Corrected Copy

Amended at 12/7/01 CCC Meeting





MEMBERS PRESENT: P. Basileo, H. BenAicha, J. Bravo, D. Coscia, P. DiGregorio, J. Gaete,

D. Giancola, G. Gopinath, E. Hassildine, F. Lourenso, R. Manning, G. Ris,

S. Schrier, C. Stein, L. Wieman and R. Williams

MEMBERS ABSENT: F. Parrella, C. Rubman, M. Weissberg,

REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: R. Johnston, N. Leonhardt, D. Rabinowitz and J. Rice

ATTENDEES: D. Kahn, T. Junor, J. Canniff and J. Braxton

COPY TO: D. Quinn

I.  MINUTES – Minutes from the May 25, 2001 meeting were accepted after making the following

change: East Campus Report – Leslie Wieman stated that Orient 205 is not a Math Lab, it is a

Graphics Design Lab.


1.  Campus Reports

Ammerman Campus – J. Bravo

·  Replacement schedule has been reviewed and prioritized. This cycle will replace computers for faculty, staff and administrators. Although funds are limited, every effort has been made to prioritize and assess the needs.

·  Campus Technology plan will be reviewed and updated with input from Academic chairs.

·  Campus Computer Council has not met. Paul Basileo, who chairs the committee, is developing a tentative meeting schedule for the academic year.

West Campus - P. DiGregorio

·  Has not met since last meeting but is scheduled to meet next week.

·  Having problems with computer replacement.

·  Gary said it would be discussed later on in the meeting.

·  Opened academic Nursing lab in Health, Sports and Education (HSC) building.

·  Planning on moving academic computing center to the Nesconset building in the future.

East Campus – Leslie Wieman

·  Working on computer replacement project.

·  Gary stated that would be discussed later on in the meeting.

·  Have funding for VATEA funding for a stand alone Computer Science lab that will be put into Orient 204 and will be available for Spring 02 semester.



Tech Deans Report – D. Coscia - No report.


Academic Computing Subcommittee – Ed Hassildine

  1. Minutes from September meeting go to:

  1. As an experiment conducted meeting using asynchronous communications via Blackboard.

·  Unsuccessful because time to respond was cited as biggest drawback.

  1. Status of Replacement Budgets.

·  East budgeted to replace nearly all machines with P1 and sub-G3 processors.

·  Ammerman budget far too little to cover needed replacement.

·  West budget far too little to cover needed replacement.

  1. Update on Upgrades to Networking Infastructure

·  East installed an 8-port LINKSYS router in the ACC using DHCP and are happy with results. A 4-port LINKSYS router was installed in the library but the DHCP malfunctioned and static addressing used instead. Continuing to replace hubs with 450-24T switches.

·  Ammerman Library could not fund hub replacement this year (ongoing issue).

  1. Staffing Issues.

·  East ETU has been assigned a part-time secretary.

·  Concern was voiced over SUNY Student Satisfaction Survey. College came in near last in every category last year (except for the library). Same will happen again this year if academic computer labs and skills centers have their hours cut due to lack of PA funding.

  1. Suggestion of Formulating a Replacement Policy and Plan for Software, Networking, Hardware and Peripherals.

·  Gary said this would be discussed later in the meeting.

Networking and Services Subcommittee – Richard Johnston

1.  Meeting Notes from October 5, 2001 go to:

  1. Internet Connection for College

·  Invision and the college have contracted on an emergency basis to connect to the Internet via a dedicated T1 located in the Field House on the Western Campus. This will support all college traffic until further notice.

·  It is imperative that the college community restricts their access to the Internet to academic critical functions. Use of streaming media, server-like protocols, real-time relays and bulk FTP operations will be limited or prohibited.

·  Rich asked council members to go back to their campus and make sure the Internet is used only for academic critical functions.

·  Don Coscia stated that Rich and his staff should be congratulated for all their hard work and efforts keeping the system up through this crisis.

·  Ed Hassildine stated that Drew and his staff should also be congratulated.



·  College is waiting for the installation of two T1’s (one in Selden and one in Brentwood). This will provide Internet traffic from the new NYS OGS Internet provider, AT&T.

·  Applied Theory was heavily disrupted by the World Trade Center tragedy and is no longer considered a viable path for SUNYNet or Internet traffic.

·  In case there is a problem with AT&T, looking at Stony Brook as secondary feed.

·  Should be connected to AT&T by late November.

  1. Telephone System

·  College has received a large number of bomb threats and we are investigating them in conjunction with the Suffolk County Police Department.

·  Primary investigation is being conducted on this campus with assistance from Dave Bergen and Jeffrey Lang.

·  Police Department has asked for the call records of the entire college on a live basis. Verizon is providing this information.

·  In event of bomb threat, they will go by the time of day and trace out all the calls.

·  We have implemented procedures to the main phone numbers from the telephone blue pages that were affected in the Ammerman building so that they have the ability to trace those phone calls.

·  Mr. Schrier requested that info on the origin of a call be recorded. No conversations are being recorded.

·  If any bomb threat calls are received on additional lines, Rich has to be notified so he can start recording those lines and to provide the staff with proper procedures on how to handle the call.

·  Audix, call pick-up, call transfer and other features have been eliminated from these numbers. The telephone call must be answered by an employee.

·  College has had problems managing the current telephone system (such as tracing a call) Therefore, we are looking at acquiring a PBX Call Accounting System. This system will allow directory lookup and assist in call tracing.

  1. Intra-Campus Communication

·  As part of the upgrade to WAN, the internal network of each campus will be done over the next two years.

·  Upgrading will allow video services. Later in October, East and West campus should have their cable feeds put into the libraries.

Planning Subcommittee – Gary Ris

  1. Minutes from meeting of September 7, 2001 go to:

  1. Established dates for computer replacement. This will be discussed after the Standards subcommittee makes its report.
  2. Charged subcommittees with the following agendas:

·  Student Tech Fee Subcommittee

·  Review its mission and identify what technology fee money should be spent on.

·  Look at whether funding ongoing expenses should be considered or if committee should concentrate on seed money.

·  Look at how much continuing support should be provided for ID card production.



·  Training Subcommittee

·  Plan for providing technical support training for Office XP in the fall and staff utilization training in the spring.

·  Revisit student orientation in OS15 and report back on the progress.

·  Standards Subcommittee

·  Continue to look at Office XP/Windows XP and timing for implementation.

·  Review authoring standards for web browsers and plug-ins, such as Acrobat.

·  Networking and Telecommunication Subcommittee

·  Continue to review upgrade to backbone and come up with plan for management/utilization of new network facilities.

Policy Subcommittee – S. Schrier

  1. Approval of “Information Technology Policies and Guidelines for Employees” and “Information Technology Policies and Guidelines for Students”:

·  These policies will replace our Network Utilization Policy. It is now changed to an Information and Technology Policies and Guideline statement and it covers a lot of information we had from previous policies plus some more information in the areas of privacy, monitoring, etc.

·  Information Technology Policies and Guidelines for Students

·  Gary asked Council for their comments and approval at this level so that it can be taken to the Executive Council for their approval.

·  Approved by Council.

·  Information Technology Policies and Guidelines for Employees

·  In reference to paragraph two, Don Coscia asked if Professor Emeritus would be given full resources.

·  Gary stated that they would be.

·  Don asked that the paragraph be reworded to include that Professor Emeritus will also be given resources.

·  Policy Committee will reword paragraph to include the above.

·  Council approved with the above change.

·  Gary informed Council that Policy subcommittee is working on an “Information and Technology Policies and Guidelines for Guests” and it should be ready for the Council’s approval at the December meeting.

Portal Ad Hoc Committee

1.  Minutes from meeting of June 14, 2001 go to:

2.  Over summer Portal Committee designed a questionnaire and put it on line and invited students to participate in an information query to tell us what they think a portal should provide them.

·  Committee is also planning to do focus groups for students who volunteered to do this.



·  Sent e-mail to all active e-mail accounts and selected 200 of the college’s active lab users based upon hours of utilization in the academic labs and sent them letter.

·  Only received about 12 or 15 responses. This may be because it was done during the summer.

3.  Committee will be meeting on October 12th to review the process we used, to see if any of the information we gathered is usable or whether we have to do this again.

4.  Also looking at a particular vendor, Campus Pipeline, because they are part of the state contract.

·  Coming in to do quick demo of the Campus Pipeline portal.

·  We are continuing with the definition of the project through an RFP.

·  There is funding available for this in the Student Tech Fee budget plus funding money for hardware in the Computer Center budget.

Standards Subcommittee – J. Rice

1.  Report on meeting of September 23, 2001 go to:

2.  Review of Charge from Planning Subcommittee

a)  Continue to look at Office XP and timing for implementation.

·  Committee dissatisfied with the college’s inability to adhere to replacement policy.

·  Committee feels that Computing Council and other appropriate boards reconfirm commitment to replacement policy.

·  Failure to adhere to the replacement policy has resulted in PCs that are not capable of running the current Microsoft software and leaves the college open to virus attacks. This can have a devastating effect on the college resources and productivity.

·  . Using a four-year cycle we would need to replace approximately 25% of machines every year.

·  Committee feels it is imperative that the college get back on track and move to a unified standard.

·  Committee unanimously decided that the college standard will be Office XP and Windows NT and asked the Council for their approval.

·  Council approved the standard to be Office XP and Windows NT.

·  Chuck Stein indicated that the budget adopted for all equipment purchases for the entire college including the Tech Fee is a fraction of $2 million. Of that, $415,000 has been allocated for computer replacement and Tech Fee is $293,000.

·  Jack distributed chart showing replacement of PCs that do not meet the standard of WIN NT operating system and Office XP application by campus.

·  Don pointed out that the chart needed to be amended to reflect 84 machines under Student for Central, which changes the total to 147 for Central.

·  Gary stated that the numbers are just estimation by the Standard’s Committee to get us in the ballpark of what is needed.

·  Gary stated not going to come up with solutions at this meeting. Point of this meeting is to come up with ideas that should be explored after this meeting.

·  Should be looking at what Gateway can do for us in the future.

·  Should be looking at whether keeping or replacing monitors works for us.



·  Need to look at concept first:

·  Get rid of Windows ’95 machines and any machines that are not capable of living up to the standard that has been identified as Office XP, Windows NT initially and Office XP and Windows XP in 2 years.

·  Council approved the above concept. Chuck Stein and Joanne Braxton abstained.

·  Now that concept is approved we need to prioritize an operational plan.

·  Council agreed to establish a PC Standards Implementation Committee comprised of Leslie Wieman, Randolph Manning, Donald Coscia, Jack Rice, Drew Rabinowitz, Jeanette Bravo and Gary Ris. This committee will meet on October 9th to come up with an operational plan that prioritizes computer replacements based upon available budgets and manage the liabilities that remain.

·  Gary asked that the following information be brought to this meeting:

·  Number of machines needing to be replaced from each campus, divided by academic, administrative and Student Tech Fee.

b)  Review authoring standards for web browsers, plug-ins, Acrobat, etc.

·  Tabled until mid-October when committee meets with the web masters and other interested parties.

c)  Review screen sizes (readability, etc.).

·  Tabled until mid-October when committee meets with the web masters and other interested parties.

d)  Review Institutional Research survey of home computers.

·  Tabled until survey is available.

Student Technology Fee Subcommittee – Paul Basileo

·  Paul reported that the committee has not met

·  Paul discussed with Gary that last year the Student Tech Fee said they would get recommendation that we would replace academic machines from the first year of the Student Tech Fee. The committee carried it last year, approved by the Computing Council and Executive Council approved the budget. With that all in place, and with a purchasing cycle coming up, Paul is recommending that we go ahead with the planned purchases that were budgeted for last year.