(BVICAM's International Journal of Information Technology)
ISSN 0973 – 5658; Visit us at
Call for Papers
Special Issue on Fuzzy Logic
Submission Deadline: 31st August, 2013
Editor-in-ChiefProf. M. N. Hoda
Director, BVICAM, New Delhi (INDIA)
E-Mail: / Guest Editor
Prof. M. M. Sufyan Beg
Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering
Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi (INDIA)
BIJIT is a peer reviewed refereed bi-annual research journal having ISSN 0973-5658, being published since 2009, in both, Hard Copy as well as Soft copy. Two issues; January – June and July – December, are published every year. The journal intends to disseminate original scientific research and knowledge in the field of, primarily, Computer Science and Information Technology and, generally, all interdisciplinary streams of Engineering Sciences. In a short of span of four years, BIJIT has been indexed with some of the world’s leading indexing / bibliographic agencies like EBSCO (USA), Open J-Gate (USA), DOAJ (Sweden), Google Scholar, WorldCat (USA), Cabell’s Directory of Computer Science and Business Information System (USA), Academic Journals Database, Open Science Directory, Indian Citation Index etc. and listed in the libraries of the world's leading Universities like Stanford University, Florida Institute of Technology, University of South Australia, University of Zurich, etc. Related links are available at
BIJIT Seeks original papers for a Special Issue on Fuzzy Logic scheduled to appear in the March, 2014 Vol. 6, No. 1, January – June, 2014.
Over the years, Fuzzy Logic has changed our lives in a significant way. In a narrow-sense, Fuzzy Logic is considered to be a logical system, which is a generalization of multi-valued logic. A very important distinguishing feature of Fuzzy logic is that in Fuzzy logic, everything is, or is allowed to be, a matter of degree. Furthermore, the degrees are allowed to be fuzzy. In a broader sense, however, Fuzzy Logic is much more than a logical system. In fact, Fuzzy Logic is a precise system of reasoning and computation in which the objects of reasoning and computation are classes with unsharp boundaries. What is not widely recognized, within the scientific community and the general public, is that Fuzzy Logic has become a vast enterprise. There are over 280,000 papers in the literature with Fuzzy in title. There are 25 journals with fuzzy in title. There are close to 25,000 Fuzzy-Logic -related patents issued or applied for in the United States and Japan. There is a long list of applications ranging from digital cameras to fraud detection systems. Particularly worthy of note, on one end, is the Fuzzy Logic subway system in Sendai, a city of over 1 million in Japan. On the other end, numerically, is Omron's 120 million fuzzy logic blood pressure meters.
Some critics have been saying that Fuzzy Logic is a passing fad. This assessment of Fuzzy Logic fails to recognize that the world we live in is, in large measure, a world of Fuzzy classes, and that science has much to gain from shifting its foundation from classical Aristotelian logic to fuzzy logic.
It is on the above note that we wish to bring out a special issue, to celebrate the Golden Jubilee Year of Fuzzy Logic, in the year 2014 – the 50th year of the introduction of Fuzzy Logic by its Father, L. A. Zadeh, in the year 1965.
Original and unpublished research papers, based on theoretical or experimental works, are solicited for publication in the Special Issue of BIJIT. Submission of a paper implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or academic thesis) and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers can be submitted electronically, after logging in at our portal and accessing the submit paper link, available at no later than 31st August, 2013, with “Special Issue of BIJIT on Fuzzy Logic” being selected as Publication Type. Kindly note that papers submitted by e-mail will not be considered. Authors wishing to submit the paper to this Special Issue must refer to the website at for information related to the paper structure and formatting.
We follow a double blind peer review system and carry out two rounds of review process. In the first round, all the submitted papers are first reviewed at editorial board level and assessed on the basis of their technical suitability for the journal, scope of work and plagiarism. If selected by the editorial board, the paper shall be subjected to a fair and unbiased double blind peer review by at-least two referees on the basis of their originality, novelty, clarity, completeness, relevance, significance and research contribution. Based on the Review Remarks, the papers may be placed in any one of the categories like Clear Reject, Reconsider After Major Revision, Reconsider After Minor Revision, Accept as it is. The authors may refer the Paper Review Form at for details of parameters against which the papers shall be reviewed. If recommended by the Board of Referees (BoR), the papers may undergo multiple cycles of review, before finally being accepted. The corresponding authors of qualifying submissions shall be intimated accordingly. Final acceptance of a paper is based on the review remarks by the referees and decision of the editorial board. Publication of papers in BIJIT is FREE OF COST. We do not charge any publication fee from the authors for the papers to be published in BIJIT.
Timeline for Special Issue
Submission Deadline / : / 31st August, 2013First Notification / : / 31st October, 2013
Author Revision Due / : / 18th November, 2013
Notification of Acceptance, if Major Revision Required / : / 31st December, 2013
Accepted Papers Due for Editorial Review / : / 10th January, 2014
Final Acceptance Notification / : / 31st January, 2014
Tentative Date of Publication / : / March, 2014