October 2014
The date of the next litter pick will be Saturday 11th October, meeting at 9.30, just around the corner from the Veolia offices.
We usually spend between 1.5 and 2 hours –
depending on how many volunteers we get.
Litter-pickers/grabbers, sacks, disposable gloves and reflective tabards are all supplied by
West Lindsey District Council.
Please would you consider coming to lend a hand?
Even if only for a short time.
If you are able to volunteer please ring Sarah Bates on
01522 751515 or 07798670652
or email me on
so I know how much equipment to order.
Thank you – I look forward to seeing you on 11th October.
The taster led health walk in North Greetwell went down so well it has been decided to make it more permanent and from October it will be on monthly, the second Tuesday of each month.
22 walkers met at the North Greetwell notice board a couple of weeks ago and set off on a very enjoyable stroll through the fields and footpaths around North Greetwell. The sun was shining and the birds were singing.
Ann Ransome led the way with fellow walk leaders from Activ8 Lincoln and West Lindsey Led Walks keeping up the rear and making sure everyone was ok.
All 22 walkers completed the 2.6 mile walk in just over an hour, which is a great success for the first walk.
The walks are open to all, from new walkers to regular ramblers, anyone wishing to get out in the fresh air for an hour or so and enjoy the company of others. Dogs on leads welcome.
Meet at the North Greetwell notice board,
Second Tuesday of each month –
14th October, 11th November, 9th December
2-3 mile walk, some stiles
Report from the latest Get Together at Mach’s – Sarah Bates, Vice Chair, Greetwell Parish Council
Almost 40 residents attended the last Get Together on 3rd September. We had an interesting and informative talk from Stuart Gibbon (retired policeman) on home safety and protecting yourself from fraud and theft. Some items of the talk had previously been covered, such as property marking and attaching small bells on to your purses, but all was well worth reiterating.
He demonstrated how to retrieve the serial number of your mobile telephone:-
Mobile Phone Security Information
Your phone has a unique 15 digit serial number known as an IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity). This number can be obtained either from the original box/packaging if you still have it or from inside the handset usually on a sticker or by pressing *#06# into your phone to display it. Register this IMEI number with your service provider and if your phone is lost/stolen they should be able to prevent its use across every network. This is particularly relevant if your phone is a Pay as you Go as your provider is unlikely to have this number already.
Register details of you phone with IMMOBILISE at so that your phone can be traced back to you should it come into the possession of the police. The registration process is simple and free.
If your phone is lost/stolen call 08701 123123 to find out how to get your number blocked.
He also spoke about the latest ‘courier scam’ which involves you receiving a call from somebody purporting to be from your bank, saying that there had been some fraud on your bank card. They then ask you to ring your bank straight away to verify this. When this happens, they stay on the line so that when you ring out again they are able to pick up the call and pretend to be your bank. Then they arrange for a courier to come and collect your bank card. The way to avoid this is to make sure that you definitely get the dialling tone on your phone when you ring your bank. If anyone would like a free Property Marking Kit from Lincolnshire Police, please ring 01522 558146.
We also had a talk from a representative from Lincoln City Council who spoke about the ‘Walking for Health’ walks which are being held locally. Residents were invited to attend the first walk to be held in North Greetwell, led by Ann Ransome. (This was very well supported).
Residents were informed of future events in the parish:-
- The next litter pick would be Saturday 11th October.
- The date of the next Open Gardens event would be Sunday 5th July 2015 from 10am to 4pm.
The replacement of the gas pipeline on Wragby Road East has led to traffic congestion. On one occasion several properties on Wragby Road East did not get their black bins emptied as the refuse collection lorry was not able to stop in the one way system. When informed about this by a resident, members of the Parish Council worked with WLDC to get the missed bins emptied on the Saturday of the same week. One thing that came out of this was how we can contact residents quickly - In this case to ask them to leave their bins out for Saturday morning.
The Clerk to the Parish Council maintains an email contact list of residents, but not many residents are on the list despite several mentions of thisin previous newsletters. It would be helpful if any resident who has an email address could be added to the list to be informed of, for example, lost and found property, events etc., road closures, missed bin collections (as the bad weather looms). Your email address does not appear on the emails sent by the Clerk so you remain anonymous. Should any resident wish to be included on this contact list please email the Clerk on
We also had two games of Bingo, led by Councillor Chris Thatcher, and a free raffle. A bring and buy stall was available during the event which raised £8 (charity recipient to be decided later.
It was great that so many people were there, some who were new to the Get Togethers. County Councillor Jackie Brockway was in attendance and she was able to answer many of the questions raised by residents.
Some issues were noted by members of the Parish Council, to be raised at the next Parish Council meeting.
The date of the next Get Together will be Wednesday 3rd December.
------From the Chair of Greetwell Parish Council – Rosemary Seal
We are well into September now and it certainly feels like autumn. This is my favourite time of the year, I love the chill first thing in the morning and the leaves changing colour. Leaves on one of the trees in the garden have been falling off for weeks; does this mean a bad winter? My Thai daughter in law is so excited about the change in the weather; she loves the colours on the trees.
Before she came to live in England I used to take photos of the trees in the autumn and email them to her. Of course in Thailand there is almost a constant 30 degrees and apart from the rainy season, when you can be up to your knees in water, there seems to be constant sun and heat.
We (sorry that’s the royal we) like many others are collecting the last of the fruit and most of the veg. and I am clearing the garden of flowers that have finished. It’s beginning to look a bit bare.
The floor of our airing cupboard (warmest place in the house)is packed with demijohns which are full of developing wine, they are all popping away and the smell when the door is opened is fantastic.
The biggest problem for me this time of year is the darker evenings, as I have become older I find I really don’t like driving in the dark but it is unavoidable of course.
Now to slightly more serious matters. There has been a considerable amount of dog fouling in parts of the parish and it is very unpleasant. The corner near the notice board on Westfield Drive has been particularly affected. Although the dog bins have gone it is still possible to double bag the mess dogs leave and put it in a litter bin or take it home.
Dog dirt can carry various diseases, the most notable of which is Toxocara canis which is a roundworm whose eggs can be present in dog dirt. If swallowed the eggs may grow into roundworms which in extreme cases can cause blindness. West Lindsey has adopted the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996 and has made it an offence not to clear up after a dog has fouled. Anyone found guilty under this Act can face a fine of up to £1000.
I know most dog owners do clear up after their dogs but some owners are giving others a bad name.
I have recently become aware that some residents are either querying or are unhappy about some of the decisions being made by the Parish Council. We as a Parish Council are unable to consult residents about everything we do. Those of us on the Parish Council are co-opted members and between us we do our best to do what we think is best for Greetwell. We are not elected - but that may change next May, more of that in the next newsletter.
As we have stated before in the newsletter parishioners are very welcome to attend Parish Council meetings where concerns or questions may be raised. The agenda for meetings and official notes of previous meetings are displayed on the notice boards and can also be found on our website. Residents of course can always contact councillors personally.
To lighter matters now. I hope those of you who did the Health Walk on September 9th enjoyed it. This was a taster walk but judging by the numbers who walked and the comments at the end I hope it won’t be the last we do.
The public footpath at the end of Westfield Avenue has been cleared at last and we are now able to walk down it with no chance of being stung by nettles or attacked by brambles. Because the footpath is now only being officially cleared twice a year we have asked if after it has been cut back it can be sprayed, hopefully preventing the growth of weeds or at least slowing their growth.
We have been told about potholes on Westfield Approach and will pass this on to the Highways Department at the County Council. Residents can easily report any highway matter they feel needs raising. Ring the Highways Department on 01522 782070. If they don’t know about a problem it can’t be dealt with!
The Parish Council have asked the Highways Department that since the works have now finished that Westfield Drivefootpath now be swept. We can then ask for the road to be swept. We never did get the footpath on one side of the road resurfaced so will be reminding them about that also.
You will all have noticed the new road signs on Wragby Road. All the new signs are an initiative from the Highways departmentand the Parish Council were asked about the wording to be placed on them. There were several ideas put forward but I think the ‘North Greetwell only’ is simple and to the point- once anyone gets into North Greetwell the various street signs are clear.
Looking ahead, I have seen a local pub/restaurant with a sign outside advising us to book early for Xmas; this sign has been there for several weeks, next to the one advertising the outside eating area for the summer. Christmas gets earlier, my daughter in law in Leeds sent me a photo of boxes of mince pies on sale in a large supermarket and I have only today seen Christmas cakes in Marks and Spencer.
I do have to admit to having bought one or two small items already and as usual I will put them away somewhere safe and then will have forgotten where by Christmas- the joys of becoming older!
Again on a winter theme, of the two grit spreaders belonging to the Parish Council, one is to be found in our garage, 70A Westfield Drive and the second is at the home of Councillor John Taylor on Wragby Rd. Both can be borrowed if needed.
Dates of Parish Council s meetings are Monday 6th October and Monday 10th November – Both will commence at 7.30pm in the Old School, Nettleham
We are once again looking for people who are willing to help other elderly residents who are unable to get out to do basic shopping if the weather conditions this winter are really bad. If you feel you could offer this service please get in touch with me, either by phone, 754435, email or call in to 70a Westfield Drive.
Conversely if you are a resident who isn’t able to get to buy essential items because of the weather and in anticipation of a long list of volunteers please get in touch with me also and I will see how we can help out.
Thanks Rosemary
FLU CLINICS - Our flu clinics are now in full swing and it is not too late for you to book an appointment if you are eligible for the vaccinations.
From this year, these appointments are also available to be booked online via our website. If you don’t yet have online access to book appointments or order repeat medication, please call in at the practice with photographic ID so that a unique PIN code can be created for you. Once created this provides you with on-going online access.
If you don’t have internet access you can still contact the practice after 10:00am to book a flu appointment.
PAYMENT METHODS - The Practice, at present, does not have the facility to accept payment by debit or credit cards. All payment for non-NHS work must be made by cash or cheque, please.
In order to enable our doctors and staff to be kept up to date Nettleham surgery will be closed for training at 1pm on the following afternoons. Emergency help is still available by calling 111.
- Tuesday 21st October,
- Tuesday 18th November,
- Tuesday 16th December
Telephone - 01522 751717 (When the surgery is closed please ring Freephone 111)
Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Consultation
The first period of public consultation on the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan starts in October – with venues booked around the district for people to “drop in” for information / ask questions / give their views.
This plan will shape the development of central Lincolnshire up to 2036, so it is really important that people engage with the process and have their say. We shall be encouraging everyone to give their views on response forms - which can be done online too.
There will be Officers on hand offering help and answering any questions.
Dates /venues are below, with timing 4pm – 7pm at each venue:
8 October - Sudbrooke Village Hall
9 October - Caistor Town Hall
13 October - Rasen Hub, Market Rasen
23 October - WLDC, Guildhall, Marshalls Yard, Gainsborough
29 October - Sturton by Stow Village Hall
Chair Person - Mrs Rosemary Seal – 754435
Vice Chair Person – Mrs Sarah Bates – 751515
John Taylor – 752069
Tony Melrose – 750900
Keith Johnson – 754583
Chris Thatcher – 83 Westfield Drive
David Hennell – 750453
Clerk to the Council – Chris Myers 750531
County Councillor - Jackie Brockway – 01522 873175
District Councillor Malcolm Leaning –873175
District Councillor Giles McNeill 07896 0730737
Emergency - 999, Police - 101, PCSO Jackie Parker - 079440776801
Clergy- Reverend Penny Green - 01522 595596
West Lindsey District Council - 01427 676676
Lincolnshire County Council Highways -01522782070