[1]Node Public Policy Project Mapping
Title and level
/ Description / Key Words / Researchers / Deliverables1.1 - Survey of Co-ops and Credit Unions in Atl. Canada
Provincial / -list and map co-ops and credit unions in Atlantic Provinces
-categorize co-op work
-document contribution to economy
-show how they are financed and how they support other enterprises and community organizations
-compare the co-operative sector to the nonprofit and voluntary sector in Atlantic Canada
-compare our region to other regions in Canada with similar work
-contribute to work of others
-inform public policy / Mapping; comparative; co-ops; credit unions; non-profit; voluntary; public policy; financing; support; Atlantic Canada / L. Thériault (University New Brunswick), L. Brown (Mount Saint Vincent University), R. Skibbens (Service NS and Municipal Relations) / Research Report and research briefs; Web-posting; Scholarly articles and conference presentations; Non-academic public presentations; Map-making presenting results using GIS technology; Reinforcing knowledge of the sector within and outside the sector; At least one graduate student to be trained (Sept. 2009)
1.4 Government policies that support community organizations in the sustainable management of watershed groups: policy analysis and recommendations
1.4 Les politiques gouvernmentales comme support aus organismes communautaires de gestion viable des groupes de basins versants: analyses des politiques et recommandations
provinciaux/fédéraux / - Evaluate modes of financing for community, co-operative and/or social economy groups in southeastern New Brunswick;
- Study provincial and federal policies that relate to the functioning of the target groups;
- Based on the analysis, formulate policy recommendations that will enhance the viability of the target groups.
-évaluer les modes de financement de groupes communautaires, coopératifs et/ou d’économie sociale du sud-est du Nouveau-Brunswick;
-faire l’examen des politiques provinciaux et fédéraux touchant le fonctionnement des groupes ciblés;
-à la lumière de l’analyse effectuée, établir des recommandations au niveau des politiques qui pourraient favoriser la viabilité des groupes cibles. / Financing; community organizations; co-ops; SE; New Brunswick; provinciaux; fédéraux / O. Chouinard (Université de Moncton), J. Gauvin, (Groupe de développement durable du Pays de Cocagne), G. Martin (Université de Moncton), A. Leclerc (Caisses populaires acadiennes en études coopératives) / Plans to disseminate the research results, conferences and workshops; preparation of an article for submission to publications: Revue Économie et Solidarité or Nouvelles Pratiques Sociales; preparation of a research report with emphasis on recommendations; Websites: the research report and article will be available on line (2008)
Plans pour communiquer les résultats de recherche Conférences et ateliers; Production d’un article qui sera soumis à la revue Économie et Solidarité ou Nouvelles Pratiques Sociales; Rédaction d’un rapport de recherche qui mettra l’emphase sur les recommandations; Sites Web: Le rapport de recherche et l’article seront disponibles en ligne (2008)
1.5 Contribution of the old and the new social economy to the development of the community of Lamèque in New Brunswick.
Level: Municipal
1.5 Contribution de l’ancienne et de la nouvelle économie sociale au développement de la communauté de Lamèque au Nouveau-Brunswick / -Phase 1 Mobilization of community leadership in collective and social economy enterprises in remote areas.
-Phase 1 de Mobilisation du leadership communautaire aux entreprises collectives et d’économie sociale en territoire éloigné. / Community leadership mobilizationl; collective enterprise; SE / -O. Chouinard, A. Leclerc (Université de Moncton) / -Literature review and preparation of the interview and administrative framework for the focus group (Phase 1 –2008)
-Revue de la littérature et élaboration du cadre d’entrevue et administration du focus group (Phase 1 –2008)
2.1 - Launching rural women’s entrepreneurship
Level: Provincial / -Support an existing, co-op in pursuing its research goals. Process documentation;
Participatory evaluation; Case study on women in rural development / Co-op; participatory; evaluation; case study; women; rural / W. Pobjoy (Launching Entrepreneurial Advantage for Parents), M. Burge (Cooper Institute), G. Baldacchino, I. Novaczek, K. Harris (University of PEI) / Co-op Evaluation report (2006); funding proposal for co-op development (2006); Congress paper (2007); Case study report (2008); Improved supports for rural development (long term)
2.2 - Community
Accounts - PEI
Level: Municipal/Provincial / -Define factors contributing to quality of life
-Develop PEI CA pilot
-Integrate community values into online CA database for local governance and research
-Develop infrastructural supports for the SE and recommendations for government regarding instituting community accounts
-Foster learning from NL. / Quality of life; community values; local governance; infrastructure; supports; community accounts / K. Clough (Quality of Island Life Co-op), I. Novaczek (University of PEI), R. Sharkey (Trout River Environment Committee), M. McGuire (Tyne Valley Municipality), Lennox Island First Nation, S. Enman (University of PEI), Community Accounts of Nfld and Labrador / Pilot Community Accounts for PEI proposal (Dec 2007); Tyne Valley – Lennox Isd data and research report; Community meetings; Conference and workshop presentations; Curriculum materials, Environmental Studies (2010); Improved tools for local governance (long term)
2.3 - Youth Engagement
in Hillsborough
Park (Global Culture,
Local meanings and contested community);
Redefining Youth Apathy
Level: Municipal / -Explore identity building and community engagement of marginalized youth
-Joined SE Network in order to pursue Phase II of their work. / Identity; marginalized youth; community engagement / J. Clow (Hillsborough Promoters), Hillsborough Helping Hands youth group;, M. Burge (Cooper Institute), J. Mitchell (University of PEI), D. LeVangie, K. Harris, Gushue, volunteers / Research reports & publications;
Conference and workshop presentations; Community bulletins;
Honours thesis (complete);
Hillsborough Helping Hands video; Improved services for at-risk youth (long term) (2010)
-See CURA project proposal below – 2.14
2.4 - Advocating
changes to maternity & parental benefits legislation
Level: Provincial / To assist in developing external proposal. To help with a dissemination piece. Develop partnerships to perform & disseminate research; influence government policy on maternity & parental benefits / Partnerships; policy; maternity and parental benefits / M. Harris-Genge, M. Ridgeway (Women’s Network PEI Inc.); C. MacQuarrie (Universiy of PEI), S. Roach Lewis (Women for Environmental Sustainability), J. Ledwell (PEI Advisory Council for the Status of Women) / Successful proposal; extended networks for advocacy; Policy briefs to government and SE organizations; web site; brochures; workshops (2008); Broad awareness of need for improved parental benefits (long term)
2.5 - The role of women
in the fishery and fisheries management
Level: Provincial / Document women’s roles in fishery and fisheries management. Apply a gender lens to the unions and women’s roles / Fisher; gender; unions; women / S. Roach Lewis (Women for Environmental Sustainability), I. Novaczek, J. Mitchell, Gushue, Deacon, Funk (University of PEI) / Case study of women’s struggle for equity; Prepare proposal for external funding; Advice to fishers’ organizations and governments (2008/2009); Improved gender equity in fisheries management (long term)
2.6 - Mapping supports
for the social economy
Level: Provincial / Determine influence of government policy and programs on SE / SE; policy / I. Novaczek (University of PEI(, J. Pettit (Executive Council, Government of PEI), Subnode 2 community partners, K. Harris, B. Groome Wynne (University of PEI) / Research report; Community workshop; Recommendations to NGOs and governments re: strategies to support SE; Meeting with government (2008); improved gov’t-SE partnerships (long term)
2.11 - Internationally Educated Health Professionals in PEI: Why They Come, Why They Stay, and the Challenges They Face.
Level: Federal / How many and what type of immigrant health professionals are there?
How can they gain access to jobs in the health sector? What policy changes are required to improve integration of immigrant health professionals? Roles for SE groups working with immigrants? / Immigrants; health care; employment; policy; SE / M. Hood (PEI Newcomers Association), G. Baldacchino, Fall (University of PEI) / Database on immigrant health professionals; Immigrant’s guide to Canada’s health care system; report and publications; recommend policy (2008); Improved service to immigrants; more health professionals for Canadian health system (long term)
2.12 - Family Violence Project
Level: Provincial / What hurdles exist for rural women seeking legal aid in domestic violence situations; How can services to victims be improved; Role of SE organizations / Rural; women; abuse; service improvement; SE / C. MacQuarrie, Adams (University of PEI), SAGE Inc., Women’s Network PEI, Inc. / Research report and recommendations;
Masters thesis; Workshops for SE service providers (2009)
2.14- Beyond Silence
Level: Municipal / Use creative expression to educate and engage the public to prevent child sexual abuse; SN working with SAGE to move research forward (transcription of interviews, data analysis, etc) / Child abuse; public education / C. MacQuarrie (University of PEI), SAGE Inc. / Development of program materials; Needs assessments; community
consultations; book publication; Workshops; conference papers
Enhanced capacity for SAGE (2013)
3.1 - Food Box Program: Current and Potential Contributions to the Social Economy
Level: Municipal / -Evaluate program contributions and potential contributions to SE
-Connect local producers and suppliers with program coordinator / mapping; evaluation; SE; food security / P. Williams (Mount Saint Vincent University), D. Reimer, L. Frank (Kids Action Program), J. Penner / Presentation of preliminary findings at Forum on Food Security and the SE; Presentation at SN3 Lunch and Learn; Report Kids Action Program; Published report and paper; expansion of the food box program; development of Phase 2 research project (2008)
3.2 – Community Forum on Food Security and the Social Economy
Level: Municipal / -Forum on food security and food systems in the Annapolis, Kings and Hants Counties; clarify relationships between community food security (CFS) and SE; gain understanding of CFS and local group involvement; understanding of barriers to community food secure; identify resources and facilitate dialogue on building CFS; create action supporting CFS; explore how the SE and Sustainability Network can support community mobilization on CFS and the SE in Kings, Hants, & Annapolis Counties in NS / Food security; community; SE; barriers / D. Reimer, L. Frank (Kids Action Program) D. Upton (NS Assoc. of Community Business Development Corporations), K. Randall (FEED NOVA SCOTIA), J. Penner, L. Carlsson, P. Williams (Mount Saint Vincent University), D. Beck and S. Hanninen (Public Health Services, Annapolis Valley Health) / Community forum proceedings; call for SN3 proposals sent to all forum participants (2008)
3.5 Cultivating Food Security in Nova Scotia Public Schools: A Case Study of the Gaspereau Valley Elementary School Garden Project
Level: Municipal / Explore the value of school gardens in advancing CFS at the school level; discover the health, social and ecological effects of school food gardens; how these effects are felt, and by whom; what the key individual, family, program, school, and community factors are that reconcile these benefits; and what resources are necessary to ensure the programs are successful / School gardens; community; food security / L. Carlsson, P. Williams (Mount Saint Vincent University) / Journal article published in the Journal of School Health or the Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition; Participation, 28th Annual American Community Gardening Assoc. Conference,
http://www.ruaf.org/files/07ConfBrochure[1].pdf (2009)
3.6 GAHN 6658, Independent Study course, Applied Human Nutrition, MSVU
Level: Federal/International / Review and describe school gardens, farm to school programs and sustainable procurement policies; situate them within McCullum’s continuum of Community Food Security strategies, and the political context in Canada and the US; consider the benefits of these strategies against the challenges they present; discuss the role of dieticians / School gardens; farm to school programs; sustainable procurement policies; community; food security; Canada; U.S; dietitians / L. Carlsson; P. Williams (Mount Saint Vincent University) / Presentation at the Canadian Association of Food Studies; Publication in the Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition (2008)
4.1 - Social economy and watershed groups on the Acadian coast
Level: Provincial
4.1 - Économie sociale et groupes de bassin-versant sur le littoral acadien / Social economy in the practices of watershed groups.
L’économie sociale dans les pratiques des groupes de bassin versant / SE; bassin management / O. Chouinard; P.M. Desjardins (Université de Moncton), P. Émond (Groupe de bassin-versant de Cap-Pelé) J. Gauvin (Groupe de développement durable de Cocagne), N. Gauvin (Coalition pour la viabilité du sud du Golfe du St.-Laurent), Jean Lambert (Secrétariat Rural), Monique Langis, Monique Brideau / Understanding the practices of watershed groups from a social economy perspective (Phase 1 2006; Phase 2 in progress)
Compréhension des pratiques des groupes de bassin versant à la lumière de l’économie sociale (Phase 1 2006; Phase 2 en cours)
4.2 - Participation and community forestry in northern New Brunswick
Level: Provincial
4.2 - Participation et foresterie communautaire dans le nord du Nouveau-Brunswick / Importance of community forestry in northern New Brunswick.
Importance de la foresterie communautaire dans le Nord du N.-B. / Community forests; New Brunswick / S. Wyatt
(Université de Moncton), D. LeBlanc (Coop. forestière de McKendrick), P. DeMarsch (Assoc. des propriétaires de lots boisés du Nouveau-Brunswick), Diane Landry / Appreciation of the impact of community forestry on northern New Brunswick’s rural economy (Phase 1 2006; Phase 2 in progress)
Appréciation de la foresterie communautaire dans l’économie rurale du nord du N.-B. (Phase 1 2006; Phase 2 en cours
4.3 - Alternative farming practices and food security at the Récolte de Chez-Nous (RCN) Cooperative
Level: Provincial
4.3 - Pratiques agricoles alternatives et sécurité alimentaire à la coopérative de la Récolte de chez nous (RCN) / Importance of alternative traditional farming on the local economy
Importance de l’agriculture artisanale alternative dans l’économie locale / Agriculture; SE / O. Chouinard, G. Martin (Université de Moncton), L. Bourgeois (Récolte de chez-nous coop) / 14 out of 29 farmers were prepared to modify their practices regarding agricultural inputs at a workshop held in November 2007 (Phase 1 2007)
14 fermiers sur 29 sont ouverts à modifier leur pratique sur les intrants agricoles lors d’un atelier en nov. 2007 (Phase 1 2007)
4.5 - Community involvement to deal with rising sea levels caused by climate change on the Acadian coast
Level: Municipal
4.5 - Engagement communautaire face à l’augmentation du niveau marin causée par le changement climatique sur le littoral acadien / Mobilization of local governments to deal with rising sea levels
Mobilisation des gouvernements locaux face à l’augmentation du niveau marin / local government; sea level; climate change / O. Chouinard, la municipalité de Le Goulet; le District de service local de Pointe Duchesne / Building community capacity in the villages of Le Goulet and Pointe Duchesne to deal with rising sea levels; Building community capacity in the community of Pointe Carron-East Bathurst in Chaleur Bay (Phase 1 2006; Phase 2 2007
Renforcement des capacités communautaires des villages de Le Goulet et Pointe Duchesne face à l’augmentation du niveau marin; Renforcement des capacités communautaires dans la communauté de Pointe Carron-East Bathurst dans la baie des Chaleurs (Phase 1 2006; Phase 2 2007
4.6 - Climate change and medicinal plants in the communities of Mi’kmaq d’Eel River Bar and d’Elsipogtog
Level: Municipal
4.6 - Changements climatiques et plantes médicinales dans les communautés Mi’kmaq d’Eel River Bar et d’Elsipogtog / Vulnerability of medicinal plants to rising temperatures caused by climate change
Vulnérabilité des plantes médicinales face au réchauffement causé par les changements climatiques / Medicinal plants; climate change / N. Gauvin (Coalition pour la viabilité du sud du Golfe), O. Chouinard (Université de Moncton) / Understanding of the importance of reducing our ecological footprint in order to protect traditional medicinal plants (Phase 1 2008)
Compréhension de l’importance de diminuer notre empreinte écologique afin de protéger les plantes médicinales traditionnelles (Phase 1 2008)
5.1 - Financing the social economy
Level: Regional / Investigate who provides finance to the social economy organizations in Atlantic Canada, identify issues and problems with finance of the SE organizations, and estimate the demand for finance of the SE in a few selected communities. Policy implications. / Financing; SE; Atlantic Canada; policy / P. Hough (Cdn Worker Co-op Federation and Cdn. Community Investment Network Co-op), S. Asimakos (Saint John Community Loan Fund), G. Karaphillis (Cape Breton University), R. Wehrell (Acadia University) / Student training, research, publications; presentations to Canadian SE actors; conference presentations (2009/2010)
5.3 - GAAP and cooperative accounting
Level: International / To modify the general accounting rules for cooperative firms; to produce a recommended practice in co-operative accounting / Financing; co-ops; policy / T. Webb (Cooperative Management Education Co-op), E. Hicks (Mount Saint Vincent University) / Graduate student research and publications; involvement of international research committee and professional associations; conference presentations (2008/2009)