August 13, 2010
9:30 p.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Welcome & Introductions:
In attendance were Malik Ali (FMSDC), Franklin Cross (City of Tampa), Alison Jimenez (Dynamic Securities Analytics, Inc.), Jerry Cartwright (Florida Small Business Development Center Network-Pensacola, FL), Carlos Rodriguez (President of Maverick Constructors, Inc.), Thomas Huggins (President of Ariel Business Group), Tony Lesesne (In-Focus Magazine), Alyce Zahniser (Zahniser & Associates) and LaRae Floyd (Broward Health). Also in attendance were Thad Fortune (OSD) and Denise Wright (OSD) recorded the minutes.
OSD Update:
ü Mr. Fortune stated July 1, 2010, became the official dated that OSD was moved to the Division of State Purchasing here at the Department of Management Services, with Anthony Garcia, the Division Director for State Purchasing. OSD is experiencing a hardship as far as the budget is concern. At the present time, OSD has been mandated to conduct two exercises. One is a 5% reduction that could go into effect January 1, 2011 and the other is a 15% reduction that would began the fiscal year of 2011 which would began July 1, 2011. Mr. Fortune is going through this process now, getting this information into the budget office. He also stated he hopes this is just an exercise because OSD’s budget is in a deficit already. Because of the reduction in staff, OSD will be moving because they are paying for space they are not using. The space will be reduced to one office and six cubicles which will reduce the rent for the office. Mr. Fortune stated it’s important for the Council to know that their role as Council Members increases and becomes extremely important as to the role of advising the Secretary and the Governor on issues concerning small and minority businesses as well as service disabled veterans which are components of this program. With the reduction in staff and budget money, OSD will not be able to do any travel for the entire fiscal year except the annual MatchMaker event in November. OSD cannot mail anything, all mail have to be emailed or faxed. We are still charged with providing the same level of customer service to both our internal customers which are the agencies and our external customers which are the MBE’s. OSD is going to be very dependent on the Council to assist us wherever you can, if you are attending a Trade Fair or Conference and you can provide some visibility to OSD, we would appreciate that. OSD will be working a lot closer with the Small Business Development Centers throughout the State which are already Strategic Partners for us.
ü Mr. Fortune stated the dates for the MatchMaker Conference will be November 17-19, 2010 at the Omni Orlando Resort Hotel. The Golf Tournament has been brought back by popular demand. Quite a few vendors have called and asked for the networking Golf Tournament to be brought back because it was a good marketing tool for their companies. The Golf Tournament will take place on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 1:00 p.m., at the Omni Resort Golf Course.
ü At the present time, OSD staff is working with an expanded steering committee for MatchMaker 2010. We have a private sector steering committee to assist in getting more private sector vendors to participate at the event and they meet the 4th Friday in every month at 10:00 a.m. The agency steering committee meets the 3rd Friday in every month at 11:00 a.m. The purpose behind the agency steering committee is to provide the event with the concerns of the Purchasing Directors as to the things they need to occur at the event and they will be assisting Purchasing personnel with a workshop on Ethics. This workshop is being put together by Matt Minno, DMS Attorney and the attorneys from the Commission on Ethics.
ü Ms. Zahniser asked if the Council could move their meeting from Wednesday, November 17th to Thursday, November 18th because of the budget restraints and that would involve one over night stay for people who are traveling to Orlando. She also stated the Trade Show is very valuable for members to be there to let people know what they are doing and to solicit public involvement in the teleconferences.
ü Mr. Huggins made a motion to move the Council meeting to Thursday, November 18, 2010. Ms. Jimenez seconded the motion. It was voted on and accepted to move the meeting by the Council Members present on the teleconference.
ü Ms. Zahniser volunteered to help moderate the DOT Training Workshop.
ü Mr. Fortune asked members that term expires 2011, to email Ms. Wright indicating their interest in becoming reappointed to the Council and the list will be given to the Secretary. She indicated the selection will have to be done by the new administration but she wants the information in her transition package. Mr. Fortune stated he would email members their expiration dates before the next meeting.
ü The Council wants to invite the Purchasing Director, Tony Garcia to the next teleconference. Ms. Wright will provide Mr. Ali with Mr. Garcia’s email address.
ü When it becomes available, Ms. Wright will email the members a schedule of workshops so they can choose which one they would like to assist in facilitating or moderating.
Chairman’s Update:
ü In regards to the Committee’s request, Mr. Malik spoke with Representative Joe Gibbons and through the Board of Governors they have done a comprehensive study of minority groups in Florida and it will be released in September. Representative Gibbons suggested the study be used as a baseline for the new administration. Mr. Malik mentioned to Representative Gibbons that the Advisory Council would like to work more closely with the Black Caucus and the members of the House.
Next Scheduled Meeting: September 1, 2010
The meeting was adjourned!