Enp-e CP wp12-31-08 mda

Implementation Plan

Work Programme YeaR 2012

Project Title

ENP-E WP12-31-08 MDA Country project Republic of Moldova

0. Summary (This section will go on the ETF website after editing by ECU)

The ETF activities in the Republic of Moldova in 2011 were based on the analysis of the Torino Process conducted in 2010 and identifying main policy priorities which should be tackled for improving the quality of the VET system in the Republic of Moldova, namely: the governance of the system, the lifelong learning dimension of VET, and the financing aspects.

In 2012 ETF will continue to work on these priorities through policy advice workshops, contributions to EC project formulation, new expert input on formulation of outcome-based qualifications, capacity building of social partners in playing their role, dialogue and coordination with other donors, and work on evidence-informed policy making.

The work on transparency of skills and qualifications has reached momentum in 2011 with the approval of the format of occupational standards on the part of the Tripartite Commission on National Bargaining. The group of stakeholders involved in the ETF project (Reference Group and Policy Dialogue Group) has furthermore elaborated a Concept for validation of non-formal and informal learning, which in 2012 can be discussed by the authorities.

To translate the transparency provided by occupational standards into outcome-based qualifications, the Reference and Policy Dialogue Groups will work on learning outcomes and subsequently on a format for VET qualifications in the Republic of Moldova. The work is inscribed within the Mobility Partnership, although it will obviously benefit all students and employees, youth and adults, people active in the labour market or outside it, beside the returning migrants.

In consideration of the regional dimension of the mobility and security policies, the sharing of Mobility Partnerships’ experience with Armenia and Georgia will go on. Moldova will also be able to benefit from its involvement in the regional LLL project where peers are learning from policies and practice in Continuing Vocational Training in other Eastern European countries.

Cooperation among all parties involved, joint work and capacity building are embedded in the ETF working method, which in the Republic of Moldova has proven to be the most suitable approach. The mentioned priorities of modern system governance, of a more pronounced lifelong strategy, and new mechanisms for financing can only be realised with the contribution of the Government and the social actors, the public and the private, the schools and their communities.

1.  Background

The Torino Process report of 2010 identified three main policy priorities, whose goal would be the improved quality of education and training in Moldova:

(i) a clearer role for social partners in system governance (bringing education and training closer to actual demands, making regular use of labour market need assessments and developing work-based learning approaches);

(ii) the expansion of CVT services and opportunities, to respond to present and expected gaps in the labour market (enhancing CVT would indirectly benefit initial education, through improved status, capacities and resourcing in VET schools); and

(iii) new funding mechanisms for the system (re-thinking the relationship between public and private, and consolidating new partnerships).

In 2011 ETF has contributed to priority (i) and priority (ii), achieving effective results, namely:

-the finalisation of a national format for occupational standards thanks to the involvement of social partners, template that was eventually approved by the Tripartite Commission on National Bargaining

-the preparation of a draft Government decision on the institutionalisation of sector committees and their role in the creation of new occupational standards in future

-the elaboration of a Concept on validation of non-formal and informal learning (draft methodology to be submitted to the authorities)

-the stocktaking of CVT policies and practice in the country, and exchange with other Eastern Europe countries through peer learning

-the input into the chapter on skills’ development of the new national Strategy for SMEs Development (building on the SBA assessment, see the related IP).

In addition, ETF has supported the Ministry of Education in policy formulation of priorities and in capacity building linked to these priorities, namely through:

-the identification of a project on VET sector governance, which was approved for EU 2012 funding

-two policy workshops on lifelong learning and national qualifications framework.

In 2012 ETF will continue to support the EC and the country in:

·  Empowering country stakeholders - Government staff and social partners - in playing respective roles and responsibility in the management of VET reform, through policy advice and capacity building (Core Theme A)

·  Valuing the skills’ dimension of the EU-Republic of Moldova Mobility Partnership, through a new phase of the project in skills’ transparency (first phase 2009-11) and sharing the experience with Armenia and Georgia (Core Theme A and Theme B)

·  Reinforcing the collection, processing and effective use of evidence for better informed policy decisions in the VET sector through the Torino Process review, and the Torinet activities (Core Theme A)

·  Bringing the stocktaking of CVT policies and practice into a constructive level, through the implementation of one specific change in the system (see implementation plan of the LLL/CVT in Eastern Europe project) (Core Theme A)

·  Follow-up to the approval of the National SMEs Strategy with national and/or regional discussion on implementation (see the implementation plan of the Entrepreneurship project in Eastern Europe) (Core Theme C).

The Republic of Moldova has approved the new National Development Strategy 2012-2020 (NDS), which identifies quality of professionally-oriented education and training as the top priority, based on the analysis that human capital is the strongest asset of the country. The ETF country project is fully in line with the new NDS.

The core country activities (first three bullet points above) will pave the way to the upcoming EC technical assistance to the VET sector, funded from the 2012 EC allocation and expected to be operational towards the end of the year.

As regards the Mobility Partnership, the Republic of Moldova is considered as a good practice example and ETF will continue its contribution to it being part of the EU initiative on labour and return migration management. The sharing of experience with Armenia and Georgia will also be followed-up.

2.  Overall Objective 2012-2014

The expert input of ETF has an effect on the VET system reform process in the Republic of Moldova.

2.1.  Specifics Objectives 2012

2.1.1 / To provide policy advice to VET decision makers and social partners, related to the national strategy and upcoming EC project for VET (topics to be confirmed: qualifications and NQF, quality, shared governance).
2.1.2 / To work together with the stakeholders to elaborate a first draft methodology for outcome-based qualifications, building on the national format of occupational standards (done in previous project phase under the Mobility Partnership).
2.1.3 / To further enhance the use of evidence in the VET policy making.

3.  Project Approach

3.1.  Target Countries

The Republic of Moldova (Moldova)

3.2.  Target Beneficiaries

Please select one or more target countries and beneficiaries from the below lists:

European Commission
EU Delegation
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Labour/Employment/Social affairs
Ministry of Economy
Regional and local authorities
Schools and other training institutions
Teachers and Trainers
Social partners
Employment offices
3.3.  Methodology

The main thrust of the 2012 country work will be to start the new phase of the project under the Mobility Partnership (embedded into the EU ‘Strengthened capacity to manage labour and return migration’), and to continue the expert support to the VET policy development. In parallel, activities of the two regional projects on CVT and on entrepreneurship will continue, also including country-based activities. Furthermore dissemination and exchange of experiences with Armenia and Georgia on the Mobility Partnership will take place, following the positive experience of November 2011.

The methodology throughout all components and activities is based on involvement of stakeholders and feedback from/to policy makers, to create capacity and ownership of the change processes. Social partners have a special role in the Republic of Moldova to enhance the VET system and they need preparation to play a more active role in the governance of the VET system. The collaboration with other donors already in place will continue, as this proves to be a strategic factor for consistency of policy messages and complementarity instead of overlapping.

ETF has launched an open tender to procure local services to support the activities. The future contract will have the structure of a framework and should cover the organisation of activities for about 3 years.

The illustration of the different activities below is done by ‘components’ of the country project, where ETF ensures consistency and effective coordination.

Policy Advice

Policy advice is an ongoing commitment of ETF in the Republic of Moldova. In 2011 ETF has provided expert input into the draft SMEs Development Strategy, conducted two policy workshops, and contributed initial ideas for the action plan of the NDS’s chapter on education and training quality.

In preparation of the EC technical assistance and in the light of the new NDS, policy advice in 2012 will focus on one maximum two specific areas, to be selected together with the partner institutions. In addition Moldovans will participate in ETF corporate events on policy themes together with other countries.

1 / Support to policy design
·  Additional input to education and training action plan related to the NDS
·  One-two thematic workshops with policy makers, social partners and other stakeholders. Likely requested topics: qualifications and NQF, quality, shared responsibility in VET governance (however subject to confirmation) / Q1 – Q3
Q2 – Q4
2 / Support and advice to the EU Delegation
·  Additional support to design of the technical assistance project, upon request
·  Advice on the new design of the SPSP, upon request / Q1 – Q4
3 / Donors’ dialogue
·  Update of the matrix of donors’ activities and of the summary report
·  One meeting for information exchange and mutual updating among current and potential donors involved in VET and labour market in Moldova.
·  Alignment of policy messages with key donors, especially on use of occupational standards and work on qualifications, through common discussion or workshop / Q1

Mobility Partnership

Having completed the first project phase on validation of non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL) the new phase will concentrate on the qualification side of the skills’ transparency, while following-up on previous phase if and where needed. In addition to the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour Social Protection and Family, the National Employment Agency, the Republican Centre for VET Development, and the Social Partners, also the Ministry of Economy has asked to become part of the work.

In 2012 the project will produce a methodology for outcomes based qualifications/educational standards based on the occupational standards, which is to be suitable for the Moldovan context. Outcome-based qualifications will allow changes in the Moldovan VET system towards more demand driven education programmes for all, including for returning migrants. The main activities will include the following.

The technical work on learning outcomes and qualifications will be conducted by ETF staff and Governing Board members (or other MS staff).

1 / Learning outcomes and qualifications for the Moldovan VET system
·  One workshop on learning outcomes , what they are, how to formulate them
·  One workshop on outcome-based qualifications
·  One workshop to start the elaboration of a Moldovan format of educational standard/qualification file (this third workshop depends on the achievements of previous two) / Q1 – Q4
2 / Capacity building for stronger social dialogue
·  Familiarisation of stakeholders with core skills such as communication, effective meeting management and effective presentations, for them to better play their role in VET governance, as well as to improve dialogue and team work between institutions
·  Reinforce the role of social partners by establishing dialogue with the Tripartite Commission on National Bargaining on skills and human capital development, by presenting at meetings of sector committees, and by promoting the formation of new sector committees to discuss sector-relevant skills. Combined meetings/workshops with other donor organisations are one option e.g. with ILO / Q2 – Q4
3 / Follow-up of project’s first phase (2009-2011)
·  Follow-up activities may be required e.g. further consultations with authorities on the Concept of validation of non-formal and informal learning; dissemination of the new format of occupational standards. / Q1 – Q3

Evidence-Based Policy

In 2012 a new Torino Process review will take place, and 1-2 seminars according to the Torinet concept elaborated by ETF, addressed to both experts and users of evidence.

1 / Torino Process
·  Guide the self-assessment of the VET policies
·  Support with translations of draft versions and of relevant documents, commenting, providing feedback
·  Help the finalisation of the text
·  Conduct one/two meetings during the process
·  Conduct one meeting for disseminating preliminary conclusion of the Torino Process 2012 report, and one larger dissemination workshop upon completion and translation of the report. / Q1 – Q4
·  Awareness raising about creation and use of evidence for policy design and implementation, through a workshop.
·  Advising about the use of evidence throughout the Torino Process reporting and provision of data where relevant.
·  Participation of Moldovans into a regional/cross-regional meeting of the Torinet (see the Torinet implementation plan). / Q1 – Q4

Synergy with regional projects and donors’ dialogue

It is important at country level to link and give consistency to all ETF activities where Moldovans are involved. This requires additional meetings, consultations, translations, and in some cases extra country activities. Moldova takes part in the following regional projects: LLL, Entrepreneurship and Mobility Partnership (see respective implementation plans), and in ETF corporate activities implying attendance of events, preparation of briefings, short reports etc.

Starting from 2008 donors’ dialogue has been highly beneficial to ETF activities. Regular exchange of information between those contributing to the VET sector takes place and formal meetings are organised by ETF once a year. In 2012 a similar path will be followed.