Cardboard Citizens Volunteer Application Form
Please complete this form and return to
NameHome Address
Email Address
Date of birth
Mobile/ landline number
Over what period are you available?
How many days a week?
Are you
Working full time / part-timeUnemployed
What kind of placement are you looking for?
You can tick several options - please make sure you look at the staff page on our website to better understand the different roles in the company.
Workshop assistant(Please note that we only work with experienced paid tutors. It is however possible to volunteer as a workshop assistant to attend the workshops and provide admin support where required)
Stage management
Music/ sound
Marketing and communications
Graphic design,Press, Copywriting, Web, Promotions
Project management
Participant support / Information Advice and Guidance
Third sector / policy work
Other (please specify)
Please describe any experience or skills you have that are relevant to this/these role(s).
(Maximum 100 words)
Please explain why you want a placement with Cardboard Citizens and what you hope to gain from it. (Maximum 100 words)
Anything else you would like to tell usabout your suitability for a placement? (Maximum 100 words)
Please give the name and email address of two persons we can contact for a reference.
Please attach a copy of your CV.
Strictly Private & Confidential
Cardboard Citizens is committed to an Equal Opportunities Policy (overleaf). To ensure that this policy is achieving its aims, it must be monitored to assess whether equal opportunities are being achieved or whether discrimination may be occurring. This can be a sensitive area, but monitoring is recognised as necessary to eliminate discrimination by the Commission for Racial Equality, the Equal Opportunities Commission and other specialist bodies. We hope that we will have your co-operation.
This sheet will be separated from your application form and is not used in selecting applicants for interview. You may leave sections blank if you prefer.
Classification of Ethnic Origins - The Commission for Racial Equality recommends classification of colour and ethnic origin, and with the divisions used on this form.
Classification of Disability – Under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), a disabled person is defined as someone with “a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities”.
It is important that you have read the above before completing this form. Please put a cross in the appropriate boxes.
Forename(s)Surname / Previous name
Marital Status & Gender
Married / Single / Other / Male / FemaleAge Range
18-24 / 25-29 / 30-39 / 40-49 / 50+Disability
Do you have a disability covered by the Disability Discrimination Act? / Yes / NoAre you registered disabled? / Yes / No
Ethnic Origin
British / EuropeanIrish / Any other white background
Asian or Asian British
Indian / Pakistani / BangladeshiMixed
White & Black Caribbean / White & AsianWhite & Black African / Any other mixed background
Black or Black British
Caribbean / African / Any other black backgroundOther Ethnic Groups
Chinese / Other ethnic groupSexuality
Please describe your sexual orientationEqual Opportunities Statement
Cardboard Citizens is committed to implementing equal opportunities in all areas of its work and activities, both as an employer and as a provider of services.
Cardboard Citizens will strive to ensure that it treats no-one less favourably on the grounds of their race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, religion, gender, marital status, responsibility for dependents, disability, sexual orientation, domestic situation, physical appearance, class, political beliefs or age.
Where appropriate and possible, Cardboard Citizens will take positive action to ensure that a range of people are represented on the Board, within core staff and the performing company, in audiences and workshop participants.
All staff and volunteers of Cardboard Citizens will be made aware of the company’s Equal Opportunities policy and their responsibility for implementing this policy. Activity participants will also be made aware of the policy and that they should respect it and not act in a discriminatory manner to other participants.
Cardboard Citizens will monitor and review its procedures and practices to ensure that equal opportunities are being implemented in its work. Review will take place, at least once a year, at Board level.
Please complete this form and return to