Lytham St. Annes Technology
And Performing Arts College
Parents, Teachers and Friends Association Meeting,
Lytham St.Annes Technology and Performing Arts College, PTFA meeting minutes for 05/03/15
Members Present and Apologies
Members present:
Debbie Fox, Rachel Hinchliffe, Sandra Madden, Alison Murphy, Edwina Culshaw, Corinne Mason, Joanne Millar, Claire Sutcliffe, Lisa Rogan, Chris Challenger, Carol Horridge,AndrewMoxham, Christine Rouse, Phil Wood, Mandy Palmer, Deborah Blore, Fiona O’Hara, Andrea Menzies, Alison Dunn, Peter Jackson, Karen Shepherd, Robert Owen, Sarah Owen,Stuart Baldwin, Joanna Allitt and Penny Mallinson.
Apologies were received from:
Alison Riley, Lynn Morris, Boris Richardson, Tess Mills, Jenny Hartley, Julie Thornton, Adele Tate, Donna Mason and Wendy Prime.
Andy reported that there is currently around £1,500 in the PTFA account with an extra 465 still to be banked from the recent Mother's Day shopping night, plus Sally reported some £60 from refreshments also available to bank.
Debbie reported that the £50 agreed by the group, was donated to Hal the year 11 student who recently visited Westminster.
• The Summer Ball committee reported that sales of tickets was going quite well and that thus far around 6 -7 tables had been sold. Prizes were steadily coming in for auction/ raffle prizes, including one which is the use of a Mazarrati for the weekend. If anyone has any prizes they may be able to offer or know of any businesses who may be willing to donate please get in touch with the sub-committee. The souvenir brochure may also be of interest to local businesses. Robert explained to the group that leaflets had been printed and we're ready for distribution but he had not been able to bring to the meeting and he would bring them next time.
• Lesley and Alison reported that the Mother's Day shopping evening was a success, in particular the bottle tombola which had not been done before, raised around £80. Lesley passed on her thanks to everyone who helped on the evening and made the evening a success.
• Stringer’s shopping night – Michelle reported that around 70 ticketes had been sold at this point and the team were optimistic to reach 100 by the evening of the event. Stringers, at this point will not say how much discount will be available on the night as it is dependent upon the numbers who attend, but it should be between 10 and 20%.
• Rag Bag – Debbie reported that the bin had already been emptied once and that a cheque had been received for £28 which was handed over to the treasurer. The scheme had not proven too difficult and there seemed to be a steady flow of goods being brought in. A question was asked as to whether or not the goods donated all had to be of a certain quality or standard and if fabric such as curtains could be included. Debbie said that she would confirm this and makethis clear in the next email that was sent out to remind parents about the scheme.
ACTION:Debbie to clarify re quality and email parents accordingly.
• PE department fund raising – Mr. Wood confirmed that he had reported back to the PE department with regard to capping the donated amount to £1000. Mr Wood advised that the department were happy with this's do grateful for our donation.
ACTION:Mr.Wood to advise group when the target of £1000 has been reached so that an official handover of money can take place along with some photos and a write up for the website.
• Fashion show – Corinne reported back to the group more details abou the potential for a fashion show. The company is called Shop to Drop. They require £100 deposit which is refundable providing the PTFA can sell over 80 tickets (which must be to adults) by the deadline. The company bring all the clothes and equipment and models walk around demonstrating the clothes on offer.All the clothes are ladies fashion and are discounted high street brands. It is recommended that tickets are sold for around £5 all of which is profit once the deposit is recovered. A room needs to be provided for trying on clothes and a suggestion was made that the drama theatre may be a good option are there are mirrors along the wall. Some discussion took place over dates and it was finally agreed that a Summer date would be preferable and9th Julyin particular was put forward as being a feasible date after exams had finished and nearing the end of term.
ACTION: Corinne to check with company on availability after Debbie has checked school hall and drama theatre availability.
• A suggestion had been received by a group member about a web site called
easyfundraising.orgwhich is designed to raise money for charities/schools etc by money being donated when people shop on line. However, it was raised that there already was this facility available on the school website and it had been in place for sometime. However, most parents were not aware of this and it was questioned as to how obvious this was on the school website.
ACTION: Mr Wood to clarify and confirm if this facility is still available.
300 Club
Sandra and Andy reported that currently numbers are looking reasonably healthy for the club.
The winners for this months draw are:19 George Baldwin 95 Peter Webster 32 Jenny Hartley
Sally thanked everyone for their help over the last few occasionsand reported that she had a more fully updated volunteer list now. No further refreshments were scheduled at the present time.
Head Teacher’s Forum
Mr Wood reported to the group that there was a proposal being considered by the governors to change the school day back to a 3.15 finish on Tuesday's as from September 2015. This has beenput forward in light of the changes to the curriculum scheduled for academic year 2015/16 which will mean a greater content to the syllabusesfor GCSEMathematics and English. More teaching hours will be required in order to adequately cover the new syllabuses and ensure that pupils learning is maximised. It is with this in mind that extra time need to be “found” from somewhere in the timetabled week. Various other options have been discussed and MrWood assured the group that the activities that are currently provided on a Tuesday afternoon will be offered elsewhere,as far as possible, during the school week. Comments from parents were invited to be submitted.
Mr Wood also brought to the group a request for funding. The library has been in need of refurbishment for sometime and although the supply of books is sufficient the library itself is somewhat in need of updating andrefreshing. Clearly this would be a long term fund raising event and one which would require agreement from the group. After discussion it was agreed unanimously that a project like this would be very worthwhile and that it would give the group a definite target to work towards in the way that the catering van had previously.
ACTION: Mr Wood to feedback to staff that the PTFA were happy to make this their fund raising mission and that a phased plan could be drawn up.
Any Other Business
• Progress on catering van – Debbie showed the group some photos of the newly painted catering van, complete with the newly designed PTFA logo. Debbie reported that she had been liaising with Peter Webster and Linda the catering manager about the launch of the van. Sarah Owen has kindly offered to get some aprons printed up with the new logo on for catering staff to wear when serving in the van. It was agreed that once these were ready and the van was ready to launch that some PTFAmembers and the catering team shouldendeavour to have an official opening with photos and press coverage etc.
ACTION: Debbie to liaise with Linda re aprons and to copy Mr Wood’s secretary into emails so that she is aware of this and a date can be arranged that is mutually convenient for the launch.
• Sandra reported to the group that she had recently attended a meeting at the bequest of Sarah Powell, Mr Wood’s secretary, , with the schoolweb designer in regard to getting a specific, regular PTFA newsletter up and running. Several ideas had been put forward and the group felt that this would be a fabulous opportunity for some publicity and a great way to raise the profile of the group and what they do in general. Ian is to send some templates to Sandra for our consideration.
ACTION:Sandra and Debbie to consider templates and feedback to Ian.
• Joanna reported to the group that she had met with the school council recently and they had presented a want listfor lighting equipmentthat the drama department would be interested in. Sarah advised the group that she had some contacts who may be able to give a competitive price.
ACTION: Joanna to clarify with students exact nature of the list and an estimate of cost and Sarah to see if she can get a rough estimate.
The meeting concluded at 20.45 and the date of the next meeting was agreed as 16.04.15