Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on the 11.5.2017 in the TalHumphreys room umphreysHat Llanymynech Village Hall.

PRESENT: Councillors Dilys Gaskill (Chairman) Ken Allcock, Robin Hitch, Terry Mason, Ian Pollitt, Peter Roberts, Barry Robinson, Janet Smith,Mark Vickers,

17/059ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN. Cllr Mrs. Dilys Gaskill was Elected as Chairman.

17/060ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE. Chairman and Councillors present signed their Acceptance of


17/061ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN. Cllr Adam Brown was Elected as Vice Chairman.

17/062REPONSIBLE FINANCIAL OFFICER. Mrs Vivien Byrne was Appointed as Responsible

Financial Officer and signed her acceptance of Office.

17/063PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND POLICE REPORT. There was no public attendance.

PCSO Mabe gave the following report: From 23.3.17 to 11.5.17 49 calls from the public to

the Police, of these 10 were crimes – 4 domestic incidents, 2 criminal damage, taking of

motor vehicle, 1 assault, 1 missing person and 1 concern for safety. Ten calls were

Highway incidents and 5 calls for antisocial behaviour.

17/064APOLOGIES: Cllrs Adam Brown and Peter McConville.

17/065MINUTES of the meetings held on the 6.4.17 and the 27.4.17 were confirmed and signed.


17/067ELECTION OF COMMITTEES. The Committees were Re-elected enbloc with the addition of Cllr Vickers.

Burial Committee - Cllrs Mrs. D. Gaskill, Mason and Cllr Mrs. J. Smith with Cllr McConville

as Reserve.

Footpath Committee - All Councillors.

Planning Committee - All Councillors

Oswestry Area Committee - Cllrs Gaskill and McConville.

Play Equipment/Health & Safety Committee - Cllrs McConville, Pollitt and Robinson.

Llanymynech Village Hall Representative - Cllr Pollitt.

Pant Memorial Institute Representative - Cllr McConville.

Playing Fields Association Representative - Cllrs McConville and Pollitt

Emergency Planning – Cllrs Hitch and Mason.

Tree Warden – Cllr Roberts and Robinson.

Quarry Liaison Committee - Cllrs Allcock, Brown and Mason.

Bryn Offa P. Field Management Committee - Cllrs Brown and McConville

Parish Path Wardens - Cllrs Hitch, Roberts, Robinson,Smith and Vickers.

Shropshire Council Local Joint Committee –Cllr Dilys Gaskill.

17/068DEFIBRILLATORS. Fund now £819.60 and a promised grant of £1,244 from the Co-op

Community Fund. Agreed to put the item on the Agenda of the June meeting to finalise

the order. A training workshop has been organised with Aden for the 18.6.17 10am - 2pm.

at the premises in Whittington Road.

17/069ROADS. Letter from the HE Operations Manager concerning the dropped kerb was noted.

Agreed to invite a representative from Keir Highways to the June meeting to advise on their

plans for the A483 in July. Cllrs asked to prepare a list of required repairs.

17/070PLANNING. 17/01548/FUL – erection of a garage with office/store above at new dwelling

adjacent to Dunfermline, Pant. Resolved to support the application.

17/071RIGHTS OF WAY. Application by Primesave Property for Diversion of Right of Way 7 to a

new line east of the hedge. Resolved to support with a request for a kissing gate for

access rather than a stile. Additional comment that the path requires drainage.

17/072CIL AND NEIGHBOURHOOD FUND. Request from Montgomery Canal Partnership for a

donation from the Parish Council towards resurfacing the Heritage Limeworks car park.

The Clerk presented figures and explained the use of the funds.

17/073SRHA RECTORY LANE DEVELOPMENT. The new houses were viewed prior to

completion. The high standard and sustainability of the homes was commented upon. An

official opening was planned upon completion.


(a)Accounts and Bank Reconciliation for 2016/17 was presented.

(b)Expenditure v Budget spreadsheet to 11.5.17 was circulated.

(c)List of accounts for payment as list at 17/078 was approved.

(d)Application to Transparency Code funding was successful for £300 towards website.

17/075AUDITS. (a) The Internal Audit Report was received and noted. (b) The Annual Return for

the External Audit was signed by The Chairman.

17/076STREET LIGHTING. Report given on the stalled relocation of the Scottish Power pole in the Burial Ground. Resolved to write a final letter to Mr. & Mrs. Edwards to sign the SP wayleave form; failing this to request the return of the £7k from Scottish Power

and the removal of the SP pole from the Burial Ground.

17/077VILLAGE MAINTENANCE. Report of dog owners entering the QE11 Pant playing field.

Agreed to obtain Dog Bye Law signs for the three entrances to the playing field.


Cheq / Payee / Amount / Supply
1441 / V E Byrne / 493.60 / April Salary PAID
1442 / HMRC / 123.40 / Tax & NI “
1443 / Highline Elec. / 392.16 / Lighting Maint Inv. 1527
1445 / Llan. V. Hall / 14.00 / APM room hire
1446 / G. Gaskill / 40.00 / Pantllan graphics
1447 / Mrs. Ingram / 30.00 / APM Refreshments. “
1448 / Martin Pritchard / 1134.00 / Grounds Maint. April
1449 / S. Power / 353.42 / Lighting energy x 2
1450 / Fields in Trust / 50.00 / Subscription
1451 / V E Byrne / 493.60 / May Salary
1452 / HMRC / 123.40 / Tax & NI
1453 / VEB Travel Exp. / 47.70 / Travel to Internal Audit
1454 / S Davies / 36.00 / Steel posts for gate at KGV
1455 / K. Jones / 90.00 / Installation of posts and lock
1456 / LLan V. Hall / 14.00 / PC meeting room hire.
1457 / JDH Bus. Serv. / 190.80 / Internal Audit fee
1458 / AON Insurance / 512.72 / Insurance premium
1459 / Llan V. Hall / 8.00 / Room hire – Minister’s visit.