Pasture Inventory Worksheet
Indicator / ------ / ------ / ---Score--- / ------ / ------ / Inventory Technique1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1) Desirable Forage / Amount (%) of foliar cover of desirable species present. / Visual plot estimate using plot frames (e.g. .25, .5, 1.0 sq. meters), and measurement of thatch depth.
Collect enough estimates to adequately represent the unit.
Less than 20% / 20 to 40% / 40 to 60% / 60 to 80% / More than 80%
2) Plant Cover / Amount (%) of soil surface protected by foliar cover of all plant species.
Less than 50% / 50 to 70% / 70 to 90% / 90 to 95% / More than 95%
3) Weedy and/or Invasive Plant Cover / Amount (%) of foliar cover of weedy and/or invasive species. Amounts of invasive species cover is shown in parentheses.
More than 75%
(More than 25%) / 50 to 75%
(5 to 25%) / 30 to560%
(Less than 5%) / 15 to 30%
(No Invasive) / Less than 15%
(No Invasive)
4) Plant Residue (litter) / Amount (%) of soil surface covered by dead plant residue in the grazing unit.
Less than 10% or more than 50% covered by more than 1” of thatch / 10 to 20%
or, thatch buildup 0.5 to 1 inch / 20 to 30%
or, thatch buildup present, but less than 0.5 inch / 30 to 50% and no thatch buildup / More than 50% and no thatch buildup.
5) Pest Damage (Insect and/or Disease) / Amount (%) of Area Affected by pest organisms. / Estimate based on line intercept transect method. Step point or 100’ tape should be used.
More than 50% / 25 to 50%-At or above economic threshold / 10 to 25%- Near economic threshold / Less than 10%-Present but, little impact / No damage evident
6) Woody Plant Cover / Amount (%) of foliar cover of woody species.
More than 35% / 25 to 35% / 15 to 25% / 5 to 15% / Less than 5%
7) Severe Grazing. / Amount (%) of desirable plants grazed below recommended stubble heights. / Visual estimate made by conservationist, or estimate based on step point transect.
More than 80% / 50 to 80% / 25 to 50% / 10 to 25% / Less than 10%
8) Uniformity of Forage Use / Amount (%) of ungrazed area in grazing unit.
More than 50%
Very large areas ungrazed / 25 to 50%
spot/patch grazing common / 10 to 25%
some spot/patch evident / Less than 10 %
only dung & urine patches avoided / Ungrazed areas not observed
9) Soil Erosion / Amount (%) of area showing evidence of soil erosion. / Visual estimate made by conservationist, or estimate based on step point transect.
Sheet & Rill Erosion / More than 40% Rills well defined and 3-8” deep / 20 to 40% Rills well defined and 0.5-3” deep / 10 to 20% Rills are 0.5-1” deep / Less than 10% minor rills < 0.5” deep. / No evidence of current rill erosion.
Stream Bank Erosion / More than 40% of stream banks bare & eroding. / 20 to 40% of stream banks bare & eroding / 10-20% of stream banks with active erosion. / Less than 10% of stream banks with active erosion. / Stream banks stable.
Gully Erosion / Large gullies (>18” deep) w/ active head cut and channel cutting present / Moderate size gullies (12-18” deep) present with active erosion / Small gullies (8-12” deep)
Animal trails apparent and well established / Gullies not present or very small
Minor evidence of animal trails / Gullies not present.
Animal trails not visible.
Concentrated Livestock Areas (CLA) / Presence and extent of areas where animal impact is concentrated, resulting in denuded areas or well-worn trails. / Visual estimate made by conservationist, or field measurements.
CLA’s present over ore than 25% of the pasture or runoff channeled directly into water bodies. / Isolated CLA’s comprising 15 to 25% of pasture and trails near water bodies (100-200’). / Isolated CLA’s comprising 5 to 15% of pasture and trails which are not within 200’ of water bodies. / Some trails and 1 or 2 small CLA’s (< ½ acre each or less than 5% of pasture), more than 500’ from water bodies. / No CLA’s or heavy use area treatment measures installed.
Farm or Ranch Name: / Date:
Field Office: / Technician:
Field #:
Pasture Suitability Group:
Key Forage Species:
Nitrogen Applied (Lbs./ac):
Production (est.) AUM’s/ac or Tons/ac.
Month and Year:
Indicator and Ranking Criteria
/ Enter Value (1-5) For Each Indicator1) Desirable Forage -Est. % of foliar cover of desirable forage.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
<20% / 20-40% / 40-60% / 60-80% / >80%
2) Plant Cover – % of soil protected by foliar cover of all plant species.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
>50% / 50-70% / 70-90% / 90-95% / >95%
3) Weedy and/or Invasive Plant Cover- % foliar cover of weedy/(invasive) species.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
(>25%) / 50-75%
(5-25%) / 30-50%
(<5%) / 15-30%
(No invasive) / <15%
(No invasive)
4) Plant Residue – % of soil surface covered by dead plant residue.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
<10% or thatch buildup >50% of area 1 inch deep / 10-20% or thatch buildup 1/2 to 1” deep / 20-30% or some thatch buildup <.05” / 30-50% and no thatch buildup / >50% and no thatch buildup
5) Pest Damage – % of area affected by pests (disease, insects, etc.).
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
>50% / 25-50%, At econ threshold / 10-25%, Near econ threshold / <10%, present, little impact / Not evident
6) Woody Plant Cover-Amount (%) foliar cover of woody plant species.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
>35% / 25-35% / 15-25% / 5-15% / <5%
7) Severely Grazed - % of area grazed below minimum stubble height.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
>80% / 50-80% / 25-50% / 10-25% / < 10%
8) Uniformity of Use – Amount (%) of area that is under grazed.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
>50% Ungrazed patches / 25-50% Ungrazed patches / 10-25% spot grazing common / < 10% only dung and urine spots avoided / Ungrazed areas not apparent
9) Soil Erosion – Amount (%) of area showing evidence of soil erosion.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Rill- >40%
Gully- Large / 20-40%
Moderate / 10-20%
Small / <10%
V. Small / No Evidence
10) Concentrated Livestock Areas (CLA) – Presence and proximity to water bodies.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Over 25% or more of the pasture or they channel runoff directly into water body / Isolated CLA's & trails over 15 to 25% of pasture and near water body (100-200’) / Isolated CLA s & trails over 5 to 15% of pasture and not within 200’ of water body. / Some trails & 1 or 2 small CLA's (<1/2 ac. or <5% of pasture) and > 500’ from water body. / None or Heavy Use Area Treated