Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management

2017/2018 (1st Term)

Course Code & Title: SEEM3450 Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Instructors and Teaching Assistants

Name / Professor Kam-Fai WONG
Office / Room 601, Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building
Telephone / 3943 8220
Email /

Course Description & Content

Entrepreneurship is about innovation: how to create value through new products or services, new technologies, business concepts, transaction mechanisms, etc. The purpose of this course is to explore the many facets of innovation and new venture creation, and the issues relating to the conceptualization, development and management of successful new ventures. The main learning objectives of this course are to:
1.  Experience the process – develop and/or identify and pursue a business opportunity with a team of motivated peers,
2.  Learn to develop an innovation plan,
3.  Write a business plan for a new venture,
4.  Analyze the issues – ponder the basic issues related to new ventures, the risks, challenges and rewards in innovation and new ventures.
The usefulness of the course to you depends on:
q  the commitment of you and your team to your selected venture idea,
q  the effort you and your team put into your project and how well you work together, and
q  the overall sharing and discussion in the classes.
In other words, your dedication and participation are what makes the class worthwhile.

Learning Outcomes

Learn how to use lean launch-pad method for innovation design
Learn how to write a good business plan for starting a new engineering business.

Learning Activities

Activities / Number of Hours / Nature of Activities
Lecture / In class / 27 / M
Outside class
Interactive Tutorial / In class / 10 / M
Outside class
Laboratory Work / In class
Outside class
Group Discussion / In class
Outside class / 10 / O
Field Trip / In class
Outside class
Project / In class / 9 / M
Outside class / 24 / O
Assignment / In class
Outside class
Reading / In class
Outside class / 10
Other (invited talk) / In class / 2 / M
Outside class

M: Mandatory activity in the course

O: Optional activity

Learning Resources

Text Book:
Hisrich R.D., M. P. Peters and D.A. Shepherd, 10th edition, 2010, McGraw-Hill *
Innovation Plan:
“The lean launchpad business model canvas”,
By Steve Blank,
Business Plan:
Pinson, L., Anatomy of a Business Plan, 5th edition, 2001, Dearborn Trade Publishing, Chicago, USA.
Business Carnvas:
Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur, “Business Model Generation”,

Assessment Scheme

Task nature / Weight (%)
(1)  Market Study
(2)  Lean Launchpad
(3)  Business Plan
(4)  Business Plan presentation
(5)  Final
(1 & 2): You are expected to form a new venture team of 5-6 students. Each team will submit 2 Venture Idea Proposals (ie “Kick-Start” and “Brushed-Up” versions) using the lean launchpad business model canvas ( which outlines the product/service to be developed. These proposals will give each team the chance to get an understanding of the size of the business opportunity and the effort required to develop the concept. They should be about 2-5 pages, and should explain the product/service and the business opportunity in detail. One hard copy should be submitted; one soft copy should also be submitted to CUPIDE. A signed declaration of originality (see form at end of syllabus) should be attached to your hard-copy submission. Marks will be deducted for late or non-submission of proposals.
(3): A formal written business plan preferably based on the product/service proposed in (1&2) should be submitted. Same as (1 & 2), CUPIDE must be used to check plagiarism.
(4): A verbal presentation of the business plan is expected.
(5): The Final Exam will be closed book and based on the lectures.
(6) There is no formal tutorial. / 10
100% (total)

Course Schedule

Class/Week / Date / Topic / Requirements
1 / 5.9.2017 0930h-1015h
(ERB LT) /

Course Introduction

/ note
1 / 7.9.2017
(TYW LT) / Part I: The Entrepreneurial Perspective / Ch 1-3
2 / 12.9.2017 / Guest Lecture
Startup company / Invited speaker
2 / 14.9.2017 / Continue….. / Ch 1-3
3 / 19.9.2017 / Continue ….. / Ch 1-3
3 / 21.9.2017 / Invited Seminar:
Lean Launch Pad / Invited speaker
3 / 22.9.2017 / Add/Drop done
4 / 26.9.2017 / Part II: From Idea to the Opportunity / Ch 4-6
4 / 28.9.2017 / Continue…… / Ch 4-6
5 / 3.10.2017 / Continue …. / Ch 4-6
5 / 5.10.2017 /

Public Holiday

6 / 10.10.2017 /

Part III: From the Opportunity to the Business Plan


Ch 7-10

6 / 12.10.2017 / Innovation Plan: presentation (Lean Launch Pad)
6 / 13.10.2017 /

Innovation Plan (Business Model) Submission

7 / 17.10.2017 / Continue …. / Ch 7-10
7 / 19.10.2017 / Continue …. / Ch 7-10
8 / 24.10.2017 / Invited Seminar:
Business Plan / Invited speaker
8 / 26.10.2017 /

Part IV: From the Business Plan to Funding the Venture


Ch 11-12

9 / 31.10.2017 /



Ch 11-12

9 / 2.11.2017 / Continue …. / Ch 11-12
10 / 7.11.2017 / Invited Seminar:
Venture Capitals / Invited speaker
10 / 9.11.2017 /

Part V: From Funding the Venture to Launching, Growing and Ending the Venture


Ch 13-15

11 / 14.11.2017 /



Ch 13-15

11 / 16.11.2017 / Congregation / --
12 / 21.11.2017 / Continue…… / --
12 / 23.11.2017 / Continue / --
13 / 28.11.2017 / Summary / notes
13 / 30.11.2017 / Business Plan Presentation
14 / 5.12.2016 / Make-up / --
14+ / 6-22.12.2017 / Exam / --
15 / 15.12.2017 / Business Plan / Submission

Feedback for evaluation

State channels through which feedback can be collected.
Announcement will be make through the course, ie: website:
Inquiry and feedback through email:

Academic Honesty

Provide link(s) to information regarding the academic honesty and plagiarism policy in the University for students. Relevant information can be allocated via: