UNIT PLAN UPDATE Template ~ September 2009
Each discipline will complete this form to update the unit plans developed in 2008. These will be reviewed at the college level and then forwarded to the district-wide planning and budgeting process. The information on this form is required for all resource requests – including faculty staffing requests – for the 2010-11 budget year.
Date Submitted:Discipline / AFRAM / Dean:
Brief, one paragraph / The College of Alameda’s African American Studies Department mission, in alignment with the College’s mission, is to meet the educational needs of its community by providing comprehensive and flexible programs which will enable students to transfer to four year institutions, to earn degrees and certificates in selected academic and occupational fields, to prepare for positions in the workforce, to improve their basic learning skills and to expand their general knowledge.
The African American Studies Department mission is to expand the student’s knowledge base, to assist them in becoming critical thinkers and to increase their research skills through reading and writing. The department has offered only African American history classes in the past. It has currently expanded to offering classes on The Black Family and Male and Female Gender classes. More classes are in the process of being developed to expand course offerings in the department
Please review the program review data and the CSEP review criteria and complete the following matrix.
Baseline Data
Fall2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / CODE / Comments
Quantitative Assessments
1. Enrollment (duplicated) / 111 / 138 / 165 / 174 / 182 / 157
2. Sections (master sections) / 4 / 4 / 5 / 4 / 4 / 4
3. FTEF / 0.80 / 0.80 / 1.00 / 0.80 / 0.80 / 0.80
4. FTES / 11.10 / 13.80 / 17.10 / 17.40 / 18.26 / 18.26
5. FTES/FTEF / 13.88 / 17.25 / 17.10 / 21.75 / 22.83 / 22.83
6. Program Cost
(Cost methodology is under development. Please complete the remaining items. This step to be completed later.)
Qualitative Assessments**
Community and labor market relevancePresent evidence of community need based on Advisory Committee input, industry need data, McIntyre Environmental Scan, McKinsey Economic Report, etc. This applies primarily to career-technical (i.e., vocational programs). / N/A
Licensure & Job Placement Rates (CTE specific)
Strategic Planning Goals**
Which of these college goals do you intend to fulfill and how? Goals in brackets [ PCCD ] are those of the district.
To improve student persistence, retention and completion rates to increase student success, particularly for educationally and economically at-risk students. [Advance Student Access, Success and Equity]
To continuously review, improve and develop curriculum in order to meet the changing needs of our students and community. [Build Programs of Distinction and Create a Culture of Innovation and collaboration]
To communicate effectively and efficiently with internal and external constituencies in order to achieve COA’s mission. [Engage Our Communities and Partners]
To improve administrative services in support of institutional effectiveness. [Develop Resources to Advance and Sustain our Mission]
College strategic plan relevance**
Check all that apply- New program under development
- Program that is integral to the college’s overall strategy
- Program that is essential for transfer
- Program that serves a community niche.
- Programs where student enrollment or success has been demonstrably affected by extraordinary external factors, such as barriers due to housing, employment, childcare etc.
- Other ______
Action Plan Steps to Address Integrated Planning & Budgeting Results**
Please describe your plan for curriculum, pedagogy/instructional, scheduling, and marketing strategies. Also, please reference any cross district collaboration with the same discipline at other Peralta colleges.
ACTION PLAN -- Include overall plans/goals and specific action steps.Develop new curriculum and continue meeting in collaboration with counterparts at Laney, Merritt and BCC. Continue with same scheduling and marketing strategies.
Full Time FTEF/ Total FTEF ratio
this is where you put your total Full time faculty/your total faculty (Full time and part time combined for a ratio)
If 3 full time FTEF and Total Full time, extra serv., and temp= 12
3/12 25% of the classes taught by full time faculty. / Full Time Faculty FTEF (A) / Extra service FTEF (B) / Temp FTEF
(C) / Total FTEF
12 / Ratio A/ (A+B+C)
3 / 2 / 7
Narrative: are PT faculty available? Can FT faculty be reassigned to this program? Implications if not filled
Personnel / CD Enrl / Tot FTES / Contract FTEF / Ext Srv FTEF / Tmp FTEF / Total FTEF / Contract % / FTES/FTEF
157 / 18.26 / .6 / 0 / .20 / .80 / 75% / 22.83
Equipment/Material/Supply/ Classified/Student Assistant Needs:**
Please describe any needs in the above categories.
Equipment Needs: Scanner, laser printer, digital camera
One student assistant
Facilities Needs (Items that should be included in our Facilities master Plan) for Measure A funding:**
Please describe any facilities needs.
Technology Needs **
Digital camera
Laser Printer
Additional Planned Educational Activities**
Health/safety/legal issues: / International TravelStudent Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
Have you completed Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s) for all your courses? / YES______/ NO__x___
If you answered no to the above question, then what percentage have you completed?
What are you assessing this year? Please attach your assessment results and action plan. List needed resources in Section III of Unit Plan. / ______course outcomes
______program outcomes (please provide the program definitionyou used for your #s)
______institutional learning outcomes
III. Resources***
Budget Categories / Allocated08/09 / Expended 08/09 / Requested 09/10 / Comments
Fund 1
Fund 14
Fund 17 / $537 / $153.38 / $350 / $350 is the Maintenance of Effort for 2009-2010
Measure A
Total / $537 / $153.38 / $350
Additional Revenue (grants, fee-based, and donations etc) / Awarded/Generated
08/09 / %Expended
08/09 / Comments
Personnel Needs BASED ON FALL 2008
Faculty Diversity
EthnicityGender / # of Contract / # of Adjunct / Total
African American / 1 / 1 / 2
Native American
Female / 1 / 1 / 2
TOTAL / 1 / 1 / 2
IV. STUDENT EQUITY AND Academic Performance Measures
Table X: Student Access
Discipline / Discipline / Discipline / College / College / CollegeEQUITY /GENDER / FA2006 / FA2007 / FA2008 / FA2006 / FA2007 / FA2008
Asian/PI / 6% / 3% / 5% / 36% / 35% / 31%
African American / 75% / 80% / 71% / 24% / 24% / 22%
Filipino / 1% / 2% / 2% / 5% / 4% / 4%
Hispanic/Latino / 4% / 3% / 6% / 13% / 14% / 12%
Native American / 0% / 0% / 0% / 1% / 1% / 1%
Other / 1% / 3% / 4% / 2% / 2% / 2%
White / 5% / 4% / 4% / 16% / 15% / 13%
Unknown / 7% / 5% / 9% / 3% / 5% / 15%
Male / 47% / 31% / 38% / 43% / 43% / 42%
Female / 51% / 69% / 59% / 56% / 56% / 54%
Unknown / 1% / 1% / 3% / 1% / 1% / 4%
Total / 138 / 153 / 157 / 5657 / 5952 / 6614
Analysis1.Does access need to be increased? No
2.If so, how will you do this?
ETHNICITY/GENDER / FALL06 / FALL06 / FALL07 / FALL07 / FALL08 / FALL08%S / %W / %S / %W / %S / %W
Asian / 57% / 43% / 83% / 0% / 63% / 0%
African American / 38% / 46% / 49% / 12% / 51% / 8%
Pacific Islander / 100% / 0%
Hispanic/Latino / 100% / 0% / 60% / 20% / 63% / 16%
Native American
White / 100% / 0% / 60% / 40% / 100% / 0%
Unknown / 67% / 23% / 81% / 8% / 88% / 3%
Male / 60% / 23% / 38% / 40% / 55% / 7%
Female / 49% / 31% / 51% / 29% / 68% / 6%
Unknown / 75% / 0% / 100% / 0% / 50% / 0%
Overall Rate / 51% / 36% / 57% / 12% / 62% / 6%
Base Number / 135 / 152 / 157
College Rates / 65% / 23% / 64% / 22% / 65% / 18%
Analysis1.If your disciplines successful course completion rate (SCCR) is beneath the colleges rate, then why?
2.If your SCCR is below the college rate, then what are you doing to increase it?
3.If your SCCR is above the college’s rate do you have any best practices to share?
AREA / DEGREE-CERT / 2006-2007 / 2007-2008Area, Ethnic, Cultural, and Gender Studies / Associate Degrees / 1 / 0
Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services / Associate Degrees / 6 / 2
Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services / Certificates / 6 / 6
Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics / Associate Degrees / 4 / 2
Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics / Certificates / 0 / 1
Work and Family Studies / Associate Degrees / 4 / 3
Work and Family Studies / Certificates / 9 / 11
Legal Studies, General / Certificates / 4 / 0
English Language and Literature/Letters / Associate Degrees / 0 / 1
History / Associate Degrees / 0 / 1
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies, and Humanities / Associate Degrees / 99 / 84
Mathematics and Statistics / Associate Degrees / 6 / 3
Psychology / Associate Degrees / 17 / 13
Human Services, General / Associate Degrees / 1 / 2
Human Services, General / Certificates / 0 / 1
Social Sciences / Associate Degrees / 70 / 48
Mechanics and Repairers, General / Associate Degrees / 18 / 8
Mechanics and Repairers, General / Certificates / 49 / 24
Visual and Performing Arts / Associate Degrees / 1 / 0
Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General / Associate Degrees / 4 / 4
Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General / Certificates / 18 / 7
Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services / Associate Degrees / 47 / 34
Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services / Certificates / 15 / 19
Biological and Biomedical Sciences / Associate Degrees / 0 / 1
GRAND TOTALS / 379 / 275
What efforts are you taking to ensure students with an educational goal of degree or certificate attainment from your program are achieving their goal? (If your program does not award degrees or certificates then, please skip this question).