Unit 3Alternate Assessments

New Directions in Society

Honors World History

Directions: Choose one of the following activities to complete for the unit. Each tier has a specific point value based on difficulty of the task. Unless indicated within the directions, you are given the flexibility to choose your own topic from thosediscussed during the unit. Be sure to consider the quality of the topic prior to choosing your subject. All activities will be first evaluated on the quality of information provided, and secondly on the quality/neatness of the completed project.

1. Essay—

  • Write an essay discussing the impact of interaction between the Mongols and the various cultures that they conquered.

2. Writing Activities-

  • Write a letter to Muhammad, describing his legacy and that of Islam today. (Note: provide similarities/differences in beliefs and practices since the time of Muhammad, and the role of Islam in today’s world)
  • Imagine that you are a Byzantine missionary attempting to convert a group of Slavs. Write a speech that you would give to the group in order to sway them. (Note: should reflect knowledge of relevant historical and religious details)

3. Write a report on the Japanese religion of Shinto. Illustrate your report with photographs and sketches. In your report, consider the following: essential Shinto beliefs, development of Shinto, especially the influence of Buddhism and Confucianism, Shinto rituals and shrines.

4. Timeline—Create a timeline of major events in this time period. Your timeline should be completed using the Timeliner program (available in the media center), or on poster board. The timeline must include dates, titles, names, pictures, and a 3-5 sentence description of the event. (minimum 10 events)

5. Informational Webpage—Your task is to design an informational webpage dedicated to a topic of your choice from this unit. The site should include images, video, maps, text and audio. The webpage should provide background information educating the audience about the selected topic. Warning: This project will require that students have particular skills and access to sites suited to creating a webpage.

6. Newspaper—Create a newspaper from Egypt or Mesopotamia. The newspaper should include an index, an article about an event (on the front page), three editorials providing a unique perspective (based on social class, ethnic group, religious group, etc.) about the event, and an appropriate cultural article (art, literature, etc.). Each article must be accompanied by a visual aid (picture, map, etc.). The articles/editorials should be typed.

7. Documentary—The video documentary should provide background information, educating the audience about a topic of your choice from this unit. The video should include voiceovers, photographs, music, and live action film. The film should be three to five minutes. Warning: This project will require that students have access to the necessary equipment and the skill to produce the video.