Western University
Research Committee, Faculty of Education
1. Purpose: Faculty members are invited to nominate international visiting scholar candidates for a visit of approximately one month. The purpose of the visiting scholar fund is to help to support the research function of the Faculty by bringing an outstanding scholar and researcher to the Faculty. The funds are to allow members of the faculty to benefit from interactions with other researchers and are intended to support one visiting scholar each year. The Visiting Scholar will also provide enrichment to our graduate programs giving our students the opportunity to meet with and learn from an important researcher from outside the University. The visitor will:
· Participate, where appropriate, as a guest lecturer in graduate courses;
· Collaborate with Faculty of Education colleagues on shared research interests and work on academic projects;
· Present a public lecture on a topic of his/her choice;
· Provide two or three seminars for faculty and graduate students, again on topics of his/her choice;
· Informally meet with graduate students and faculty members.
2. Amount: Honorarium for the visiting scholar will be covered to a maximum of $5000. Travel to and from London, Ontario, accommodations and meals will be subsidized for the visit of approximately one month, to a maximum of $5000 pending availability of funds.
3. Eligibility: The host faculty member(s) must be tenured or probationary faculty member(s) of the Faculty of Education. Faculty members who are retired, limited term, part-time or seconded to the Faculty are not eligible to nominate visiting scholars.
4. Submissions:. Complete nominations, including the host’s signature may be submitted by email attachment to or as one paper copy to the Research Office by October 31 each year. The nomination must be received by 4 pm on the deadline date. If the deadline falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, the deadline will be extended to 4 pm on the next working day following the weekend or holiday. Late nominations will not be accepted. All nominations must be complete.
5. Role of the Host Faculty Member: Publicity of the talks and travel arrangements including all tickets for travel, transportation and booking of accommodations will be arranged by the Research Office in conjunction with the host faculty member.
6. Project Time Period: The visit length should be approximately one month. There are no restrictions as to when the visit must occur and non-summer term visits are encouraged. No funds will be granted for visits that do not have prior approval from the Research Committee.
7. Budget: Provide an outline of anticipated costs including honorarium, transportation, accommodation, and meals. Mileage and meal rates are available at: http://www.uwo.ca/finance/travel/. The lowest fare possible must be obtained for travel. Funding for light refreshments at the talks will be covered by the Research Office.
8. Additional Documentation: The nominator(s) must provide a one-two page description of the nominated scholar’s area of expertise and the prospective benefits to the faculty. A copy of the prospective visiting scholar’s Curriculum Vitae must also be provided. No additional documents will be accepted.
9. Adjudication: Nominations will be adjudicated by the Faculty of Education Research Committee. In general, the following will be considered in the adjudication: 1) a scholar who has an established reputation in his/her field, and whose visit to the faculty has the potential to enhance and foster research collaboration; 2) nominees should normally have a Ph.D. degree, evidence of outstanding scholarship and a full-time faculty position at a university with a recognized reputation in teaching and research; 3) the potential impact of the visit on learning and research for graduate students, and faculty members within the faculty (see Section 1, Purpose – above); and 4) consideration will be given to a range of interests and their representation across the faculty. Distribution of the award will be dependent upon the funds available.
10. Reports: A report on what was accomplished during the visit (the impact) must be submitted to the Research Committee via the Research Office, no later than two months following the visit. Failure to do so may jeopardize the nominator’s eligibility for internal faculty funding.
11. Funds: Funds may only be used for the visitor described in the nomination. The use of money awarded for travel is governed by the travel policy of Western University, to be found on the University's web site at http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/mapp/section2/mapp216.pdf .
11. Questions: All questions should be directed to the Research Officer, Faculty of Education.
Western University
Research Committee, Faculty of Education
Host Faculty Member(s) NameNominated Scholar’s Name
Nominated Scholar’s Academic Title
Nominated Scholar’s Department
Nominated Scholar’s Home Institution
Nominated Scholar’s City/Country
Anticipated Dates of visit: / From:
Current mileage and meal rates at: http://www.uwo.ca/finance/travel/
Total Anticipated Expenses:
Mode(s) of transportation / Insert mode(s) / $Accommodation (room) / x days @ $ xxx per day = / $
Meals / x days @ $ xxx per day = / $
Honorarium / $5000
Other Expenses / (specify) / $
TOTAL Requested: / $
Attach a one to two page description of the nominated scholar’s area of expertise and the prospective benefits to the faculty (see guidelines, #1-purpose of visit). Please also provide a copy of the nominee’s CV.
Host Faculty Member’s signature Date
Revised November 8, 2013