Security in the Black Sea Region.
Shared challenges, sustainable future
PROGRAM CONCEPT NOTEOrganizers: / The program is carried out under the high patronage of the Romanian Presidential Administration, and the auspices of the Romanian Intelligence Service, by the National Intelligence Academy “Mihai Viteazul”through its National Institute for Intelligence Studies, in partnership with the Harvard University and the collaboration of the US National Intelligence University (NIU).
Rationale: / The program takes on the legacy of its predecessor, the Harvard Black Sea Security Program. While embracing the latter’s mission and goals, it is also designed as a framework aimed to take regional agency and responsibility further in creating a synergic and sustainable future for the region and beyond.
Lessons learnt from the former BSSP have convinced us that the Black Sea region can thrive if and only if each and every actor in the region is involved in preserving a shared core of values and a common approach to regional interests.
Goal: / The goal of the “Security in the Black Sea Region. Shared challenges, sustainable future” program is to foster an enhanced level of understanding and expertise, on the most significant challenges we are set to address in the coming period throughout the region, from energy security to cyber-crime or terrorism.
Embracing the fact that knowledge has always been a factor of social development, it is also our aim to preserve and further develop the shared body of knowledge, a common vision on major opportunities that await us into the 21st century, as well as on the ways in which we can address them efficiently throughout the region, through coherent security policies.
Program objectives: /
- Fostering communication and spreading innovative ideas and best practices throughout academia, policy makers and practitioners across the region;
- Continuing to develop our understanding on interacting regional and global drivers that affect the region, the local actor’s synergic development;
- Stimulating cooperation in areas of common interest for the nations in the Black Sea Region;
- Stimulating the promotion of regional history, values, culture and agency;
- Continuous horizon scanning to identify emerging challenges against the region, as well as opportunities to promote its vital interests;
- Encouraging growth of ideas, goals and strategic thinking of policy makers in the Black Sea Region.
Learning outcomes: /
- Participants are exposed to a large variety of political, academic, and diplomatic points of view on relevant topics for the Black Sea regional security, and they are, accordingly, encouraged to develop an interdisciplinary perspective on the topics under discussion.
- Lectures and practical exercises are balanced so as to encourage program attendees debate, perform horizon scanning, develop in-depth analysis, and create a vision for the future.
Structure: / A five days intensive training program designed to cover, in the years to come, topics which include:
Training themes: / 2014
- Energy security – innovative solutions to enduring problems;
- Changing drivers of conflict in the Black Sea Neighborhood – an early detection approach;
- Cyber Black Sea – catalystof progress or disruption;
- Think global, act regional – a vision into the future of the Black Sea littoral countries.
Target audience: /
- Policymakers and foreign affairs officials in the Black Sea Region, A6 level correspondent or higher.
Training format: /
- Presentations delivered by key note speakers
- Roundtable discussion sessions (reviews of current issues, policy analysis on topics that generate or benefit from extended discussions etc.)
- Problem solving sessions
- Alternative scenario creation & tailored exercises
Training Principles / Open discussion. Teamwork. Creative & forward thinking. Initiative. Mutual understanding. Respect.
Being addressed to regional stakeholders in the Black Sea Region and their partners, one of the main aims of the program is to create the right framework in which attendees can interact freely and creatively, in full respect of each other and their shared interests, to promote mutual understanding and respect.
The 2014 edition of the Harvard University (USA) –National Intelligence Academy (Romania) Program:
Security in the Black Sea Region. Shared challenges, sustainable future
Date / 2-7 iunie 2014Location / Bucharest, Constantza
Topic / Energy security – innovative solutions to enduring problems
Looking back at the first decade of the 21st century, we understand that we have been witness to an increasingly multipolar world in which power dissipates, traditional centric patterns of thinking are challenged and alternative solutions are shared with volatile communities of practice and interests. The Black Sea region has remained in this period a relatively stable environment. Its enduring problems have been balanced by new windows of opportunity and an increasingly dynamic cooperation which allowed it to maintain along an optimal state. But stable no longer necessarily means sustainable. Local actors, from state authorities to civil society representatives need, here as elsewhere, to take on the lead and create a sustainable future at regional level.
Furthermore, the Black Sea extended region remains one of the most promising future providers of traditional and alternative energy sources both for Europe and Asia.
It is the reason why, we believe, responsible actors in our region and their partners need to foster a common understanding and vision on regional development.
In this context, the first edition of the joint Harvard University (USA) - National Intelligence Academy (Romania) program will be devoted to discussing shared challenges and identifying the right solutions to maintain energy security in the region.
Program attendants are encouraged to discuss topics which will include:
- Strategic views on Energy Security in the Black Sea Region
- Black Sea Energy Security – social, environmental and economic impact
- Mapping new futures for common good – energy “windows of opportunity
- Shifts of power and factors of change – national and international outlooks on the Black Sea Region energy security
- Alternative sources of energy – different future(s), contested solutions
Day 0 (Sunday)
- Arrival & welcome dinner – Intercontinental Restaurant
Day 1 (Monday)
Presidency - Introducing the Program:
- H.E. Traian BĂSESCU, President of Romania,
- Amb. George Cristian MAIOR, Director, Romanian Intelligence Service
- Representative - Romanian Foreign Affairs Minister
- Iulian FOTA, advisor to the President of Romania,
- Sergei KONOPLYOV, Director, Eurasia Security Program, Harvard University
- Mihnea Constantinescu, advisor to the Prime-Minister of Romania
10:00-10:05 / Group photography
10:05-11:00 / Transfer to the Parliament
11:00-18:30 /
PLENARY SESSION: Romanian perspective on energy security
(intelligence, military, research, academia, private sector and NGO’s)
11:00-11:30 /OPENING REMARKS
Romanian PM
HE Victor Ponta, Prime Minister of Romania
11:30-13:00 /PANEL 1:
Prospects for sustainable energy security in the Black Sea Region – strategy & vision1
Moderator –Iulian Fota, advisor to the President of Romania- Crin Antonescu, President of the Senate
- Valeriu Ștefan Zgonea, President of the Chamber of Deputies
- Georgian Pop, President of the Standing Committee of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies for Parliamentary Oversight of the SRI Activity
13:00-14:30 /
Lunch – House of Parliament Restaurant
14:30 -16:20 /PANEL 2:
Prospects for sustainable energy security in the Black Sea Region – strategy & vision 2
Moderator – brig.gen. Ion GROSU, Deputy Director of SRI- Daniel Dăianu, Vice-President of the Romanian Financial Surveillance Authority
- Sebastian Huluban, State Secretary for Planning and Defense Policies, Ministry of National Defense
- Bogdan Aurescu, State Secretary for Strategic Affairs
- Răzvan Nicolescu, Vicepresident, Surveillance Council of The Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
- Q&A Panel 2
16:20-16:30 / Coffee Break
16:30-18:30 /
Building energy security(ies) and resilience in the Black Sea Region
Moderator – brig.gen. Ion GROSU, Deputy Director of SRI- Vasile Iuga, Country Managing Partner, PwC
- Andrei Țărnea, Director, Aspen Institute, Romania
- Gabriel Sebe, Vice Dean, Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest
- Andreea Răduțu, deputy head of General Directorate for Analysis, Forecast and Dissemination, SRI
- Cristina Ivan, SBSR Program Coordinator, ANIMV.
18:30–18:45 / Closing remarks
19:30 – 20:30 / Capsa Restaurant
Day 2 (Tuesday)
9:00-17:30 /PLENARY SESSION: regional perspective on energy security - Ronde Hall, Intercontinental Hotel
09:00-10:50 /Panel 1:
Prospects for sustainable energy security in the Black Sea Region – strategy & vision
Moderator – mr. Dumitru Irena, Head of the National Institute for Intelligence Studies, The National Intelligence Academy “Mihai Viteazul”- Dimitrios Triantaphillou, Director, Center for International and European Studies (CIES), Kadir Has University, Istanbul
- Peter Stania, Director, International Institute for Peace, Austria
- Vladimir Socor, Senior Fellow, The Jamestown Foundation, US
- Sergiu Medar, professor, former national security advisor to the President, Romania
- Q&A Panel 1
10:50-11:00 / Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 /
Mapping new future(s) for common good – Energy Windows of Opportunity (1)
Moderator – mr. Dumitru Irena, Head of the National Institute for Intelligence Studies, The National Intelligence Academy “Mihai Viteazul”Amb. Alexander Rondeli, President, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
MG Hayk Kontanjian, Head, Institute for National Security Studies, Armenia
- Ambassador Vsevolod Chentcov, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director for the European Union, former Deputy Head of Ukrainian Delegation to the EU 2006-2010 - Ukraine
Andrei Curăraru – Senior Consultant, Service of the Supreme Security Council, Republic of Moldova
- Q&A Panel 2
13:00-14:30 / Lunch - Intercontinental Restaurant
14:30-16:00 /
Panel 3:
Mapping new future(s) for common good – Energy Windows of Opportunity (2)
Moderator – Andreea Răduțu, Deputy Head of the General Directorate for Analysis, Prognosis and Disemination, SRI- Ms. Gulmira RZAYEVA, Leading Research Fellow, Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
- Mr. Sergei Goncharenko, Deputy Director, Department of Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russia
- Mr. Yordan Bozhilov, Chief of the Political Cabinet of the Minister of Defense, Bulgaria
- Q&A Panel 3
16:00-16:30 / Coffee Break
16:30-18:00 /
19:00 – 20:00 / Dinner – Crama Domnească Restaurant or Hanul lui Manuc Restaurant
Day 3 (Wednesday)
PLENARY SESSION: International Outlook on energy security
9:00-10:50 /PANEL 1
Shifts of power, factors of change – a NATO and EU outlook on energy security in the Black Sea Region
Moderator: Mg. Gen. Florian Coldea, First Deputy Director, The Romanian Intelligence Service(*Reserve: Vali Filip, advisor to the SRI Director)
- Amb. Sorin Ducaru, Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges
- Amb. Douglas Lute, US Ambassador to NATO
- John Dorrance, Head of NATO Intelligence Unit
- Ioan Mircea Pașcu, MEP
- Q&A Panel 1
10:50-11:00 / Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 /
Shifts of power, factors of change – an EU outlook on energy security in the Black Sea Region
Moderator: Mg. Gen. Florian Coldea, First Deputy Director, The Romanian Intelligence Service(*Reserve: Vali Filip, advisor to the SRI Director)
- Ilka Salmi, Director, EUINTCEN, EEAS
- (Representative of) DSG Helga Schmid OR DSG Maciej Popowski, EEAS
- Tudor Constantinescu, DG Energy Director’s Principal Advisor
- Philip Davies, Brunel University, UK
- Q&A Panel 2
13:00 – 14:30 / Lunch - Intercontinental Restaurant
14:30-16:30 /
Shifts of power, factors of change – a U.S. outlook on energy security in the Black Sea Region
Moderator: Mg. Gen. Florian Coldea, First Deputy Director, The Romanian Intelligence Service(*Reserve: Vali Filip, advisor to the SRI Director)
- Gen. Michael Hayden, NSA Former Director, CIA Former Director
- John Lombardi, DeputyNational Intelligence Manager for Eurasia,Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
- Lorenzo S. Hiponia, Director, Center for International Engagement, National Intelligence University, Defense Intelligence Agency
- Marshal - 1 faculty
- Gen. Tad Oelstrom, Director, National Security Program, Harvard University
- Q&A Panel 3
16:30-17:00 / Coffee Break
17:00-18:00 /
- WORKSHOP (session 2 – time for work group )
19:00-20:00 / Dinner – Crama Domnească Restaurant
Day 4 (Thursday)
8:30-11:00 /- Trip to Constantza
11:00-13:00 /
- Visit 1 – Oil terminal, port
13:00-13:30 /
- Hotel arrival and accommodation
13:30-15:00 /
- Lunch - TBD
15:00-18:00 /
- Workshop (session 3 – time for work group)
19:00-20:00 / Dinner - TBD
Day 5 (Friday)
9:00-10:45 /- Workshop (session 4)
10:45-11:00 /
- Coffee Break
11:00-12:00 /
- Presentation of workshop deliverables & closing ceremony
12:00-12:30 /
- Final conclusions and wrap up
12:30-13:00 /
- Time at disposal
13:00-18:00 /
- Visit 2 – cultural sightseeing
- Lunch - TBD
- Return to the hotel
20:00 /
- Farewell dinner - TBD
Day 6 (Saturday)
- Breakfast
- Return to Bucharest
- Departure
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