Subject: ERC
Cycle: 3
BIG IDEA / Theme: Individuals as members of society
Desired Results
What do you want your students to achieve?
Students will grasp the causes and effects of prejudices and stereotypes that are present in a situation
Selected competency or competencies from the QEP:
Reflects on ethical questions
Engages in dialogue / Key Features of the competency or competencies:
Identifies a situation from an ethical point of view
Evaluates options or possible actions
Organizes his/her thinking
Students will understand that…
-there are differences between members of a society and that there are influences individuals have on one another.
-ignorance, lack of understanding, lack of knowledge and non-recognition of others can lead to discrimination, rejection, prejudice, and stereotypes / Essential Question(s):
What provocative questions will foster inquiry, understanding, and transfer of learning?
Should your ethnicity determine how you are treated?
Students will know…
What key knowledge and skills will students need to know?
- causes and effects of ignorance, discrimination and stereotypes
- background on Japanese internment camps, Pearl Harbor, WW2.
- debating and research skills
Assessment Evidence
How do you know your students have achieved the desired results?
Performance Task(s):
Authentic or complex situations that will demonstrate understandings stated above
Debate: Should your ethnicity determine how you are treated? / Other Evidence:
Supporting evidence that demonstrates understandings, knowledge and skills.
Outline and plans for debate, research notes
Contributions to discussion and activities
Reflection on debate
Assessment Tool(s):
What instrument(s) will be used to assess the students’ learning?
Rubric – debate, reflection
Observation checklist / Assessment Criteria:
What criteria will be used in the assessment tool(s) to show student understanding?
Learning Plan
How will you and your students get to the desired results?
Learning Activities:
What learning experiences and instruction will enable students to achieve understandings?
Introduce essential question: Should your ethnicity determine how you are treated?
Read and discuss Mr. Hiroshi’s Garden.
Brainstorm and causes and effects of ignorance, discrimination, and stereotypes.
Have students think-pair-share examples of ignorance, discrimination, and stereotypes. Record ideas shared.
Have students research background information: WWII, Pearl Harbor, Japanese internment camps. Present findings to the class.
Option: Have students research/discuss possible discriminatory events relating to their own ethnic background.
Review guidelines, rules for debate.
Debate: Should your ethnicity determine how you are treated?
Have students write a reflection regarding the debate – focusing on their own thinking processes.
Text: Mr. Hiroshi's Garden by Maxine Trottier

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