Dystopia portfolio Please keep this sheet in the front cover pocket.

English 9

As you work with your literature circle group, you will build the following items into your portfolio:

Role Sheets
After each discussion, you will turn your role sheets in to me. When they are graded and returned, staple them together and add them to your group’s portfolio under the Role Sheets tab.
Author Study
Compile in a meaningful and organized way interesting and important information about your novel’s author. This should include biographical information, key experiences, personal philosophies, photos, major works published, your reactions to this information, etc. Please place this information under the Author Study tab.
Character List
Create a list of characters that appear in your novel. Provide a brief, 1-2 sentence description of each. Please put this under the Character List tab.
New Vocabulary
As you read, identify interesting words (not already on our vocabulary list). By the end of the novel, you will need to pick the best six words to define and teach your classmates. Under the New Vocabulary tab, include one page for each word. Each page should include the word, the definition, an original sentence that uses the word, and a picture that helps demonstrate the word.
Self and Peer Assessments
After each discussion, take time to evaluate yourselves and each other on the half-sheets. Staple these together for each discussion and place in the pocket of the back cover.
Create a cover that includes your novel’s title and author. Also include the names of the students in your group. As you read more of the story, you can add to or change your cover (pictures, drawings, designs, font changes, etc) to better match the content and message of your novel.

PLEASE NOTE: On the back of this page, you will find the option your group will have for the group project. While this is not an item for the portfolio, it is something your group will need to think about as you read the book. You will have little time in class to work on the group project.

Dystopia Project

You and your literature circle group will work together on one of the following projects. You must do your fair share. No slacking and no obsessively taking over. Depending on timing and circumstances, you may need to do the majority of work outside of class. It is up to you and your group to figure out how to coordinate this.

·  Describe and show how our school would operate if existing under the dystopia in your novel. Explain what would change and what would remain the same. You must create a map, diagram, photo, and/or model or several of these to share and speak from during your presentation.

·  Describe and show how Waunakee would operate if existing under the dystopia in your novel. Explain what would change and what would remain the same. You must create a map, diagram, photo, and/or model or several of these to share and speak from during your presentation.

·  Create a map/model of the dystopia represented in your novel. Annotate important parts of the map/model. You must create a map or model to share and speak from during your presentation.

·  Invent a product the citizens of your book’s dystopia would buy. Show your product (or product package) to the class, explain what it is, and why the citizens would want/need this product. You must create a facsimile of the product or the product’s package to share and speak from during your presentation.

·  Write a national anthem for the dystopia presented in your novel. Consider lyrics as well as the tone and tempo of the song. Perform (or show a recording of yourselves performing) the anthem for the class and explain your choices. You must also provide a typed file of the anthem’s lyrics that can be projected onto the board during your presentation.

·  Other? Consult teacher with your creative idea.


Your grade is based on your presentation, product, and ability to collaborate.

Division of Labor _____/15

Records and presentation show that each member pulled his/her own weight / 5 4 3 2 0
Group solved problems as they arose with little or no help from teacher / 5 4 3 2 0
Group was focused and on task during time provided in class / 5 4 3 2 0

Organization _____/15

Gives an official, creative attention getter and introduction / 5 4 3 2 0
Structure of presentation is logical and enhances the audience’s understanding / 5 4 3 2 0
Gives an official conclusion and clever closing / 5 4 3 2 0

Understanding _____/40

Accurately represents characters/events of novel / 10 9 8-7 6 0
Demonstrates strong understanding of the author’s perspective and tone / 10 9 8-7 6 0
Demonstrates strong understanding of the dystopian concept / 10 9 8-7 6 0
Shows clever approach to assignment / 10 9 8-7 6 0

Presentation Skills _____/15

·  Uses appropriate rate of speech, volume, and inflection / 5 4 3 2 0
Makes varied and sustained eye contact with the entire audience / 5 4 3 2 0
Stands tall and confident / 5 4 3 2 0