by Tom Graybill. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Meyer

Glenmoore Eagle Youth Association