March 10, 2014, a 6.9 earthquake hit northern California. One lady commented that her two horses, and six dogs, went berserk and were running around outside like crazy.

Animals, birds, whales, other fish that swim in the sea, bees, plants, reptiles--all feel the movements of the earth that are out of order, negative emotions, demonic presences, sensing things are very wrong, and trusting the kindness of the tenderhearted “sons of Elohim.” All of creation is affected by negative changes and spirits--anything that is contrary to the nature of Yahuweh and Yahushua.

Romans 8:18-23: “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to compare with the esteem that is to be revealed in us. For the intense longing of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of Elohim. For the creation was subjected to futility, not from choice, but because of Him who subjected it, in anticipation, that the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage to corruption into the esteemed freedom of the children of Elohim. For we know that all creation groans together, and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. And not only so, but even we ourselves who have the first-fruits of the Spirit, we ourselves also groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body.”

Creation is groaning under the weight of the sin of mankind, awaiting its own redemption at the coming of its Creator, Messiah Yahushua. The Garden of Eden was a small microcosm of the pristine earth that He created before Satan, fallen angels, and man destroyed it. Everything was in harmony. The lion could be petted, and lie down in peace with the lamb. So, it shall be restored under Messiah. (Isaiah 11:1-10)

Derek writes: “…in the Kingdom, the animal’s state of animosity with its fellow creatures will be removed. Sin caused not only animosity against us and Yah but it spread into creation itself, pitting animals, once peaceful with each other, now against each other and us. We lost peace and order with our Creator and the creation, within our care, lost peace and order with us.”

Isaiah 11:1-9 and 65:25 are perfect pictures of creation restored!

I am no mystic. I am solidly grounded in the Word of Elohim for all of what I believe.

But, from childhood I rescued baby birds that had fallen from their nests, feeding them through eye droppers. I rescued turtles, both land and water turtles that got lost in the street. My dad and I had a cat-rescue “business.” Ma Kettle with her many babies gave me ringworm on my head, but that healed up and our work went on as usual. At one point, we had so many cats coming to us, even climbing on our screen door, that my mother because suspicious, but my dad and I just smiled and continued our work. I had water turtles and fish, too. I worked for a Veterinarian in North Carolina.

During my house cleaning days, I would go into someone’s house and be warned about their vicious cat or dog. I made some people mad because their vicious pets would cuddle up next to me to be petted. As I began traveling and teaching, I taught in several home situations. One lady told me her dog was vicious and to beware of him. As I began to teach, the dog jumped up in my lap, fell asleep, and stayed there the whole meeting. I’ve had this happen a lot. Living in the country in North Carolina, I had my cats come to me several times – I knew something was wrong. I would follow them and find that their kittens had been killed or were in danger of death. I would help them protect their kittens.

In Fort Worth, Texas, I walked around a lake almost daily for exercise. One day, a group of ducks came up to me, cocked their heads sideways to see me – and began quacking wildly. I followed them, and they led me to a dead duck – evidently killed by a dog. I took it away and comforted them. In California, I had a pet duck and a pet Rhode Island Red chicken--both were raised together from early fuzz-hood. They followed me around, and I dug worms for them. When the duck died, the chicken was in obvious mourning. When pets are raised together, like a dog or cat, when one dies, they obviously mourn. They sense something is very wrong. I used to lie on the floor and watch T.V. I sometimes fell asleep. My cat would come and push against my upper arm with her head, to see if I was all right. Dogs are sensitive to human emotions. Horses are sensitive to demonic spirits, as are cats. All of creation is sensitive to the spirit-world – both from the kingdom of darkness, and those few from Yahuweh’s Kingdom. The old “talk to your plant” thing has scientific basis. They do improve with positive words. Also, putting sensors on plant leaves, they can tell who in the room is righteous, and who is to be avoided. There was a test done on plants, and the plant actually identified the thief who stole from the house by its aversion to the presence of the thief. I’m sure you have your own stories like this.

But, my love of creation also manifested at age 6. After being born again, my passion was to rescue people from the kingdom of darkness, and help them enter the kingdom of light – called “the true new birth.” [Refer to: “The True New Birth”]

To this day, setting His highest creation free from sin, from ignorance, from their own self-inflicted suffering, is my highest priority! Is it yours? As a child of Elohim are you passionate to rescue the perishing?

II Corinthians 5:14-15, 18-19: “For the love of Messiah compels us, …He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died for them and was raised. And all things are from Elohim, who has restored us to favor with Himself through Yahushua Messiah, and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation to favor, that is, that Elohim was in Messiah restoring the world to favor unto Himself, not reckoning their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation to favor. Therefore we are messengers on behalf of Messiah, as though Elohim were pleading through us.”

I love horses. I was often given the job of currying the horses before their shows at 4-H Club Fairs in California. Horses come up to me and put their noses under my hands so that I will pet them. They are very sensitive animals to the spirit world, same for cats, and recognize what is of their Creator and what is not. But, actually, all of His creation is sensitive to Him, and has a sense of discernment between the spirits of their Creator and that of their destroyers.

I love what He created! If we are aligned to His nature, we have authority over all of His creation. His creation responds to those who have His nature, who think and act like He does, who are backed by His authority.

I have commanded many storms to dissipate for the furtherance of His assignments, not for my own pleasure, i.e. Mark 5:35-5:1. That began in my 20s, and continues to this day, but only for His purposes. He gives authority to those that He trusts to proclaim His Word where He sends them. I have commanded vicious dogs to back off from attacking me, and vicious people who were demon possessed and coming near to kill me. The latter happened in Africa more than once.

And, then, one day while out walking around a nearby lake in America, I came upon a crocodile sunning itself on the banks of the lake. I looked at him, he looked at me, and we made a mutual agreement to leave each other alone! (smile)

Using His authority for His purposes, under His guidance, in alignment to His Word, is a part of those that have laid down all to follow, and obey, the Lamb wherever He goes.

This must be our attitude: “According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now Messiah shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life or by death. For me to live is Messiah, and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21-22)

I Peter 4:1-2: “Therefore, since Messiah suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind, because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, so that he no longer lives the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but according to the will of Elohim.”

All of creation is made up of atoms – the order of life that Yahuweh created. All creation feels. It is because the nature of the Creator is in all life. His creative genius is always expanding, just like His universe. He is the Master of all life, and He has submitted this earth to mankind to protect. Tragically, man has systematically been destroying His Creation for their own evil purposes, even using His technology to do it. But, now, because of the sin of man, Yahushua is also using His Creation to trouble and judge man. Creation is groaning under the weight of man’s sin.

Recently, I have had an unusual situation that has caused me emotional suffering. A baby bunny was purchased as a pet for a little boy. But, the bunny grew into a large rabbit. It is a gorgeous rabbit with strong legs for jumping. Can rabbits have intelligence? Of course! Their Creator put it into them. The bunny is being kept in a small little cage in a dark room. It is fed well, and has good water, and treats. But because the family is so busy, it stays in its cage almost all the time. About three times a week it is let out to jump around for 20 minutes. I didn’t focus on this UNTIL… One night, I awoke suddenly and felt strongly the life force of this rabbit trying to communicate with me. All creation with a life force (a soul) can communicate with us sons of Adam. It is a throw-back to the Garden. I felt it pleading for help. I felt its trauma of confinement. It traumatized me! I tried to convince the people who owned it to get a bigger cage, or let it out more. But, nothing happened. Then the life of this rabbit came again to me, and again a third time. I wanted to purchase an exercise cage for it, but the head of the house said “No.” He said he would build a larger cage … that was over 10 months ago. I have done what I could do, but finally had to resort to tears in prayer. My children know my relationship with Abba, so they don’t raise their eyebrows at mom’s experiences (smile). I told my son. He prayed about it. Then he told me about how the animals came to Adam to be named, but also cared for. After sin entered the world, Creation also fell into suffering. He said that as we approach the re-opening of the Garden again, those that are being transformed into the likeness of the second Adam are feeling the heart of the Creator to restore peace to His creation. The transforming of the nature of the set-apart ones includes caring for His Creation as He does, with His heart!

This story was told by a personal witnesses of something he saw in regards to Sadhu Sundar Singh. Sundar was in a village preaching the Good News. The village was being terrorized by a wild cougar, who had killed and eaten some of the children. One night, a man with whom Sundar was staying looked out the window to see Sundar sitting in the moon light praying. But, to his horror, he saw the cougar sitting at Sundar’s feet, sleeping. Tormented animals often find their solace in the presence of those who are at peace with the Creator. I used to have five cats. Cats are very independent animals. But, whenever I would go to prayer, they all would come and sit at my feet. Animals find peace with humans who are aligned to their Creator.

Though I do not belong to the “Save the Whales” movement, I feel sorrowful for the whales--for their natural instincts are being confused and many are swimming off course. (Genesis 1:21) The salmon, off of America’s West Coast, are disappearing. Now fish, and animals, and all creation on the West coast are being bombarded with waves of radiation from Japan’s failed nuclear facility. Because of the BP oil rig explosion a few years ago, and the gushing of oil onto the floor of the Gulf of Mexico, all natural life is almost totally ruined. Bees are vanishing, along with other insects that cross-pollinate crops. Huge pythons are eating alligators and whatever else they can find in the Florida Everglades. Wolves from Canada that enjoy killing, were brought into the areas of North and South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, and Colorado. Fierce bears are showing up in North Georgia. Creation is very disturbed. The protective shields of the earth, called the “Van Allen Belts,” have been damaged [Refer to: “Shields of the Earth]

The core of the earth has been rattled by EMP waves from outer space. The Ionosphere is being destroyed around our earth. Mankind is doing most of this damage by using stolen technology from Abba, via fallen angels, to destroy His Creation.

Monsanto is making genetically modified food and forcing it on the world. It is putting a “terminator gene” in seeds so that they will not reproduce. People are being forced to buy from them, because the seeds won’t reproduce. Dead rats were found all through a field of Milo, a “sorghum” crop, in France. The cause of death?--Malnutrition! The grain had so little food value that it even killed rats. The “terminator gene” in seeds is causing great suffering among the poor who cannot afford to buy new seed each year, so they are starving to death. America is only one crop away from famine conditions.

Mankind is deep and far along in experimenting with “transgenics” and “transhumanism,” the mixing of human DNA with that of animals, birds, fish, insects, reptiles, and plants. Mankind is creating cyborgs, robots with human brain tissues, clones of animals and humans--all to destroy His Creation. This is even being called “the post human era.” [Refer to: “Eugenics: The Planned End of Mankind” for details]

All of creation is suffering from mankind’s rebellion against the Creator! [Refer to: “Just Acknowledge Me As Creator”]