Charleston Middle School
Band Handbook
The Charleston Middle School Band is an active, competitive musical group that performs at concert assessments, public concerts, and football games. A high level of excellence and dedication is expected from every band member.
All students have a right to pursue an interest in music. Music is an important element in the quality of our lives and it enriches the traditional curriculum with opportunities for self-expression, creativity, and social and emotional development. In band, students will:
- learn to play an instrument and read music.
- participate in musically satisfying performing ensembles.
- cultivate a lifelong appreciation for various types of music.
- improve fine motor and cognitive skills.
- develop teamwork and leadership skills.
- learn how to set and achieve short-term and long-term goals.
- feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when they meet goals.
- make memories that last a lifetime.
- Awards at the annual awards concert
- Recognition at school awards assemblies
- Meeting qualifications for HS letter jackets
- Medals for participation in Solo & Ensemble
- All-Region honors (clinic, concert, & letter jacket patches)
- Band camp scholarships
- PACE tickets
- Annual trips and social activities
- Recognition in the Charleston Express
- Praise and positive notes or calls home
- Free practice or ensemble time (monthly)
- The fun of learning (each day of the year)
All band members are encouraged to take a 15-minute private lesson with Ms. Holt each week. Section rehearsals may be scheduled before and/or after school when a need arises. The Charleston Middle School Band usually has one or two Tuesday evening rehearsals in March in preparation for Region Concert Assessment. Ms. Holt should always be notified IN ADVANCE when a band member will miss a lesson, sectional, or extra rehearsal. All band members are required to participate in the Region Solo and Ensemble Festival. Band members are strongly encouraged to prepare for All-Region Band tryouts. All band members are asked to participate in all fundraising activities.
Band is a class in which students receive a grade and academic credit; therefore, the band’s activities must take priority over school clubs and organizations that are not graded.
All band members are expected to have a good quality instrument kept in proper playing condition. The school has a small inventory of instruments for students to use for a $15.00 per semester cleaning and maintenance fee. These are mostly limited to larger, more expensive instruments (euphoniums, tubas, French horns, tenor saxophones, baritone saxophones, bass clarinets, marching percussion instruments, large concert percussion instruments). Other instruments are available on a very limited basis. Students who use school instruments are expected to take proper care of them and are financially responsible for damage other than routine wear and tear. You may take damaged instruments to DSD Band Instrument Repair at 1124 Strozier Lane in Barling. They are open Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The band will provide books and sheet music for concert and marching season. Students who fail to turn in music will be assessed a fee so that their music can be replaced. Students are expected to have all supplies (reeds, oil, swab, sticks, etc.) necessary for class. At the beginning of the year, woodwinds will receive 1 box of reeds and a tube of cork grease and brass will receive a bottle of valve oil and a tube of slide grease. The band director will provide a list of music stores in the area as well as mail order and online sources for extra supplies.
Uniform: Black band polo (provided), khakis, plain black belt, comfy shoes (football season), black shoes and socks (concert season).
Students are responsible for keeping their uniforms clean and neat for each performance. When the band is in uniform, each member is expected be in complete uniform, worn properly. Jewelry must not be visible.
Students’ band grades are a reflection of their participation and contribution to the organization. Students are graded as follows. Percentages are approximate.
Rehearsal Grades (35%): Participation in daily band rehearsal is worth up to 10 points. These points are earned by adhering to the REHEARSAL PROCEDURE on page 3. Excused absences will not jeopardize students’ class participation grade.
Practice Records (15%): Students turn in practice records every Wednesday for 25 pts.
Exams and Quizzes (20%): Band members will have 2-3 playing and/or written exams worth up to 100 points every 9 weeks. Scores on playing exams will be determined on the basis of tone quality and musical accuracy (see rubric). Check eSchool HAC for more information.
Performances (30%): Performances are worth 200 points each. Each member is expected to attend and be on time for every performance of the Charleston Middle School Band. Any band member with an unexcused absence from an extra rehearsal or performance will receive zero points. Sickness, family emergencies, and conflicts with other school events that can’t be resolved will be excused. Absences for any other reason will be excused at the discretion of the band director. Students who are late will also lose points. Students should always notify the band director IN ADVANCE when they know they will miss or be late for an extra rehearsal or performance, otherwise, the absence will not be excused. Excessive absences can result in removal from the band.
It’s always easiest to reach me on my cell at (501)467-0920, but you can also call my office: (479)965-7170. The best times to call are 7:30 - 8:00 a.m. or after 4:00 p.m.
Students are eligible to participate in interscholastic activities as a part of a school's educational program if they meet all eligibility rules. According to the Arkansas Activities Association (AAA):
A student promoted from the sixth to the seventh grade automatically meets the academic eligibility requirements. A student promoted from the seventh to the eighth grade automatically meets the academic eligibility requirements for the first semester.
The second semester eighth grade student meets the academic eligibility requirements for junior high by successfully passing four (4) academic courses the previous semester, three of which shall be in the core curriculum areas (math, science, English, social studies) as specified by the Arkansas Department of Education's Standards for Accreditation of Arkansas Public Schools.
- Enter the band room quietly. Be seated quickly and ready to play at the tardy bell.
- Have your instrument, your music, and a pencil every day.
- Be attentive and engaged at all times. Follow instructions the first time they are given.
- If you must talk, adjust your voice to suit the activity. Raise your hand if you have a question.
- Always play with correct posture, hand position, etc.
- After rehearsal put everything in its proper place and leave quietly.
- Play or hold only the instrument assigned to you.
- Do not have gum, food, candy, or drinks in the band room without permission.
- Students may have a bottle of water in rehearsals.
- Do not run, horseplay, or exhibit rude behavior in the band room.
- Do not abuse or misuse chairs, music stands, or other band room equipment.
- Never use cell phones during class without permission. Do not place them on music stands.
- Do everything you can to maximize rehearsal time.
Our band will be strong if each student practices regularly and efficiently. Students will practice at least 45 minutes each week. This may be done at home or at the band room before school, during lunch, or after school. The practice time must be spread over at least three days because regular, consistent practice throughout the week is more effective than a once-a-week cram session. Students will document their practice time as they go and turn in their practice record—with your signature—every Wednesday. To see a sample practice record, visit
Band members are encouraged to take private lessons. The band director offers private lessons at no charge to band members who are committed to improving their individual playing skills. The band director can also recommend private teachers in the area.
The Charleston Middle School Band occasionally travels to performances. Departure and arrival times are announced to the band in advance. Transportation is provided by school bus. All students must ride the bus to the event. A student may travel from the event with their parent, however the parent must see a band director in person when leaving with their child. Band directors must have written permission for students to leave events with adults other than their parents or legal guardians.
State law requires students to remain in their seats at all times while the bus is in motion. Food, drinks, candy, gum, etc. are not allowed on the bus. The band director may make exceptions for long trips. Students are expected to be respectful to the bus driver and chaperones. Students must be totally quiet during roll call.
For everyone’s safety, noise must be kept to a minimum. Singing, cheers, chants, group recitations, screaming, shrill laughter, shrieking, loud talking, loud music, and throwing objects are not allowed on the bus. Band students will also make sure the bus is clean and free of trash after every trip.
- All Charleston Middle School Handbook rules are to be followed.
- Be a few minutes early.
- Be orderly and attentive at all times. Be ready for anything!
- Always behave in ways that reflect positively on the Charleston Schools.
- Public displays of affection will not be tolerated.
- Stay with the group at all times. Get permission to leave from the director if necessary.
- At football games food and drink (except water) is not allowed in the stands. If given a 3rd quarter break, be seated and ready to play at the beginning of the 4th quarter.
- Be courteous to spectators and band members from other schools.
- Load and unload your own equipment. YOU are responsible for your things.
Band members are encouraged to attend one of the many fine band camps in the area. Each year the Charleston Band Boosters award band camp scholarships to deserving students. The number and amount of scholarships may vary depending on available funds. Interested students should contact Ms. Holt or any Charleston Band Booster board member for more information.
University of Arkansas - Fort Smith – Junior High Band Camp –June, TBA ($190)
University of Arkansas – Fort Smith – Jazz Camp – June, TBA ($190)
Arkansas Tech University, Russellville – July 10-15 ($330)
Dates and prices are approximate. Scholarships are available.
Please check the band website first! It has a yearly calendar, weekly updates, pictures, videos, etc.
Website: ell Phone: (501)467-0920 – Call or text.
Office: (479)965-7170 – It’s always easier to reach me on my cell.Facebook: Charleston Bands
August 18, 2016 (Thursday) High School Band Kick-Off, 6:30 PM, Tiger Stadium
Hear the CHS Band’s first performance of the year!
September 20, 2016 (Tuesday)Student Recital, CMS Band Room, 6:00 PM
September 22, 2016 (Thursday)Home Football vs. Cedarville, meet at 6:00 PM
October 6, 2016 (Thursday) Home Football vs. Two Rivers, meet at 6:00 PM
October 8, 2016 (Saturday)Dale Bumpers Marching Invitational
October 20, 2016 (Thursday) Home Football vs. Atkins, meet at 6:00 PM
Cookie Dough Fundraiser Begins
November 15, 2016 (Tuesday)All-Region Jazz Tryouts, Kimmons JH (Ft. Smith)
December 4, 2016 (Sunday) Holiday Concert, 2:00 PM, CMS Auditorium
December 10, 2016 (Saturday) JH High All-Region Tryouts, Ozark High School
January 6-7, 2017 (Fri & Sat)All-Region Jazz Clinic, Darby JH (Fort Smith)
January 27-28, 2017 (Fri & Sat)All-Region Band Clinic, Darby JH (Fort Smith)
February 10-11, 2017 (Fri & Sat) Concert Band Camp, Charleston Middle School
March 7, 2017 (Tuesday) Spring Concert, 7:00 PM, CMS Auditorium
March 11, 2017 (Saturday) Solo & Ensemble, Clarksville High School
March 28, 2017 (Tuesday) Adjudicated Rehearsal, CHS Band Room, 6:00 PM
April 6-8, 2017 (Thur. – Sat.) Region Concert Assessment, Alma PAC, TBA
April 18, 2017 (Tuesday)Beginning Band Sign-Up Night, CMS Band Room
May 9, 2017 (Tuesday) Awards Concert, 7:00 PM, Middle School
June (TBA)UAFS Band Camps
July 10-15 (Mon – Sat)ATU Junior High Band Camp
*The exact day and time will be determined later and will be announced and posted on the band website ( as soon as we find out. Please keep all three days open!
Please read, complete, and detach this page,
then return it to Ms. Holt by August 26th.
Students: I have read the band handbook and calendar. I understand it and will honor it this year.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Parents/Guardians: My child and I have discussed the band handbook and calendar. I understand it and will support it.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Parents, please take a moment to complete the following survey.
- How do you prefer to receive information from teachers? (You may check more than one.)
E-mail: ______
Phone calls: ( ______) ______- ______
( ______) ______- ______
Text messaging (if different from above): ( ______) ______- ______
( ______) ______- ______
Notes sent home with your child
- Please list any health concerns you think I should know about for trips out of town: ______
- Please check the box that matches your preference:
I have no objection to my child being photographed in band activities for newspapers or other media.
I do not want my child to be photographed.
Thank you!
Middle School Band Parent Volunteer Form
There are many times during this school year when our band will need support from parent volunteers in the Charleston Band Boosters concession stand
and at some of our events in the spring.
The concession stand raises thousands of dollars for our band students every year for new instruments, travel expenses, and band camp scholarships.
Please choose one or more ways you are willing to help out this year.
Name of Parent Volunteer: ______
Name of Parent Volunteer: ______
August 22, 2016 (Monday)Scrimmage Games (Subi, Booneville, Hector)
August 30, 2016 (Tuesday)HS Football vs. Dardanelle
September 8, 2016 (Thursday)JH Football vs. Trinity
September 12, 2016 (Monday)JV Game, starts at 6:00 p.m.
September 15, 2016 (Thursday)JH Football vs. Mansfield
September 16, 2016 (Friday)HS Football vs. Ozark
September 19, 2016 (Monday)JV Game, starts at 6:00 p.m.
September 22, 2016 (Thursday)JH Football vs. Cedarville
September 30, 2016 (Friday)HS Football vs. Paris (Homecoming)
October 3, 2016 (Monday)JV Game, starts at 6:00 p.m.
October 6, 2016 (Thursday)JH Football vs. Two Rivers (Homecoming)
October 8, 2016 (Saturday)Dale Bumpers Marching Contest
October 14, 2016 (Friday)HS Football vs. Lamar (Band Night)
October 20, 2016 (Thursday)JH Football vs. Atkins
October 28, 2016 (Friday)HS Football vs. Perryville (Senior Night)*
February 10, 2017 (Friday)CMS Symphonic Band Camp (Chaperone)
February 11, 2017 (Saturday)CMS Symphonic Band Camp (Chaperone)
March 11, 2017 (Saturday)Solo & Ensemble in Clarksville (Chaperone)
March 28, 2017 (Tuesday)Adjudicated Rehearsal (Help serve dinner.)
April 6, 7, or 8 (TBA)Concert Assessment in Alma (Chaperone)
Other ideas for serving the band?______
*If the football team advances to the play-offs, we may need more help in November!
Thank you!