Request to Use/Adapt Material Previously Published by NASP
December 2007
Dear HCHS 3 Author:
One of our housekeeping tasks as we work on HCHS3 is to ensure that we have all proper releases from publishers to cover use of previously published material—figures, tables, quotes, and any adaptations of content. This includes adaptations of material previously published in a NASP book, journal, website, etc. such as the Communiqué, School Psychology Review, Best Practices, Children’s Needs, NASP website, etc. Thus, if you are an author who has previously contributed to a NASP publication on the topic for which you are now writing a handout and/or fact sheet, we are asking that you request permission from the NASP office to cover any adaptation of this material. This is a legal requirement and your request will be approved! Yes, we know it sounds a little odd, as NASP holds the copyright already on the previous publication. So please bear with us!
On our web page you will find the Reprint Request form. Here’s what you need to do—if this request applies to any of your handouts for HCHS3:
1)Download the Reprint Request form
2)Fill in the appropriate items including the title of the document you previously published with NASP on this topic, and the name and date of the publication in which it appeared (e.g., Best Practices V, 2008 or Communiqué May 2006, volume 34-7). If the handout appeared in HCHS2, please note the page numbers. (Contact your HCHS3 editor if you are not sure about this and we will find it for you.)
3)Note the line at the top for “Requestor.” Put your name on the first line (as first author) and your email address on the second line. On the third line, list the working title of your handout (OK if this is not the final title).
4)Send this form US mail to:
Denise Ferrenz, NASP Publications
4340 East West Highway #402
Bethesda, MD20814
This will cover any and all uses of material from your previous publication, including charts, graphs, quotes, adaptations of content.
On your handout:
All requests for reprint permission for this project will be approved. If you have sent in this request, please note the statement that must appear at the end of your handout as indicated on the permission form.
“[Adapted from, Table from, etc as relevant] copyright (applicable date) by the National Association of School Psychologists, Bethesda, MD. Use of this material is by permission of the publisher.
This reprint permission process is in addition to the copyright release form that all authors are asked to sign for the new document (see document on this site). You will note that in that form is a section indicating that you are guaranteeing that you are the author/owner of the work. Seeking this additional permission from NASP (or other publishers if required) takes care of any exceptions.
This is also apart from any permission you may need to request from another publisher if you want to use previously published material authored by your or someone else. In this situation we expect that you will request reprint permission (e.g., for a graph or table or quote) and provide that in written or electronic form to your HCHS3 editor. This can be tedious to obtain so we actively discourage using other, non-NASP published material unless absolutely necessary to your handout. If the material authored by someone else is published by NASP, please send your request to Chris Goode at
Thanks for taking the time to obtain all necessary permissions. Please contact us if you have any questions. You can also reach Chris Goode with questions about permission by email or at 301-657-0270. Please take care of this task as soon as possible!
Andrea, Leslie and Steve