Draft Minutes
Executive Committee Meeting, One Hundred Fifty Fifth Meeting
December 1, 2015
Park Place Restaurant, Floral Park, New York
The One Hundred Fifty Fourth Meeting of the Executive Board of the New York Metropolitan Chapter, American Public Works Association (APWA) was called to order at 11:50 PM. Vice President Stephen Munno led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
The following Officers and Executive Board Members answered the roll call:
Thomas Rini President
Stephen Munno Vice-President
James Maxwell Secretary
Robert Mangan Treasurer
Peter Sciliano Director, SENY
Dominick Longobardi Delegate
Other Chapter or Branch Officers in Attendance:
Thomas McAleer LIB
Jeffrey Coleman, P.E. SENY
Michal Nowak SENY
Past Presidents in Attendance:
James Dean Year 1996
Region II Director and Past Chapter
President Harry Weed
Quorum requirements being met, President Rini welcomed all to the Park Place Restaurant and opened the meeting at 12:00 Noon.The Executive Committee then proceeded with the business of the day.
Minutes of the 154th Executive Committee Meeting held on October 7, 2015, were read. Motion to accept the minutes made by Dom Longobardi, seconded by Tom McAleer and carried.
Chapter Officers made the following reports:
President Thomas Rini Thanked SENY Branch President Jeff Coleman for pulling together and hosting the Annual Membership Dinner and Awards night. The Administrators Contract was reviewed for the six month period January 1 – June 30, 2016 at a cost of $1,000.00. On a motion by Dom Longobardi and seconded by Peter Sciliano and carried, the contract was approved. The Chapter budget for the period January 1 – June 30, 2016 was discussed. On a motion by Robert Mangan, seconded by Jim Maxwell and carried, the budget, though unbalanced (due to changes in the APWA fiscal year), was approved.
Vice PresidentStephen Munno
Stephen thanked those present for electing him 2016 President.
“Welcome Letters” have been sent to new members. The Fall newsletter will be going out shortly. Leadership training was discussed with a tentative schedule for the April 2016 meeting. Leadership training may also be available at the Snow Conference in Hartford, CT. in May. A Policy on “Records Retention” has been drafted and was reviewed by the Board. On a motion by Dom Longobardi, seconded by Jim Maxwell and carried, the policy is adopted and will become part of the Chapter Best Practices
The meeting location schedule for 2016 would be as follows:
Dates to be confirmed
January 13, 2016 - SENY Branch
April 6, 2016 LI Branch, Possible APWA Leadership Training
May 4, 2016 SENY Branch
July 13, 2016 LI Branch & Advisory Council Meeting
October 5, 2016 SENY Branch
Annual General Membership Meeting LIB, Date TBD
December 7, 2016 SENY Branch
The Chapter Officers for 2016 are as follows:
President: Stephen Munno, Town of Orangetown
Vice President: Thomas McAleer, Village of Valley Stream
Secretary: James Maxwell, City of New Rochelle (Retired)
Treasurer: Robert Mangan, Village of Garden City
Each Branch Votes two (2) Directors
LIB Branch Director Kevin Conklin
LIB Branch Director David O’Brien
SENY Branch Director Jon Reed
SENY Branch Director Peter Sciliano
Delegate: Dominick Longobardi,
Bob Mangan provided a written report of income and expenses between October7, 2015 and todays meeting. On a motion by Dom Longobardi, seconded by Jeffrey Coleman and unnanimously carried the Treasurers report was accepted. The report will be filed with the minutes
The following Committee reports were made:
Delegate’s Report
Dominick spoke on the changes to the Association’s fiscal year and reporting requirements.
Chapter Administrator Report (12012015)
- New York Metro Chapter 2016 Proposed Six Month Budget from January 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016 for Approval.
- Chapter Profile Information Update request that are due to APWA by December 1, 2015.
The chapter and branches new officers for 2016 were reported to APWA. The Chapter Committees will be reported in January 2016.
- Insurance Certificate – Annual General Membership Meeting & Awards Dinner:
The insurance application was prepared and was approved by APWA. Received the Insurance Certificate and sent to Louis Martirano.
- The 2015 Chapter Awardees were submitted to APWA and were updated on the Chapter website.
- 2016Chapter Administrator Services Agreement for the period of six months, January 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 has been submitted for approval.
- The Chapter Adopted Minutesof July 15, 2015 was submitted to APWA and the Chapter Historian Michael J. Sadowski
- The 2016 Chapter Letterhead has been prepared and sent to APWA to update.
- Chapter and Branches 2016 APWA Leadership Training:
Have discussed with Brian Van Norman, APWA Director of Chapter Relations in regard to our Chapter and Branches having a Leadership Training in our New York Metro Chapter area for the first week of April 2016.
- Upcoming APWA Education Calendar:
Click, Listen & Learn Programs: (Free to Members)
December 10, 2015 – Investing in the Future: Succession Planning
January 21, 2016 – Measuring the Total Value of Your Public Works Investment
Absent, no report
Jim Maxwell - will go out shortly
The following awards were presented at the Annual Membership Dinner and Awards Night:
Caplan Award
Peter Sciliano, Superintendent of Highways, Town of Mount Pleasant
Thomas Iacobellis, Maintenance Supervisor, (Auto), Town of Orangetown
Anthony Limandri, Highway Maintenance Supervisor I, Town of Orangetown
Floyd F. Wilcox Award
Karl Bohn, Highway Maintenance Supervisor I, Town of Orangetown
Anthony Perri, Highway Maintenance Supervisor I, Town of Stony Point
Sustainability Practices Award
Village of Valley Stream Energy Performance Improvement Project
Public Works Official of the Year
Ronald A. Carpenato, Director of Building, Code Enforcement and Land Use,
Town of Mamaroneck
Project of the Year
Town of Orangetown Oak Tree Road Bridge Replacement Project
Franklin D. Roosevelt Award
James J. Dean, Superintendent of Highways, Town of Orangetown
Scholarship Awards for 2015 were as follows:
SENY Branch
Jonathan Circosta - Drexel
Christopher Munno - Assumption
Vincent Salanitro - Binghampton
Long Island Branch
Info Pending
Absent. Jim Maxwell’s reports 10 new members since July 1st.
Audit Chairman
Absent - No Report
Jeff Coleman - Training provided in conjunction with the Cornell Local Roads program got off to a slow start due to issues at Cornell. Over 200 individuals were trained in Snow Plow Operations in conjunction with Ground Force Training. We will look to Outreach efforts with surrounding Chapters to step training.
Absent, no Report
Emergency Management
Jim Maxwell – 3 notices from National sent to Chapter membership as well as other training opportunities available from state and other professional organizations.
Absent, no report
Government Affairs Chairman
Dominick Longobardi – no activity
2016 Equipment Show
To be held in SENY Branch area
Report from Region II Director Harry Weed II
Harry spoke about the search for the search for the new National Executive Director. National will be moving to new offices and will hopefully be up and running by January 1, 2016. Problems persist with the new website and National is making every effort to resolve same.
Long Island Branch
President Dom Longobardi reports the holiday party will be December 3rd with gifts supported the Wounded Warrior project. All are invited.
Southeastern New York Branch
President Jeff Coleman reported the training on electrical utility safety at the Annuaol Branch meeting was a success. Incoming President Joe Moran will begin planning for the Equipment Show and Products Exposition.
2015 Chapter Dinner
79 members and guests were in attendance
Old Business:
Education efforts in conjunction with surrounding Chapters to be explored in 2016
New Business
Other Business
Date, Time and Location of next Executive Board meeting
Next meeting January 13, 2016, SENY Branch Area
Motion to adjourn the meeting by Dom Longobardi seconded by Stephen Munno and carried at 1:05 PM.
Best Wishes to all for the Holidays
Respectfully Submitted
James W. Maxwell
Draft Minutes- Hundred Fifty Fifth Meeting