Mrs.Durnin’s 6th Grade Science
2015-16 Syllabus
Course Description
Comprehensive Science 1 provides an introduction to the nature of science, energy, forces, weather, climate, Earth’s systems and the living world. Most of what we learn this year will be built upon in 7th and 8th grade science.
Students will learn through a variety of means. Classwork will include daily goal setting combined with a learning scale (a framework of knowledge and understanding needed to master the goal), working in cooperative learning groups, inquiry activities and traditional laboratory activities. Students are expected to review learning goals/scales and vocabulary regularly. There will be frequent formative assessments or exit slips for our learning goals.
There will be vocabulary quizzes and a new set of vocabulary words each and every week. Assignments will include reading the text and completing reading guides which help students take notes as they read to enhance comprehension and learning.
Students will use an interactive science notebook (ISN) where all work is kept in one spiral notebook with a table of contents. The Mead Five Star, single subject spiral is recommended due to its size and quality. Students will use one spiral ISN per semester.
Success in Science
ACharger Learner:
Communicates effectively
Has high expectations
Adapts and perseveres
Remains resourceful
Engages in meaningful feedback
Reflects on learning
Sees errors as opportunities
Required Materials (bring with you every day)
Pencils-no pens, planner, ISN notebook, calculator and Pearson Interactive Science textbook
The Pearson Interactive Science textbook may be accessed online.
Usernames: 55(student number)
Password: First initial and last initial + full birthdate in numeric form
EXAMPLE: John Smith born on March 5, 2002 would have this password: JS03052002
Tests/Projects/Quizzes 80%
Classwork/Assignments 20%
We will follow the Patriot Oaks Academy Middle School Grading Policy.
Grade Recovery
Students who score below 70% on assessments are eligible for retesting. The highest grade a student can earn for a re-take is a 70%. Students are only allowed to re-take a test one time. They will also be required to complete all original assignments that were given prior to the test and possibly additional assignments as needed to prepare for the re-take.Re-takes cannot be done within the regular class period.
Students should attend my weekly HELP sessions. These sessions are for anyone who needs extra help or for those who have missing work or need to take a test/quiz re-take. HELP Session days and times will be sent out during the first week of school.
Pacing Guide
Quarter 1: **** / Quarter 2: / Quarter 3: / Quarter 4:UNIT 1 Nature of Science / UNIT 4 Energy Transfer / UNIT 7 Cells / UNIT 9 Human Body Systems
UNIT 2 Energy and Motion / UNIT 5 Earth Systems / UNIT 8 Diversity of Life (Classification) / UNIT 10 Infectious Disease
UNIT 3 Forces / UNIT 6 Weathering, Erosion, Deposition and Florida Landforms
Mrs.Durnin’s 6th Grade Science
2015-16 Syllabus
**** Students will conduct an independent investigation/science fair type project that will be completed in quarter 1.
When a student is absent from class, it is his/her responsibility to obtain and complete any work that was missed. Students will need to write learning goals and scales in the ISN and use the PowerPoints to update notes (all PPT’s can be located on HAC).
All assignments, quizzes and tests will be posted in HAC (Home Access Center). This is where parents and students can keep track of grades, upcoming assignments and missing work.Parents will need to get their username and password from the school administration to access this valuable information center.
Please email me with any questions or concerns.
Please sign and return the section below:
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Please read over this syllabus with your child. This will help him/her understand the expectations and will ensure success in this class.
Michaela Durnin
Student Name ______
Student Signature______
Parent/Guardian Name______
Parent/Guardian Signature ______