GMS 6030: Autoimmunity
Draft Syllabus for Spring 2006-2007
Catalog description: Biological and biochemical aspects of immunology, focusing on molecular and cellular events involved in genetic susceptibility, pathogenesis, and treatment of human autoimmune diseases.
Pre-requisites: Requires previous knowledge in immunology. GMS 6140, GMS 6033, PCB 5235, or consent of instructor.
Faculty: Dr. Sally Litherland will be the director of this course, but many members of the College of Medicine Graduate faculty will participate in the discussions.
Spring 2006 Course Outline
Meets MWF, 12-1pm;February 13 through March 26;Room ARB R4-133
Date/day / Instructors / Topic / Reading2/14, Wednesday / Litherland / Introduction: class format & overview of autoimmunity / Janeway Chapter 13
2/16, Friday / Litherland / Autoimmunity common threads in multi-factorial immunopathologies / Nature Insight & NIH reference
2/19, Monday / Litherland & Peck / Polyglandular disease-AIRE mutations / Goldrath& Hendrick 2005; DeRoss et al 2006
2/21, Wednesday / Litherland, Atkinson, Clare-Salzler, Wasserfall / Type 1 Diabetes / Eisenbarth 2003 & TBD
2/23, Friday / Litherland / Autoimmune Thyroid diseases / Stassi & DeMaria 2002
2/26, Monday / Litherland & Morel / Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) / Christensen et al 2006; Marshak-Rothstein, 2006
2/28, Wednesday / Litherland & Liu / Autoimmune Hepatitis / Zachou et al 2004
3/2, Friday / Litherland / Neuro-muscular diseases / Vincent et al 2006; Steinman 2006
3/5, Monday / Litherland & Sobel / Bone & Connective Tissue Diseases / TBD
3/7, Wednesday / Litherland / Autoimmune Psychiatric Disease / Snider & Swedo 2004; van Toorn et al 2004
3/9, Friday / Litherland, Chan & Peck / Sjögren’s Syndrome / TBD
3/10-17, MWF / enjoy! / No class - Spring Break / find your papers for presentation!
3/19, Monday / Clare-Salzler & Litherland / Immuno Therapies / Nature Insight; Steptoe et al 2003; Harrison 2006
3/21, Wednesday / Litherland, Atkinson, Wasserfall, & Clare-Salzler / Clinical Trials / Kishiyama et al 2006; Chatenoud 2003; Keymeulen et al 2005
3/23, Friday / Students / paper presentation / paper selection due 3/21
3/26, Monday / Students / paper presentation / paper selection due 3/21
Format: paper discussions on reviews and current topic papers
Grading: participation & final paper presentation (oral)