St. Anthony of Padua Religious Education
20 Cheshire Place, East Northport, New York 11731-2591
Phone 631.261.1306 – Fax 631.757.0572
August 29, 2017
Dear Families:
On Tuesday, November 7, 2017, Most Rev. Robert Brennan will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation here at St. Anthony of Padua. Due to the large number of candidates to be confirmed, there will be two ceremonies: 1:00 PM for candidates whose last name begins with A - L and 4:30 PM for candidates whose last name begins with M - Z. Your candidate and sponsor only will assemble in the Lower Church at 12:00 PM for the 1:00 PM Mass OR at 3:30 PM for the 4:30 PM Mass. When you invite guests, please be mindful that all attending, especially your child, will hopefully experience a reverent and sacred atmosphere.
*If sponsors are not available for pre-Confirmation day events a parent may substitute.
Please mark the following events, times and dates on your calendars.
1. PRESENTATION MASS: Confirmation Candidates, Parents/Guardians and Sponsors
7:00 PM - The Church Sunday, September 17, 2017
At the Presentation Mass on September 17, you will present your Confirmation candidate to Fr. Joe Mirro, our Pastor and to the community of St. Anthony of Padua. Your family and your candidate should sit in the middle pews as close to the altar as possible. The dialogue and special instructions for this Mass are on the back of this sheet. Please ask your child to volunteer at the Mass to read or to present the gifts of bread and wine. Call the Religious Ed Office.
2. CONFIRMATION MEETING and PENANCE SERVICE for Confirmation Candidates, Parents/Guardians and Sponsors. Begins in the Lower Church, ends in The Church. You may choose either date.
7:00 PM - Lower Church - Monday, Oct. 16, 2017 OR Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2017
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM - Begins in the Lower Church, ends in The Church
Monday, October 23, 2017 - for those being confirmed at the 1:00 PM Mass - A to L
Monday, October 30, 2017 - for those being confirmed at the 4:30 PM Mass - M to Z
Dialogue & Special Instructions for the Presentation Mass on 9/17/17
PRIEST/PRESIDER: Parents and guardians will you continue, to the best of your ability, to confirm your child in our faith by the Christian atmosphere of your home and by living in accord with the words and example of Jesus Christ, Our Lord?
PARENTS: I will.
PRIEST/PRESIDER: Will you continue to help your child come to a deeper understanding of the truths of our faith by discussing and sharing your own knowledge and insights?
PARENTS: I will.
PRIEST/PRESIDER: And do you, candidates, promise to continue to develop your relationship with Jesus by actively participating in prayer and study and regularly attending Mass?
PRIEST/PRESIDER: In the name of the community of St. Anthony of Padua, I accept these candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation which will be administered in October. I ask that the parish members join us in prayer that you may experience this sacrament as deeply as possible.
Following the directions from the priest, the candidates will be invited to come forward to receive a Confirmation medal. When all have returned to their seats, the candidates will ask their parents to put the medal on them.
It is our hope that this early mailing of dates and additional information will help you to make the necessary arrangements to attend each scheduled event.
*Your Confirmation candidate is invited to participate more fully on Confirmation Day by volunteering to read the First or Second Reading or Prayer of the Faithful. He/she may also volunteer to present the gifts of bread and wine. Parents please call 261-1306 to volunteer. Also if there are parents or grandparents of those to be confirmed who are Eucharistic ministers at St. Anthony of Padua and would like to participate at the Confirmation mass, please call us.
May you and your candidate be ready to receive the blessings and graces that the Holy Spirit will bestow on these special occasions.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Patricia Seibert
Coordinator Religious Education