Kellie Arnold 6th Grade Math xtn:6073 Date: Monday 10/3/2011
Standards Addressed6.1B- The student is expected to generate equivalent forms of rational numbers including whole numbers, fractions and Decimals. / Objective
The student is expected to create a recipe where operations with fractions will be involved. / ELPS
3E-Studnets will share in cooperative groups about fractions. / Materials Needed
Entry Document
LCM and GCF worksheet
Lesson Name: Fractions
/ What is the teacher doing? / What are the students doing?Phase 1: Engage:
/ /The teacher will show the students a Top Chef video so that they will be introduced to Fractions. / Displaying the video and monitoring the room / Listening and watching the video
Phase 2: Explore:
The teacher will create a list of where in the kitchen they can find fractions. / Questioning the students / Listening and answering questions.
Phase 3: Explain:
The teacher will then explain the project that the students will have to complete in the next couple of weeks. They will have to complete an entry document and groups and roles will be assigned. / Explaining the assignment and allowing each student to choose their role / Listening, following directions and choosing a role.
Phase 4: Elaborate:
The teacher will then review fractions with the students. The students will then take Cornell notes. / Giving notes / Taking notes
Phase 5: Evaluate:
Allowing students to present and giving feedback, collecting trees / Presenting and/or listening to others present
Differentiation Strategies
AVID: Inquiry and Reading
ESL: Visual representations, video
SPED: Visual representations, differentiated numbers given, video
Pre-AP: More rigorous numbers
GT: / Costa’s Questions:
Imagine that you will be creating your own recipe. What are the goals a good chef should have? / Guided Groups:
Choose roles, group students accordingly to be able to work with guided groups. / Homework:
Spiraling homework on LCM and GCF
Kellie Arnold 6th Grade Math xtn:6073 Date: Tuesday 10/4/2011
Standards Addressed6.1B- The student is expected to generate equivalent forms of rational numbers including whole numbers, fractions and Decimals. / Objective
The student is expected to create a recipe where operations with fractions will be involved. / ELPS
3E-Studnets will share in cooperative groups about fractions. / Materials Needed
Egg Carton Worksheet.
Lesson Name: Fractions
/ What is the teacher doing? / What are the students doing?Phase 1: Engage:
/ /Students will receive their group folders. They will have to discuss their roles and responsibilities again. / Monitoring group discussions / Discussing roles and responsibilities.
Phase 2: Explore:
The teacher will then discuss the rubric on how groups will be graded for their project. / Discussing the rubric / Listening and asking questions.
Phase 3: Explain:
The teacher will then give the students the calendar that will explain the deadlines, checkpoints for the project. / Handing out the calendars and explaining it to the students. / Looking at the calendar and asking questions.
Phase 4: Elaborate:
The teacher will go over how to add fractions. Students will take Cornell notes. / Giving notes and going over fractions. / Taking notes and asking questions.
Phase 5: Evaluate:
Egg carton Fractions / Passes out worksheet, gives instruction then walks around room to help and observe / Listens to instructions and completes worksheet.
Differentiation Strategies
AVID: Cornell Notes
ESL: visuals
SPED: Visual and physical examples
Pre-AP: Less direction on egg carton fractions
GT: / Costa’s Questions:
Create your own model of adding two different fractions. / Guided Groups:
Discuss calendar and begin producing daily logs. / Homework:
Egg carton fractions.
Kellie Arnold 6th Grade Math xtn:6073 Date: Wednesday 10/5/2011
6.1B- The student is expected to generate equivalent forms of rational numbers including whole numbers, fractions and Decimals. / Objective
The student is expected to create a recipe where operations with fractions will be involved. / ELPS
3E-Studnets will share in cooperative groups about fractions. / Materials Needed
Product example
Daily logs
“find someone who” worksheet
Lesson Name: Fractions
/ What is the teacher doing? / What are the students doing?Phase 1: Engage:
/ /The teacher will give the students an example of the overall product the students are expected to complete. / Facilitating discussion, and going over expectations for the project. / Listening and looking at the example.
Phase 2: Explore:
The teacher will go over how to write daily logs for the project. Students will practice on how to write a daily log as a group. / Giving directions / Completing the practice learning log as a group.
Phase 3: Explain:
The teacher will then go over how to subtract fractions. Students will take Cornell notes. / Explaining how to solve subtraction with fractions. / Listening and taking notes
Phase 4: Elaborate:
The students will complete the “find someone who” worksheet over subtracting fractions / Giving directions, and monitoring the activity / Listening to instructions and completing the assignments.
Phase 5: Evaluate:
Grade for understanding.
Differentiation Strategies
AVID: Cornell notes, collaboration
ESL: Visual examples
SPED: Visual examples
GT: / Costa’s Questions: / Guided Groups: / Homework:
Practice problems over subtracting fractions.
Kellie Arnold 6th Grade Math xtn:6073 Date: Thursday 10/6/2011
6.1B- The student is expected to generate equivalent forms of rational numbers including whole numbers, fractions and Decimals. / Objective
The student is expected to create a recipe where operations with fractions will be involved. / ELPS
3E-Studnets will share in cooperative groups about fractions. / Materials Needed
Knows and needs to know poster
Marcia’s Problems worksheet
Lesson Name:
Action: Summative Assessment
/ What is the teacher doing? / What are the students doing?Phase 1: Engage:
/ /The teacher will give the overview of the project. The students will then have to produce a list of the Knows and the needs to know objectives for the project. / Facilitating discussion, and writing down students responses. / Giving their results to the teacher, and coming up with things they need to know.
Phase 2: Explore:
The teacher will then review the list of items the students know. / Assigns partners, hands out sheet, gives instructions and walks around helping/observing / Works with partner and hundreds chart to find least common multiples on table.
Phase 3: Explain:
The teacher will then go over how to add and subtract mixed numbers. Students will take Cornell notes. / Explaining how to solve subtraction with fractions. / Listening and taking notes
Phase 4: Elaborate:
The students will complete “Marcia’s Problems” worksheet. / Giving directions, and monitoring the activity / Listening to instructions and completing the assignments.
Phase 5: Evaluate:
Grade for understanding.
Differentiation Strategies
AVID: Cornell notes, collaboration
ESL: Visual examples
SPED: Visual examples
GT: / Costa’s Questions: / Guided Groups: / Homework:
Practice problems over adding and subtracting mixed numbers.
Kellie Arnold 6th Grade Math xtn:6073 Date: Friday 10/7/2011
Standards Addressed6.1B- The student is expected to generate equivalent forms of rational numbers including whole numbers, fractions and Decimals. / Objective
The student is expected to create a recipe where operations with fractions will be involved. / ELPS
3E-Studnets will share in cooperative groups about fractions. / Materials Needed
Quiz over Project
Adding and Subtracting mixed numbers
Lesson Name: Fractions
/ What is the teacher doing? / What are the students doing?Phase 1: Engage:
/ /The students will take a quiz over all the expectations and overview of the project / Monitoring the room for behavior / Completing the quiz
Phase 2: Explore:
Students will complete a worksheet over adding and subtracting Mixed numbers, finding the common denominator, and modeling fraction addition and subtraction if time remains after the test. / Monitoring the room for behavior / Completing the assignment.
Phase 3: Explain:
Phase 4: Elaborate:
Phase 5: Evaluate:
Differentiation Strategies
AVID: Collaboration & Inquiry
ESL: Visual representation
SPED: Peer assistance
GT: / Costa’s Questions: / Guided Groups: / Homework: