Nomination Form
About the Award: This Award is presented annually by Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (PARC), in memory of Alison Haskell (1956 – 2006), to recognize an individual who conducts work in an active PARC area (Fig. 1) and exemplifies extraordinary commitment to herpetofaunal conservation, as did Alison. Award recipients will receive a cash award of $1000 and an engraved, commemorative plaque.
Figure 1. Map showing active PARC areas outlined in yellow.
Award Criteria:
Nominees may be submitted by third parties, or self-submitted, and must meet one or more of the following criteria:
1. Any person who has displayed exemplary commitment to building or strengthening partnerships: (1) with stakeholders outside the individual’s agency or organization, or (2) with non-traditional stakeholders (i.e., stakeholders with whom an individual or agency did not previously interact), or (3) that promoted efficiencies in herpetofaunal conservation through partnerships.
2. Any person who has displayed distinguished career-long contributions to partnerships and herpetofaunal conservation.
3. Special consideration will be given to any person who has exhibited tenacious effort, leadership and professionalism in a manner that is inspiring to their peers, and who has been overlooked by other means of acclaim.
Note: Current voting members on PARC’s Joint National Steering Committee are not eligible for nomination. In Fall of 2016, those members are:
JNSC MEMBER / TITLE AND AFFILIATIONAndrea Drayer / Research Analyst at University of Kentucky in the Dept of Biology
Andrew Cantrell / Wildlife Research Coordinator of the Avian and Herpetology Lab Ph.D. Student at Alabama A&M University
Betsy Howell / Wildlife Biologist with the US Forest Service at Olympic National Forest
Brian Zarate / Endangered Nongame Species Program Biologist, NJ Division of Fish Wildlife
Candace M. Hansen-Hendrikx / Director of Communications Partnerships for Amphibian Survival Alliance
Casey Burns / Alaska State Wildlife Biologist for Bureau of Land Management
Catherine Sparks / Assistant Director for Bureau of Natural Resources of Rhode Island, Dept of Environmental Management
Clint Henke / Biologist for ERO Resources, Consultants in Natural Resources the Environment
Ian Jessup / Cellular/Molecular Biologist Analytical Biochemist
Jen Williams / PARC National Federal Coordinator, hosted by National Park Service
Jessica Homyack / Manager, Environmental Research North for Weyerhaeuser Co.
JJ Apodaca / Professor of Conservation Biology at Warren Wilson College
Katy Weil / Senior Science Analyst in the Conservation Program for Oregon Metro
Kristin Stanford / Education & Outreach Coordinator/Research Scientist (Lake Erie Watersnake Recovery Coordinator) at The Ohio State University
Lindsay Rohrbaugh / Fish and Wildlife Biologist for the Department of Energy and Environment
Mark Jordan / Associate Professor in the Dept of Biology at Indiana-Purdue University
Mike Benard / Associate Professor at Case Western Reserve University
Priya Nanjappa / PARC National States Coordinator, hosted by Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies
Robert Trujillo / Director, Biological & Physical Resources for Southern Region of the US Forest Service
Shelly Grow / Director of Conservation Programs at the Association of Zoos & Aquariums
Thomas Eason / Division Director for Habitat & Species Conservation for Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission
It may be helpful to see the past recipients of this award and the type of work that qualified them for this nomination:
Mailing Address (including City and State):
PARC Area(s) in Which the Nominee Conducts Work:
Nominated by:
PARC Region:
To avoid the nomination being disqualified,
you MUST ADHERE to the word and page limits.
1. In 100 words or less, how has the nominee fostered herpetofaunal conservation?
2. In 300 words or less, provide examples of how the nominee has displayed an exemplary commitment to building or strengthening partnerships.
3. In 150 words or less, describe how such partnerships significantly improved herpetofaunal conservation.
4. Provide a 1-2 page resume or CV and 1-2 pages of any other relevant information that documents long-term efforts, leadership and professionalism by the nominee. (Limit = 4 pages total.)
Initials: By initialing below, I certify that all information I have provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that all information will be subject to verification, and that falsifications will be immediately disqualified. ______(Type initials here.)
Please send the completed nomination form along with any supplemental information to
***on or before Friday, October 28 2016.***
Nominations received after this date will not be considered. Incomplete forms also will not be considered; please complete forms carefully! Award winner will be notified by or before mid-January 2017.
Thank you for submitting this nomination!
It is a great way to show appreciation for the work
being done by a colleague!!