Effective date: / V1.0 28 May 2014
Superseded documents: / First document
Contact officer/s: / Ken Wyse, UNSW Medicine WHS Compliance Officer
T: +61 (2) 9385 2456
Related documents: / HS312 Inspection, Testing and Monitoring Procedure
To outline the scope of the Medicine Taskforce Inspections.
Taskforce inspections apply to laboratories where UNSW Medicine is the controller of the work.
Controller of the work: The person conducting a business or undertaking that is responsible for the tasks and activities that are carried out.
4.Protocol statement
The purpose of the Taskforce Inspection is to identify hazards and non-conformances with relevant health and safety legislation, standards and/or the UNSW Health and Safety Management System.
4.1Areas to be inspected
See appendix.
4.2Inspection frequency
Each laboratory area shall be inspected annually, unless requested otherwise by the Medicine Dean.
4.3Inspection team
The lead inspector is Ken Wyse, UNSW Medicine WHS Compliance Officer. All taskforce inspections shall be conducted by the lead inspector plus at least one other inspector. Other inspectors involved in the taskforce provide additional support to the lead inspector; they may be from UNSW Health and Safety Unit, UNSW Medicine Research Support, UNSW Medicine researcher, or other suitable persons as decided by the Lead Inspector.Inspectors shall not be from the work area being inspected.
The inspection must be conducted in the presence of a representative of the area e.g. Group Head, Senior Researcher, Research Support Officer, Laboratory Manager.
4.4Notification of inspection
The Lead Inspector normally provides at least one week’s notification to the area manager of an initial taskforce inspection. However, occasionally the Lead Inspector may conduct unannounced inspections. Where unannounced inspections are carried out the Lead Inspector shall inform the area manager that their inspection will be unannounced.
4.5Inspection process
The inspectors review laboratory documentation and/or carry out a visual inspection of the laboratory facility. Where required, the inspectors shall be given access to all areas under the control of UNSW Medicine. Where required, the inspectors shall be given access to all cupboards, drawers, fridges, freezers and other equipment under the control of UNSW. Where areas or items are locked, the inspectors may request these to be unlocked. Where this is not possible the inspectors may return for a follow-up inspection of the areas or items. Inspectors shall not enter areas or access equipment/storage without the presence of a representative from the area.
4.6Inspection report
The lead inspector shall prepare a written report from the inspection. This report is provided to the Medicine Senior Associate Dean, the area manager, the inspection team, and any other person as the lead inspector sees fit.
All corrective actions identified are logged in the online hazard reporting system by the lead inspector and allocated to the area manager. The area manager, or delegate, must address the corrective action and update the status in the system.
4.7Inspection follow-up
The Lead Inspector shall determine, based on the outcome of the inspection, whether a follow-up inspection is required. Where required, follow-up inspections shall occur within two months of the initial inspection.
5.Roles and responsibilities
UNSW Medicine WHS Compliance Officer:
- To coordinate all inspections
- To write inspection reports
- To input corrective actions into the online hazard and incident reporting system.
UNSW Health and Safety:
- To provide subject matter experts to assist with the inspection.
Area Manager
- To attend or provide a delegate to attend during an inspection.
- To ensure all corrective actions allocated on the online hazard and incident reporting system is addressed.
Medicine Senior Associate Dean:
- To review reports and address anymajor non-conformances identified.
Appendix 1. Medicine taskforce inspection areas:
School / Laboratory locationsPrince of Wales Clinical School /
- Lowy building, Level 2 (Adult Cancer Program)
- Prince of Wales Hospital, Respiratory Laboratory
- Prince of Wales Hospital, Renal Laboratory
- Prince of Wales Hospital, Surgical and Orthopaedic Labs (SORL)
Centre for Vascular Research / Lowy building, Level 3
Children’s Cancer Institute Australia (CCIA) / Lowy building, Ground floor and Level 1
Biological Resources Centre /
- Randwick campus, R1
- St George Hospital
- Wallace Wurth building, basement
- Lowy building,basement
Mixed Ancillary activities and CCIA labs / Lowy building, Lower Ground floor
South West Sydney Clinical School /
- Australian Technology Park, Redfern
- Liverpool Hospital, Surgical skills lab
- Ingham Institute (invite only)
School of Medical Sciences (SoMS)
Virology /
- Wallace Wurth, Level 2
- Wallace Wurth, Level 3
- Wallace Wurth, Level 4
- Prince of Wales Hospital, Virology laboratory
School of Women’s and Children’s Health /
- Sydney Children’s Hospital, Strasser Labs
- Sydney Children’s Hospital, Westfield Labs
St George Clinical School /
- Research and Teaching building
- Pitney building
Mark Wainwright Analytical Centre / Lowy, Basement and Lower Ground (invite only)
Psychiatry / NeuRA laboratories (invite only)
St Vincent’s Clinical School / Surgical skills lab
Common areas / Chemical and biological waste stores