From All to Each and Every: Resources to Support Your Role As An Inclusive Leader
Camille Catlett/ This handout is available to download at
Developmentally Appropriate Practice
NAEYC. (2009). Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs serving children from birth through age 8.
What is known about child development and learning—referring to knowledge of age-related characteristics that permits general predictions about what experiences are likely to best promote children’s learning and development
What is known about the social and cultural contexts in which children live— referring to the values, expectations, and behavioral and linguistic conventions that shape children’s lives at home and in their communities that practitioners must strive to understand in order to ensure that learning experiences in the program or school are meaningful, relevant, and respectful for each child and family
What is known about each child as an individual—referring to what practitioners learn about each child that has implications for how best to adapt and be responsive to that individual variation
Developmentally Appropriate
Wisconsin’s Model Early Learning Standards
Resources to Support Contextually Appropriate Practices
Resource List: Supporting the Learning and Development of Young Dual Language Learners
Diversity: Contrasting Perspectives
This video introduces diverse perspectives on various aspects of caregiving that impact health, safety and nutrition in the home and child care settings. It discusses cultural differences in caregiving practices ranging from feeding to toilet teaching.
A Better Start: Why Classroom Diversity Matters in Early Education
This publication summarizes what we know about racial and economic diversity in Head Start and state pre-K classrooms, discusses how diversity and quality are linked, and recommends steps to increase diversity in preschool classrooms.
Disparate Access: Head Start and Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Data by Race and Ethnicity
This brief highlights state-level data by race and ethnicity about differential access to Head Start preschool, Early Head Start (EHS), and CCDBG-funded child care, analyzed here for the first time. The brief also identifies potential policy implications and the gaps in the data that limit our ability to more comprehensively analyze the findings.
Reducing Disparities in Early Care and Education and School Readiness
Among income-eligible families between 2011-2013, only 38 percent of 3- and 4-year-old Hispanic children enrolled in Head Start, 5 percent of infant and toddlers enrolled in Early Head Start, and 8 percent of children between birth and age 13 used a child care subsidy. This report raises the question of how we can reduce racial disparities in the usage of Head Start and child care subsidy programs targeting low-income families.
Do Low Levels of Blood Lead Reduce Children's Future Test Scores?
Results of this study underscore that poor and minority children are more likely to be exposed to lead, suggesting that lead poisoning may be one of the causes of continuing gaps in test scores between disadvantaged and other children.
AERA “Ed-Talk” Videos and Research Fact Sheets
The American Educational Research Association (AERA) has released 31 “Ed-Talk” videos that feature leading education scholars discussing cutting-edge research on a range of important education and learning issues. For example, NIEER Director W. Steven Barnettdiscusses the impact quality preschool can have on achievement gaps and Barbara Rogoff discusses the learning strengths of children with diverse backgrounds. The videos are accompanied by 32 research fact sheets that the scholars developed to provide the underlying findings and cumulative research that frame the Ed-Talks.
Resources to Support Individually Appropriate Practices
Resource List: Resources to Support Inclusion
Know the Facts
Fact Sheet of Research on Preschool Inclusion
Research Synthesis Points on Early Childhood Inclusion
Know the Definition
DEC/NAEYC. (2009). Early childhood inclusion: A joint position statement of the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Chapel Hill: UNC, FPG Child Development Institute.
Foundations of Inclusion Birth to Five
Know the Benefits for Children Who Do Not Have Disabilities
How Inclusion is Benefitting One Child Without Disabilities: Dillon’s Story
DEC Recommended Practices
DEC Recommended Practices in Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education
(position statement)
DEC Recommended Practices (2014) (video)
Recognizing and Performing the DEC Recommended Practices
Evidence-Based Practices that Support Individual Learners and Inclusion
National Professional Development Center on Inclusion. (2011). Research synthesis points on practices that support inclusion. Chapel Hill: UNC, FPG Child Development Institute, Author.
Universal Design for Learning
Building Inclusive Childcare Universal Design for Learning
Integrating Principles of Universal Design into the Early Childhood Curriculum
Supporting Early Literacy Through Universal Design & Assistive Technology
UDL 101 in the Early Childhood Environment
UDL at a Glance
Universal by Design: Inclusive Approaches that Support Each Preschool Child
Universal Design for Learning: Reaching All, Teaching All
Universal Design for Learning and Assistive Technology
The Universal Design of Early Education: Moving Forward for All Children
Using Choice and Preference to Promote Improved Behavior
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Checklist for Early Childhood Environments
Assistive Technology
AT for infants/toddlers
AT for preschool
Assistive Technology: Supporting the Participation of Children with Disabilities
Assistive technology for infants, toddlers, and young children
Birthday Candle
CONNECT Module 5: Assistive Technology
Embedded Instruction – Learning - Intervention
CONNECT Module 1: Embedded Interventions
Embedded Instruction: Doing What Comes Naturally
Embedded Instruction for Early Learning
Embedded Instruction Practices for Parents
Embedded Learning Opportunities (videos, PowerPoints)
Embedding Instruction for Children with Disabilities in Inclusive Community Settings (PowerPoints)
Research Evidence on Embedded Instruction for Early Learning
Resources for Supporting Children on the Autism Spectrum
AFIRM modules
National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorder
Featured Film:Dear Teacher
Extraordinarily Ordinary
Champions of Inclusion by Bill Henderson
- Connect with [children] who have disabilities as individuals who are contributors first
- Communicate enthusiasm and act comfortably around [children] with disabilities
- Challenge [children] with disabilities to work their best toward high standards
- Creatively adapt and utilize appropriate strategies and materials to help [children] with disabilities learn and succeed
- Collaborate with others to maximize [children’s] development
- Make inclusion extraordinarily ordinary