2nd May 2016
Dear Resident/Occupier/Business,
Change to Traffic Flow Stoke Lane
As part of the MetroBus build, there are currently two-way portable traffic signals approximately 300m in length half way along Stoke Lane.The impacts of the works have been assessedand plans are in place to change this to a one-way system from 22nd May 2016.
The one-way system is due to be implemented on Stoke Lane from the junction with Frenchay Park Road up to the residential spur of Lancelot Road for an anticipated period of 12 months.
The northbound traffic restriction will send all flow from the junction of Frenchay Park Road continuing on Bristol Road up to Hambrook Junction, along the A4174 Avon Ring Road, under the M32 J1, remaining on A4174 Filton Road, turning left onto Coldharbour Lane back to UWE Roundabout with Stoke Lane.
Residential access will be maintainedfrom the UWE Roundabout with two-way traffic possible up to the junction of Lancelot Road. From Lancelot Road one-way traffic shall be allowed to travel down Stoke Lane towards Frenchay Park Road Junction, with both Left & Right turn movements being allowed at this juncture.
The one-way flow shall allow the contractor to construct the retaining wall which is critical to the scheme so that the road can be widened and allowing safe working for all (see attached plan). Whilst the construction of this is being undertaken, where feasible, the contractor will maximise the other areas of works within the one-way restriction to mitigate the delays that would be incurred using temporary traffic signals. It is anticipated this will reduce the overallconstruction period significantly on Stoke Lane.
We are mindful of the sensitivity to the users of the one-way system and the impact it will have on the surrounding areas and businesses. However, this has been established as the lesser impact for the road users than temporary two-way traffic signals for the majority of the scheme. We trust this offers an insight into the decision that has been made to change and implement the one-way system and apologise in advance for the delays this may cause whilst constructing the MetroBus Scheme.
We have Public Drop-Ins arranged at the following dates, venues and times: The University of the West of EnglandMonday 16th May 2016 between 1.30pm and 3pm, Stapleton and Begbrook Community Centre, Tuesday 17th May 2016 between 5.30pm and 7.30pm, Frenchay Village Hall, Thursday 19th May 2016 between 4pm and 6pm. The Contractor and project staff will be available to answer questions about MetroBus and the diversion which begins on May 22nd. Advice on travel options will also be available.
Should you have any questions or concerns relating to the works, please do not hesitate to contact me on 0845 86 22 327, between 8am and 6pm Monday to Saturday, outside these hours, please leave a message and I will come back to you. Alternatively, you can email me at . The Travelwest web site has more information on the project
Yours faithfully,
Jim Aitken
Public Liaison Officer
Alun Griffiths (Contractor) Ltd.
0845 86 22 327 (calls will cost you 2p per min plus your call providers access charge)