Early Language and Intercultural Acquisition Studies
Multilateral EU-Comenius ProjectOrganization of Bilingual Preschools
Organization of Bilingual Preschools
Name of preschool:______Head of preschool: ______Date: ______
I.General information about your preschool
1. How many children are currently attendingyour preschool?______Of these children, how many are 0-2 years old (crèche)? ______
How many are 3 years or older? ______
2.How many hours do the children, on average, stay in your preschool? ______
3.How would you describe the children’s socio-economic background?TruePartly TrueNot true
Most of the parents have an academic degree.
Generally, the parents’ income is high.
4.% of children who speak an L1 different from the ambient language (official language of the country) ca.: ______
5.How is your preschool funded?
Funded by the state / the communePrivate associationFoundation OtherParents pay a monthly fee of:
Name:______Name:______Name:______€ per child.
II.Information about the groups
6.How many bilingual and/or monolingual groups does your preschool have?Bilingual groups: ______Monolingual groups: ______
7.What is the group structure like?
Open group structure: Partly open structure:Closed structure:
The children are free to go to other groups.Children may spend part of their day in other groups as well. The children only take part in their own group’s activities.
How much time per day do the children spend in other groups?
Ca. ______%
8.How many children are there in each of the groups? Group 1: _____ Group 2: _____ Group 3: _____ Group 4: _____ Group 5: _____ Group 6: _____
Data protection: The data provided in this questionnaire will be treated confidentially and will exclusively be used for scientific purposes. Any publication will occur in anonymous form only.
The ELIAS project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This product reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the
nformation contained therein..© Early Language and Intercultural Acquisition Studies
III. Information about the team and the team members
9. How many members does the team consist of? Teachers: ______Other staff members: ______
10. How many teachers are responsible for one group? ______
11.Which languages do the teachers use in the preschool?L1 (ambient language / official language of the country): ______
L2: 1. ______, 2. ______, 3. ______
12.How many teachers use the L1 in each group? ______How many teachers use an L2 in each group? ______
13.How many hours per day does the L2 staff spend with the children?Regular hours (all children): ______Optional hours for smaller groups (e.g. in the afternoon): ______
14.During optional hours, how many children are part of the smaller group? ______
15.Which language/s is/are used among the staff members?
L1 L1 and L2 (% L1 / L2: _____/_____) L2 (language/s: ______)
16.Apart from the staff members, are there any other people taking care of the children?
No Yes (hours per week: ______, status: ______)
17.Which language/s do these additional people use?
L1 (ambient L) L1 and L2 L2 (hours per week: ______) Other: ______
IV. Information about the activities
18.Are there specific activities which are offered by the L2educator/s on a regular basis?
No Yes (type of activity / hours per week: ______)
19.How many activities are offered exclusively by the L2 educator/s?
Less than 50% ca. 50%More than 50%Most activities
V. Informationabout parental interest
20.How interested are the parents in the bilingual program of the preschool?TruePartly TrueNot true
The parents chose this preschool because of its bilingual program
The parents chose this preschool because of other activities offered in the program.
Data protection:The data provided in this questionnaire will be treated confidentially and will exclusively be used for scientific purposes. Any publication will occur in anonymous form only.
The ELIAS project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This product reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the
nformation contained therein..© Early Language and Intercultural Acquisition Studies