July 5, 2016

@5:30pm in ROOM 36 (HS Computer Lab)

I.  Opening Business

·  The meeting was called to order at 5:33pm.

·  The following members were present for the meeting: Elisa Gray, Alicia Johnson, Terri Barton, Paul Simpson, Tonya Fox, and Kacie Peer.

·  The July Agenda was approved by consensus.

·  The June Minutes were approved by consensus.

·  The following Good News Reports were shared with Council:

·  Good luck to our FCCLA students who are participating at FCCLA Nationals in San Diego, CA this week: Tori Fryman, Haley Middleton, Macy Linder, Ruthie Blaine, and Karlee Dungan.

·  Congratulations to Mr. Hedges on being inducted into the American School of Band Directors Association on Thursday, June 30th.

·  Good job to the Band of Spirit, who partnered with the GC Band to play at the dedication ceremony for the Ark Encounter on Tuesday, July 5th.

·  There was no Public Comment.

II.  Student Achievement

·  The ESS Summer Session 2015-2016 Report was reviewed and discussed.

III.  School Improvement Planning

·  The goals of the CSIP were reviewed and discussed with Council as an orientation for new members.

·  Improvement planning for the upcoming school year was discussed.

IV.  Budget Report

·  All current budgets/accounts were reviewed and approved by consensus.

V.  New Business

·  The meeting schedule for 2016-2017 was set for the first Tuesday of each month at 4:00pm in the library.

·  The Special Meeting Form was distributed to all Council members for review and signatures.

·  The Duty & Records Form was distributed to all Council members for review and signatures.

·  A review of the Freedom of Speech & Religious Freedom Laws was held.

·  The Student Handbook and Discipline Code was reviewed and approved by consensus.

·  Council approved the Fee Schedule for the 2016-2017 school year. Middle School fees will be $40, and High School Fees will be $60. Council agreed that any specific class fees will be collected by the individual teachers and deposited into the appropriate accounts for use.

VI.  Upcoming Deadlines

·  The following deadlines were shared with Council:

o  July 30 ––Training deadline for new council members.

VII.  Adjournment

·  The meeting was adjourned at 6:26pm.

·  The next meeting will be held August 2 at 4:00pm in the library.