Mr. Andrew Russell
Phone: (281)-252-2550 Ext: 7259
Theatre production is the heart and soul of Mustang Theatre. It is an advanced class that requires discipline, reliability, the ability to work independently, and passion. The student will be expected to participate in all productions in various roles. They will travel and compete in TFA, One Act Play, NSDA, and UIL, and work as an integral part of a winning, positive, and high functioning team. This class is as much about hard work and dedication as it is about talent, ability, and fun. It aims to provide as many practical learning opportunities as possible, as well as direct coaching from the director and fellow peers. We are a functioning company and family of performers with the goal of support and personal growth in mind.
Mustang Theatre Production Dates:
- House of Horror 10/26,27,28,29,31/2016 (Black Box)
- Evening of Shakespeare- 9/2-4/2016 (Mainstage)
- Winter Improv Showcase 12/7- 10/ 2016 (Black Box)
- One Act Play
Public Performance Spring TBA (Main Stage)
Zone 3/3/2017 (Mainstage)
District 3/8/2017 (Magnolia HS)
- Class Shows- Spring TBA (Black Box)
- Dramapalooza- 5/5/2017 (Mainstage)
- Film Night 5/18/2017 (Black Box)
Live Theatre Critique:
* Theatre students are Required to see all Mustang Theatre Drama Productions*
Being cast in a play or working backstage on a production (School Wide)
Working in the theater space
Event Management (for pay or community service hr)
Attendance at other live theatre events
TFA/NSDA Tournaments
UIL Speech
One Act Play
Film Projects
1st offense – Warning
2nd offense – Parent phone call
3rd offense – Discipline Referral
Serious infractions will be dealt with according to the student handbook.
Cell Phone/Electronic Device Policy:
These items are allowed for classroom use ONLY with teacher direction/instruction for research purposes. At all other times these devices are to be off/silenced and out of sight.
Required Materials:
· NOTEBOOK: A 3-ring Binder dedicated to Theatre
· 1 subject Spiral Notebook
· Blue or Black Pen
· Pencil
· Highlighter
Please see/email me to work out an arrangement if these supplies are a financial issue.
All supplies due in class by September 5, 2016
Calculation of Average
Summative (Test) Grades: 60%
Formative (Daily) Grades: 40%
Amount of Assessments
Per Nine Weeks
Summative Minimum: 3
Formative Maximum: 10
Per Semester
Summative Minimum: 9
Formative Maximum: 20
Type of Assessments to be calculated in Each Major/Minor Area
Project Performances (Production)
Practical (demonstration of skill- Technical)
Written Tests (All)
Script Tests (Production)
Main Stage Show Attendance (All)
Main Stage Show Participation (Levels 2-4)
Class time practice/work
Daily Grade Performances (Production)
Weekly lessons
Rehearsals during day
Rehearsals before and after school (Levels 2-4)
Late Work
Due Date / Turned in up to 1 week after the Due Date / Turned in 5 days or more after the Due Date, but prior to the end of 3 Weeks Grading Period
100% of Grade Earned / · 1 day = 90% of grade earned
· 2 days = 80% of grade earned
· 3 days = 70% o grade earned
· 4 days = 60% of grade earned / 50% of Grade Earned
Homework Policy
Very limited homework is given in these courses. Students are given ample class time to prepare. When homework is assigned, it is imperative it be completed in a timely manner.
Theatre Production I-IV Objectives and General Content Overview
Schedule and content are subject to change due to student, teacher, and class needs.
1. I will transform into a successful performer and competitor.
2. I will develop my craft every day, and demonstrate effective work ethic and practice skills
3. I can give my best to Mustang Theatre
Production I-IV General Content Overview
I. First 9 Weeks
B. Audition/ Warm Up Training
C. Script Analysis/ Style
D. Acting Coaching
E. First Show Prep
II. Second 9 Weeks
A. Improv
B. Second Show Prep
C. Musical Theatre
D. Thespian Festival Prep
E. Techniques
F. Final Scenes/ Monologues
III. Third 9 Weeks
A. UIL Prep
C. Theatre History
IV. Fourth 9 Weeks
A. Film Project
B. Play Structure
C. Hodge Analysis
D. Play Writing
E. Directing
F. Make Up
G. Film
Dear Parents and Students:
I am delighted that you have chosen to become involved in theatre at Magnolia West High School. There are many opportunities for participation in Magnolia West Drama throughout the year. Students will have the opportunity to audition for plays, work back stage on a production crew, and participate in the UIL One-Act Play Competition. Whether you participate in extracurricular activities or not, you are a vital part of our theatre program. Being a student at Magnolia West High School Drama involves and incurs certain expectations and responsibilities. In order to assure that my students know what is expected of them, I have included a brief course description that outlines what students and parents can expect from my class. Parents should feel free to contact me at any time if they know they have a question or concern. Please read the attached information and sign and date the acknowledgement statement below. I look forward to a great year with you all!
Andrew Russell
Theatre Director
Magnolia West High School
We have read and understand the class rules, grading guidelines, and required attendance of live theatre performances for theatre students at Magnolia West High School.
Student Signature Parent Signature
Date Date
Magnolia West High School Theatre Arts Library Contract
It is a requirement of all theatre arts classes to read scripts of plays to research scenes, prepare monologues and performances, and period research. Magnolia West High School Theatre Arts will be establishing an extensive library of scripts located in the Theatre Office. These scripts range from classic period pieces to current Broadway productions. Most are recognized for their literary merit and have been selected for various reasons. Scripts include Pulitzer Prize winners, Tony Award nominees and winners, as well as scripts that have been freely adapted across the state for the UIL One-Act Play competition.
These scripts have not been edited or censored in content for reading purposes. Some of the scripts contain explicit language or mature themes. This is not exclusive to modern material. Although the language is more archaic, Greek, Roman, Elizabethan, and Restoration Comedies, as well as the Biblical Medieval Pageant Plays, all dealt with very mature and often controversial concepts. For performance purposes, scripts must be edited to conform to Magnolia Policy and be appropriate for teenage audiences. Students or Parents/Guardians of students who do not wish for their student to be exposed to this content simply need to indicate as such below, and the student will be given appropriate literature without penalty.
All scripts checked out become the responsibility of the student. Students are responsible for returning the scripts intact and unmarked. Should a student not return the original script checked out, that student is responsible for replacing the script. Scripts average $8.00 each, but depending on the volume, the cost can go as high as $50.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call me.
______May check out any script that is in the MWHS Theatre Arts Library.
______May NOT check out explicit, mature-themed scripts.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date:______
This form must be on file before a student may check out any script or operate any power equipment.
Magnolia West High School Theatre Arts Power Tool Acknowledgment
The various technical theatre courses, as well as some of the Theatre Arts courses, offered at MWHS will at some time during the course of the school year be working with power tools in the construction of the sets for the various productions. Various saws, drills, and sanders are examples of the tools used to create the elements necessary for production. Students will be taught how to properly use the tools. All use of power tools is done under adult supervision. Proficiency in the use of these tools is also one of the Theatre Arts TEKS established by the Texas Education Association. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call Mr. Russell, theatre director.
This form makes you, the parent/guardian aware of use of such tools by your student and must be completed before they may operate any power tool.
______I am aware my student will be operating power tools as part of the curriculum for the theatre department.
______My child may NOT operate these power tools. An equivalent means of demonstration of mastery will be used to achieve these essential elements. The student will not be penalized in any manner for this. However, students in Technical theatre will have their schedules changed to be in the acting course.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date:______
This form must be on file before a student may check out any script or operate any power equipment.
Student ID #______Campus Magnolia West High School
Magnolia Independent School District
Student Drug Testing Consent Form for Minor Students
Student’s Name Activity-Sponsor
I, ______, as parent or guardian of the above named minor student enrolled in Magnolia ISD and participating in the school-sponsored competitive extracurricular activity listed above, have read and understand Magnolia ISD’s policy regarding random student drug testing.
I understand that my child will be asked to provide a urine sample for drug analysis, and I consent to such testing conducted as part of the District’s drug testing policy.
I also understand that while my child cannot be compelled to produce a specimen, the giving of a specimen when requested by the District is a condition of my child’s continued participation in the identified extracurricular activities.
I understand that if a test of my child’s specimen reveals an unexplained presence of a drug, the District may take action against my child up to and including termination of participation in extracurricular activities.
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Student’s Signature Date