Saturday, October 24, 2015
Imlay City Area Chamber of Commerce “Merchant Trick or Treat”
Extreme Dance Performance 11am- at Farmers’ Market
Music by Champion Entertainments 10:45-1pm at Farmers’ Market
Trick or Treat 11am-1pm- Participating Merchants
The Chamber of Commerce is once again sponsoring the Merchant Trick or Treat. Typically, over 1,000 children participate bringing with them parents and grandparents.
You can join in on the fun!
*Pass out candy and treats to the children *Dress in costume*Give the adults a treat as an incentive to come back!*Decorate your place of business
If you would like to participate, please complete and return the registration form by Monday, October 12. Forms should be returned to the Imlay City Area Chamber of Commerce at 150 North Main Street or faxed to the Chamber office at 810-724-8821. Merchants will receive a pumpkin poster for their storefront window to indicate their participation. Participants may choose to locate a table or booth in the Farmers’ Market area (corner of Main and Third Streets). Set up time for merchants located at the Farmers’ Market will begin at 9:30am. There is no charge to participate in the Merchant Trick or Treat for Chamber of Commerce members. There is a $15 participation fee for Non-Chamber members and payment must be remitted to the Chamber before October 12 in order to be included in the marketing pieces. Please make checks payable to Imlay City Area Chamber of Commerce.
The Chamber will produce 1,000 flyers (to be distributed to Imlay City elementary schools and the downtown area) and newspaper ads to promote the event and the participating merchants. The event will also be promoted through the Chamber Facebook page, emails and website.
Please contact Ann Hintz at the Chamber of Commerce office, 724-1361 or , if you have questions regarding the Merchant Trick or Treat.
Registration Form “Merchant Trick or Treat”
Name of Business ______Contact Person ______
Address ______
Phone ______
Will pass out treats ______Will dress in costume ______Will decorate ______
Will locate in Farmers’ Market Area ______
*Non-Chamber members please include $15 for a participation fee. Checks should be made out to Imlay City Area Chamber of Commerce.
In order for your business to be listed on the flyers and in the advertisement, the Chamber office must receive registration forms by
Monday, October 12, 2015.