Premier Clubs
Governor’s Membership Citation
The Purpose:
To ignite every ROTARIAN by involving them in one or more of the following activities.
Everyone has something to contribute toward the success of their Club; therefore,
every person has the power to make a difference.
How to Become a Premier Club and Receive the Governor’s Membership Citation:
Multiply the number of Club members by 10 (for example, 50 members x 10 = 500 points.) This will be the Club minimum number of points needed to become a Premier Club.
How to Obtain Points?
- Bring in a new member25 pts.
- New member brings in a New Member (Bonus in addition to #1)20 pts.
- Establish a Club Membership Goal10 pts.
- Develop a Membership Committee of 4 or more15 pts.
- Select and complete 4 or more of the
“15 + Tips for Successful Clubs”10 pts. for each one
- Assign a Mentor to each New Member10 pts. for each one
- Give Committee Assignment to New Member in First Week10 pts.
- Hold Firesides (Training) for New Members (orientation)10 pts. for each one
- Create a new in depth Orientation or update if it’s great 10 pts.
- New Member Participates in Service Project10 pts.
- Potential Member gets Involved in Service Project10 pts.
- Develop an Attractive Website or update current website
with a focus on membership10 pts.
13. Invite a District Membership Committee Member to be the
Speaker to your Club10 pts.
14. Hold a Club Assembly focused on Membership 5 pts. for ea. Attendee
15. Brainstorm to create a list of club projects
(past current & future) 10 pts.
16. Produce a club flyer/brochure from the project list 25 pts
17. Implementation of a social media plan 15 pts.
18. Bring a Visitor to a Club Meeting 5 pts.
19. Propose a New Member 5 pts. each
20. Form a follow up committee (absentee members) & activate 20 pts.
21. Have something on membership at EVERY regular meeting 10 pts.
22. Assign a Member to Keep Track of Points 15 pts.
23. Attend the District Membership Seminar 5 pts. for each attendee
24. If EVERY MEMBER of your Club Participates in 1 or more
of the above50 pts.
To become a Premier Club, the club must maintain 90% of it’s June 1, membership. Deaths, serious illnesses/injuries, and members who move outside of the clubs community area (but a referral must be sent to the club nearest to where the member moves) are excluded from this list.
Club Recognition:
District Award to best Club on percentage basis will be presented at the District Conference or other appropriate time.
Every Premier Club will receive the ignite emblem shown above to sew onto their banner.
New Member definition:
A new member is defined as any member’s service that equal one year or less.