HN Español 4 – srta RennhoffMarzo 2013
Lunes / Martes / Miércoles / Jueves / ViernesFEB 25th / FEB 26th / FEB 27th / Feb 28th / March 1st
Target: I can review past tense endings and apply the endings in practice activities.
-Go over pg 53
Review endings:
26-29, 33-39
Do pgs 66, 67, 21, 46
Tarea: ¡No hay! / Target: I can review vocabulary and conjugate verbs in the pretérito tense.
- Do pgs 54, 13 & any left from Monday
-Review Argentina Exam
Tarea: Bring vacation photo / Target: I can conjugate verbs in the imperfecto.
-Brainstorm vaca words for act on pg 52
- Do pgs 9, 11
- Pretérito Crucigrama
- Flashcards
Tarea: ¡No hay! / Target: I can respond to questions in the pretérito and imperfecto.
-Pgs 22, 10, 40
- Flashcards
-Review when to use imperfecto vs pretérito
Frases Juego
Tarea: ¡No hay! / Target: I can respond to questions, determine whether to use pretérito or imperfect in stories.
Pgs 19, 57-60
Tarea: Quiz Mon!!! (pg 31)
4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Target: I can respond to questions, determine whether to use pretérito or imperfect in stories.
- Quiz on Usos & Vocab
-Do pgs 30, 49, 50
Tarea: ¡No hay! / Target: I can determine when to use the pretérito vs the imperfecto.
- Review pg 50
- Do pg 42, 61-62
Tarea: ? / Target: I can determine when to use the pretérito vs the imperfecto.
Do pgs 43, 69
Tarea: ? / Target: I can determine when to use the pretérito vs the imperfecto.
-Review Usos quiz
Chutes / Ladders
- Board Game
Tarea: Quiz Mon! / Target: I can complete review activities re-pretérito y imperfecto.
- Chutes & Ladders Pret Juego
- Recuerdo la noche…Pg 4
- Pg 18
Tarea: Study for 20 PT pretérito quiz!
11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
Target: I can take a quiz on the pretérito. (20 Pts)
1) ¡Pretérito Prueba!
20 Pts (need a pencil)
2) Target: I can play Jeopardy to review for the unit test!
3)-Go over test format / Target: I can write a journal entry in the past tense.
Diario re-pasado / Target: I can complete review stations for the unit test.
Tarea: ¡Estudien! / Target: I can take the Unit Test re-pret y imp. 60 Pts
Bring a #2 pencil!!!
Tarea: Ind Study due tomorrow!!! / Target: I can watch Destinos 33 & complete the Destinos guide.
Tarea: ¡No hay!
18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22
Target: I can brainstorm holidays. I can read an intro article re-días de fiestas.
Pgs 1-3 en librito
Video de Semana Santa y preguntas en pg 20.
Tarea: ¡No hay! / Target: I can learn about the important Hispanic holidays.
Pgs 4-5, 14A, 43, 37-39 en librito,
Tarea: ¡No hay! / Target: I can describe La Fiesta de San Fermín.
Viva San Fermín Video Pg22
Pgs 15A, 40-41
Hoja Fiestas y PGS 6-8 / Target: I can read and talk about fiestas in the Hispanic world.
Review Hoja Fiestas (tarea)
Pgs 9-10 en librito.
Folclore y Fiestas - leer
Pg 42
Scramble / Flashcards
Tarea: ALL Make-up work! / Target: I can learn about the Hispanic form of Christmas.
(pgs 11-13, 18)
Preguntas pgs 14-15
Tarea: ¡No hay!