Hands-On Laboratory: Writing Instructions
TCO 341
TASK: Using the principles of good instructions, design and build a structure from the components that you have been given. Your goal is to write a set of clear, effective instructions on how to build this structure. (Chapter 20, Markel textbook)
TEAMS: Group yourselves into teams of three people. Each team must select a scribe to write down the directions; an artist to make a sketch of the structure; and a document designer to plan the instructions.
THE LEGO STRUCTURE: Build the structure using the materials your packet. Use at least 25 of the pieces to make your structure. Name it and decide what its purpose is. Each team member should participate in the entire design and building process. The artist can begin sketching the structure at any point in the design process. The sketch is for your information and for verification at testing (you will want to check to be sure they built exactly what you described). For our purposes, we will not include a picture of the finished product in the instructions; however, you may have pictures of subassemblies and parts.
THE INSTRUCTIONS: Write the instructions on how to build your structure. Include the title, a brief description of what your structure is for or who will use it, an overview of the construction process, step-by-step assembly instructions, and any other information your audience will need to build the structure. Again, each team member should participate. Remember that you can use visuals.
PRODUCTION: Plan the format for the instructions and lay it out. Assign the different tasks of completing the final copy to hand in on the due date. Use the checklist (see handout) to ensure that your instructions are complete. The name of the structure and team members' names must be noted on the instructions somewhere.
USABILITY TESTING: Turn in all your extra pieces so that all that’s left in your packet is the ones you’re using. Dismantle your structure and put all the pieces back into your packet. Do not discuss your structure with anyone else outside your team! Team rankings will be determined by class vote after your classmates attempt to assemble your device using your instructions.
TCO 341_20: 10/30/2000